Death toll linked to contaminated eye drops (Burning Ague) rising as more report vision loss

by Allen Williams

Death toll linked to contaminated eye drops rising as more report vision loss

Another depopulation epidemic emerges as we now have poisoned food, water and contaminated eyedrops along with vaccine injuries.

The death toll of an outbreak linked to contaminated recalled eye drops has risen and more people have lost their vision. According to an update issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday, the number of deaths has risen from one — which occurred in Washington state — to three. What’s more, at least eight people have gone blind and four people have had their eyeballs surgically removed… More than 10 different brands of artificial tears have been recalled. Most cases have been linked to eye drops, made by India-based Global Pharma Healthcare.

I thought this might be globally related. This is more than a coincidence and makes one wonder just what the FDA is good for?  The Bible’s assertion that “in the last days perilous ttimes shall come’ certain fits quite well.

P. aeruginosa is resistant to multiple types of antibiotics and has caused about 32,600 infections among U.S. hospitalized patients and an estimated 2,700 deaths, according to the CDC. The strain that has been linked to the outbreak, however, had never been reported in the United States before, the CDC stated in its update.

I think that it might be more likely that an ‘offended power’ is sending another mesage that no one is listening to.. I’ve cited Leviticus 26:16 here before BUT NOT the entire passage . Here is the part I omitted “.. consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes....”  Although ‘ague’ seems to suggest a fever but it’s not limed to that interpretation, I suggest this latest discovery fits the meaning of ‘burning ague’ much better than a mere fever.

The point to note here is that TWO consecutive Biblical prophesies cited in this passage have now occured: (1) Terrorism and (2) CONSUMING EYE DISEASE. As Lindell notes: “What are the odds?

This Biblical term pretty well describes the eye condition cited and I suggest that all take a count of their individual offenses against what the LORD has commanded and ‘Repent’,instead of rationalizing the phenomenon away with other deniers. I think it’s a likely possibility that should be acted upon and not ignored.

The life you save may be your own.

The Slippery Slope to Tyranny

by Jan Markell

The world is groaning in every category, and it lacks a leader. Biden, Macron, Trudeau, et al, have all demonstrated behavior that resembles the Keystone Kops. So what’s ahead?
I hear from a lot of people! Here are some of the scenarios they see playing out in the near term. They can’t all be right, but here’s a brief run-down of what many suggest is ahead of us. You may disagree with one or all points, but millions of people believe one of the following scenarios will play out.
1)   A great awakening is coming. A tremendous revival. The days of Joel 2:28 are coming when God pours out His Spirit upon all people. This will precede the Rapture of the Church.
2)   God is long suffering and patient and wants all to be saved, thus we have decades left to share the gospel and rescue the lost. Let’s occupy until He comes and not be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. We’ve heard about the Lord’s return for decades yet nothing happens.
3) In America, the forthcoming elections in 2022 and 2024 are going to turn America around. We can and will make America great again. Prosperity will return. Life will go back to normal. With the right people in office, earthly government works.
4)   The church is being perfected and tried by fire. But she will prevail and the church will correct the problems on this planet, fulfilling “On earth as it is in Heaven.” The church will have dominion over the whole earth and then Christ can return. (Kingdom Now/Dominion Theology)

World Governments Are Collapsing

Sorry, folks, but points one through four are not what I see outlined in the Bible! World governments are in a predicted state of collapse thanks to the meddling of the globalists. They are causing instability, famine, war, poverty, and obsessing on the fake news called climate change.
The capitals of the world are preparing for the Antichrist and are taking directions from the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, and other globalists who delight in trampling on the people. They are acting as lawless and reckless as is every leftist in Washington, D.C. And the right isn’t pushing back!
Living When Truth Does Not Matter

Former White House correspondent Bill Koenig writes in his weekly e-newsletter, “The late conservative journalist and pundit Charles Krauthammer said once, ‘We are living at a time when truth doesn’t matter.’”

Koenig continues, “We see this in the liberal media every week and with many of the Congressional Democrats. They are dishonest and/or incapable of processing the truth, denying truth because the end justifies the means, or they are totally deceived. A spirit of delusion is prevalent in our county today.”

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Harbingers of Total Tyranny

Journalist Bill Wilson says we are on a slippery slope to tyranny.

He writes, “The FBI raid of Donald Trump’s home should be a wake-up call to all Americans that the Democratic Party leadership is intentional about re-imagining the homeland into a statist nation.

“From David Koresh and Elian Gonzalez during the Clinton years, to IRS treatment of conservative and Christian organizations, to the Russian influence scam, to spying on Trump’s campaign and the news media under Obama, Democrat regimes increasingly have abused government power. "

Wilson concludes, “This week, people should at least consider that the FBI raid on Trump’s home and the passage of the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are harbingers to the tyrannical agenda of the extreme left.”
Journalist Bill Wilson says we are on a slippery slope to tyranny.

He writes, “The FBI raid of Donald Trump’s home should be a wake-up call to all Americans that the Democratic Party leadership is intentional about re-imagining the homeland into a statist nation.

“From David Koresh and Elian Gonzalez during the Clinton years, to IRS treatment of conservative and Christian organizations, to the Russian influence scam, to spying on Trump’s campaign and the news media under Obama, Democrat regimes increasingly have abused government power. "

Wilson concludes, “This week, people should at least consider that the FBI raid on Trump’s home and the passage of the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 are harbingers to the tyrannical agenda of the extreme left.”

t evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)

Curtain About to Rise

The stage is being set daily for a drama that will be the story of the ages. The players are on the stage right behind the curtain. Our Heavenly Father is the writer, director, and producer of what is to come. An angel is holding a trumpet with his hands clasped around it. The Bridegroom has had enough of the foolishness of Godless men and is calling His bride, the Church, Home very soon.

There will, indeed, be a revival, but it will be during the seven-year Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. The Four Horsemen may be out of the barn soon. They’ll appear over a ridge once the Church is called to meet her bridegroom.

The Disappearing Act is Next

I believe the scenario I represent does not allow time for “turning things around,” a “great awakening,” “making America great again”, or for the church to crush the evil of our day (Dominion Theology). Instead, the church is going to suddenly disappear and fade off the scene! So, soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.

Jonathan Cahn Warns of a Pivotal Year for America in 2020

Jonathan Cahn, author of the Harbinger and the Shemitah brings a warning to America In Harbinger II - The Return to repent because the time of judgment is near but always preceded by a window of opportunity. But when the people fail to repent in the time given them, GOD will issue final judgment resulting in the country's destruction.

Winning the Ultimate Lottery

by Gerald Weston

We are hearing this week of a record mega-lottery here in the United States. Some people tweeted the following answers to the question, “What would you do if you won a billion dollars?” One said he would build the wall between Mexico and the U.S. Another said he would rebuild Mexico Beach on the Gulf coast, destroyed by Hurricane Michael. And another said he would give some to charity and spend the rest of his life hunting and fishing.

Perhaps you dream about what you would do with a billion dollars, or a significant fraction of that amount. After all, one hundred million, or even ten million, will go a long way! Many people, when asked the question, say they would give a portion to charity. I’m sure they are sincere in saying this, but would they really build the wall or give it all to rebuild a destroyed city? Maybe, but probably not.

Have you ever considered that, in principle, you have already won the lottery? Let me explain.

Jesus made it plain that His message was not understandable by the majority. For example, Jesus said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44), repeating this truth to His disciples shortly afterward (v. 65). How few understand this! Consider also, why did Jesus speak in parables? It is not the reason I heard in Sunday school. Jesus’ own disciples asked Him this very question. Here was His answer: “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matthew 13:11). A parallel account on this same occasion adds, “But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples” (Mark 4:34).

If you understand these things you are part of a very small group of people. You understand, not because you are more intelligent or better than others, but because God has specially selected you to do His end-time Work. He opened your mind to precious truth not generally understood by billions on earth today! No, it is not a lottery based on chance. It is selection by the Creator of the universe! But as with lotteries, only a precious few win, and you have been called to win!

Jesus’ parables reflect the value of knowledge you receive from Tomorrow’s World and the Living Church of God, the sponsor of Tomorrow’s World. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:44–46).

The Apostle Peter wrote an encouraging passage regarding the difficult and painful things we experience in life. “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:6–7). And Paul wrote, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18).

These passages and parables all point to one great truth: Everything physical will perish, but the choices we make in life and the faith in God that we express by our actions are of far greater value than the things for which most people crave. As John instructs us, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.    And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15, 17).

We do not like to think about it, but we will all come to the end of this physical existence, and the end of the trail comes sooner than we once thought. Young people may know this academically. Older folks measure the days (Psalm 39:4).

What if you did win the mega-lottery? How long would it last? What would you do with it? What truly lasting value would hunting and fishing give you in the end? Now please understand. Hunting and fishing have worthy recreational value, and I personally try to take off a few days each year to go fishing, but should that be the purpose of one’s life? What happens when the end of the trail comes? Then what?

The fact that you are reading this indicates you are probably one who sees more to life than another fishing trip, a game of golf, or winning the mega-lottery. Your contributions and your prayers show your love for God and your love for others (Matthew 22:35–40).

Our offices around the world receive a continual stream of letters from individuals thanking us for what we give them free of charge. We also receive some not too flattering letters, but that is fine. We know that we are reaching beyond the choir! However,  I want to share a few comments with you, because you make them possible and these people want to thank you. I have embolden a few words for emphasis.

Here is a letter from Colorado from a reader who appreciated our booklet explaining the purpose of life. “Good Day. I just want to thank you for the Booklet: Your Ultimate Destiny! Awesome!!! Really opened my mind! Keep up the Good Work! GOD Bless You All.” If you have not read this booklet, please let us know and we will send you a free copy. It explains the very purpose of life straight from the pages of the Bible. Can there be any more valuable truth?

A writer from South Africa wants you to know how much he appreciates you. “I just want to thank you for the booklet and the Bible Study Course. Thanks for all the People at Tomorrow's World. You are Highly Appreciated! GOD Bless!”

A woman shared her thoughts by e-mail regarding a Tomorrow’s World article. “I read ‘Which Jesus Do You Worship,’ and it left me wondering and wanting to know more. Cause it is my heart’s desire to follow Christ Jesus. Thank you for waking me up.” You make the magazine possible, so we share her thanks with you!

Earlier this year someone from Perth, Australia wrote regarding Dr. Roderick C. Meredith’s series on the Protestant Reformation. “I am in receipt of May-June 2018 T/W magazine, for which as always, I am deeply grateful. . . . May Almighty God through Christ Jesus, continue to Bless each of you in this Wonderful Work that you are doing, and [I] look forward to receiving a copy of Dr. Meredith’s brilliant work.”

A subscriber from Toronto, Ontario wrote to express his appreciation. “Thank you so much for your ministry, you are helping people to understand we are living in the last days, and we have to live a life according to God’s Word. Thank you again. God Bless this Ministry.”

Some of our subscribers are in prison for serious sins committed earlier in life. This man writes from Hunlock, Pennsylvania. “Thank you for your magazine, Tomorrow’s World. . . . I am a life sentence prisoner serving a life without parole sentence. I have 30 years served so far. Your magazine helps me to keep my sanity in a world with so much misinformation and injustice. Your publication keeps me aware of what’s truly important.”

Another prisoner, this one from Marino, Ohio writes regarding Tomorrow’s World, “This magazine has been truly one of the most consistently read pieces of Christian literature in my 13½ years of incarceration. You guys are truly a blessing and exemplary of what a Christian today is to ‘look like’ and ‘sound like.’

There are so many more I could share with you, but I’ll give just one more. This one is from Gatundu, Kenya. “I have been transformed by your magazines. The word of God is real, [and has] become simpler and clearer each day.”

Okay, I cannot resist. Here is one more, from a woman in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. “Other than the Holy Bible itself, I have been searching for a teaching program [that] teaches ‘Sound Christian doctrine.’ I applaud your ‘FREE’ teachings that other programs want to charge a lot of money for. How else would poor people be able to understand this wicked world?

Once again, thank you for your part in making it possible to reach people of all races, nationalities, economic conditions, and ages. I pray that God fully opens your minds and hearts to the very purpose of life and that you will stand before the Son of God upon His return. You are making a difference through your tithes, offerings, and heartfelt prayers! Thank you dear friends!