Chamber of Commerce Launches Campaign to Import Wave of Foreign Workers
Illegal Immigrants Given Sheet of Paper with Instructions to Appear in Court and Allowed to Fly Domestic Using the Sheet of Paper as an ID
As noted in previous sections, the economic impact of illegal
immigration covers a wide stratum, including the costs for the
collateral impact of crime, traffic accidents, education, health care,
and the infrastructure. The ADDENDUM of this report contains even more.
As detailed in Importing Poverty: Immigration and Poverty in the United States: A Book of Charts the bottom line is that illegal immigration brings in a tremendous number of poor, unskilled, and uneducated people along with all their inherent problems.
Posted satirical image on private Facebook group, fined for hate speech
DACA Alien Accused of Smuggling More Aliens Across U.S.
Establishment Media Hides Influence of Big Biz Lobbyists in Amnesty Debate

Rescued Migrant Woman Was Not Mother of Children She Brought Across Border

Family Separation: Illegal Alien Charged with Killing 14-Year-Old Riding His Bike

Child Border Crossers Have Higher Standard of Living than 13M Impoverished American Children
Child Refugee’ Who Raped, Murdered EU Official’s Daughter May Be 30 Years Old
Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Muslim Teen
Twenty-Time Deported Illegal Alien Arrested For Sexually Assaulting 65yo Woman in Portland
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children
ISLAM and World Conquest
Kaepernick and Vanessa Diab together with Linda Sarsour.
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