- Oberlin College has been hit with $4 million in interest fees for refusing to pay the $36 million it owes to a family-run bakery
- Gibson's Bakery in Oberlin, Ohio is struggling to survive after Oberlin College students and faculty member Meredith Raimondo accused its staff of racism
- Despite the allegations being proven false, students continue to boycott
- The 137 year-old bakery continues to struggle financially because of the incident
- Owner Allyn Gibson and his son, David Gibson, have since passed while the family awaits a $33million settlement from Oberlin College
Oberlin College was last month told it must pay the additional fee - equivalent to around $4,000-a-day for each of the 1,000 days it has refused to pony up - to Gibson's Bakery, The Chronicle reported.
College led by one of its disgraced ex-deans, Meredith Raimondo, lied
that the bakery's staff had racially-profiled three black students in
2016, despite the trio later admitting shoplifting.
But Oberlin has refused to pay up, and asked for another stay in paying the Gibsons what they're owed because of a pending appeal against the ruling against them.
That appeal is set to be heard by the Ohio Supreme Court, after two lower courts rejected Oberlin's attempts to slither out of paying the Gibsons.
Lawyers for the Gibson family say Oberlin failed to file the correct paperwork to justify their latest delaying tactic, and must pay up. The legal stalemate continues for now.
Gibson family, who owns the 137 year-old bakery, won damages after a
jury found they suffered horrific stress as a result of Oberlin's lies
and involvement in the boycotting of the business.