by George Roof
Because I am a "lifer" in the military, I've seen the impact of a president more than many of you can imagine. I enlisted with LBJ and saw just what a Democrat cluster flock was all about. I
went to Vietnam and saw how we were constantly and incessantly
bombarded with micromanagement from Washington that got thousands of
military people killed. I sometimes wonder if I'll get to
heaven, but if I go to hell, I'm sure I'll still be a few hundred floors
above that b______ Robert McNamara, LBJ, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and
yes, even the "hero" John McCain.
After Johnson "abdicated" rather than having his a__ waxed, I lived
through Nixon who was hawkish but allowed the generals (and there WERE a
few real generals back then versus now) to run the show. He was so out of touch that he never knew North Vietnam was about to surrender when the Paris Accord was presented.
Bush 1 was an enigma from the CIA and though he never did much either way, he NEVER DID MUCH EITHER WAY.
Welcome to Bill Clinton. Clinton spent most of his two terms wagging the dog and creating the Oral Office, sending a bomber to blow up Qaddafi's tent and killing a goat or two, while allowing the UN to set up the infamous Black Hawk Down situation. He made history by becoming only the second president to be impeached.
I actually felt sorry for Bush 2. He was doomed to infamy from the start. He thought most of America was still the rah rah patriots of WWII when they were simply socialists waiting to feed him to the sharks.
Then there came the Manchurian Candidate with a faked (OK Democrats, let's say "of questionable origin" to assuage your PC brains) birth certificate, who'd gotten a free ride through college under a foreign student exemption, and whose college records and complete life history had been sealed. (We know more about Thomas Jefferson's bastard children than we do about Obama, Michelle, OR their two kids.)
Mysteriously, the lone outspoken conservative Supreme Court Justice suddenly dies in his sleep, his body immediately cremated without an autopsy, at an Obama pal's hunting lodge and the Supreme Court is evenly split.
But a shocking thing happened on the way to the forum.
Middle America had had enough and although the pollsters and the pipers tried to convince them not even to bother to vote, they were fed up with the denizens of the swamp.
The Socialist world of the Democratic Party disintegrated. An American who expressed unbridled love of country and respect for police, firemen, and military steamrolled across the heartland and the liberals realized their scheme was trashed.
Now, the same party who'd ridiculed Trump on his comments about the election being rigged, started screaming that the election was rigged. They even advocated having the election repeated.
So for you liberal lurkers and you half-a__ed fence-sitters, kiss off. You had your big hurrah and now your party is over.
Go cry a river some place they need water.
George Roof ispent 30 years in the US military as a Chief Master
Sergeant (Retired),in the Air Force. He was born in Lexington, SC and
is a practicing Taxidermist in Magnolia, Delaware.