by Tom Renz

Arizona is corrupt, and Katie Hobbs belongs in jail. Just the News published a great article that I encourage you to read.
The recently stolen role of Secretary of State in Arizona is currently
occupied by Adrian Fontes. Fontes is seeking to have Lake prosecuted for
tweeting evidence from the public Senate hearings, specifically
regarding the mismatched ballot signatures that we’ve all seen a
thousand times by now. So what’s really happening here.
Katie Hobbs and her organized crime crew – the same Katie Hobbs that
abused her power by requesting her political opponent be censored in an
election she was overseeing and competing in and who threatened to have
election officials arrested for not certifying her fraudulent election –
is now attempting to intimidate Kari Lake for questioning her and her
gang’s corruption.
If we the people, don’t stand up to
this, we can kiss our elections goodbye; our votes will never count.
This election was stolen, and the evidence is as clear as day. The lower
Court’s rulings in Arizona were so egregiously wrong in all three
election cases that they border on unethical, in my opinion. Kari Lake’s
case is one of the strongest election cases I’ve ever seen filed, and
there is no question that there were sufficient levels of error
(apparently fraud) demonstrated to overturn the election. I wonder if
the crooked Court will throw out the criminal charges as quickly as they
throw out many of Lake’s good counts or the Finchem case.
Where is the DOJ? I know Merrick Garland is a crook, but
shouldn’t he at least pretend that he cares about obvious election
fraud? Regardless, we need to put pressure on the FBI and the DOJ to
investigate what is happening here, and that could and should be coming
from House Republicans. We elected them to investigate these things, and
this issue is an easy one. Is anyone really suggesting to We The People
that the SOS and the AG are doing all of this in good faith?
were a number of federal officials up for election, so this would imply
the House could investigate. We the people have seen more than enough
evidence to recognize these crooks are abusing their power to try and
intimidate Kari Lake and her team. I thank God that Kari has more BDE
than the ED crowd in the US Senate (anybody seen or heard from
#EDLeaderMcConnell on all of this? McCarthy has an opportunity here. I
know dealing with election fraud is scary for those of you in DC, but if
you do not deal with this issue, what will you do when it affects YOUR
races? All Republicans should be fighting this.
Please stand with me and spread this information far and wide. Go to:,
and support the incredible work they do there. We have to stand up to
this. If they can steal this AZ in this egregious of a fashion, we
really have zero chance in 2024 and beyond. Encourage McCarthy, Gaetz,
Boeber, and Jordan to get behind this. Anyone who claims to be a
supporter of Trump should be working to fix this broken system.
We also need to look at the AZ courts and whether they need [to be ] reformed. The incorrect rulings based on conflated legal principles are absurd.
Even if the Court’s “fraud” standard were correct, that standard was
met. 60% of Maricopa County’s machines failed? Do you really think that
was an accident? Nobody makes election machines that badly. The normal
rate of adjudication was never over 4% (prior to 2020), and 2022 was
14%. Was that just an oops? How many were turned away in Republican
districts so they could not vote – was this another “accident?” It’s
just not credible to suggest what happened in AZ was anything less than
egregious election fraud
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