by Patriots Staff
The trial was very revealing as Defendant witness Dr. Mayor reversed
himself in court testimony making a case for Lindell’s papper ballots
alternative. Lead Plaintiff attorney Kurt Olson finds election AZ
supervisor Jordan Peterson reverses himself (perjury) that it was not
possible to print 19″ ballots on 20″ paper. The best part of the trial
was Maricopa Investigator Heather Honey correcting Defendant lawyer on a
point of law, i.e ballots could be added by Runway, the election
tabulators employees and that was not illegal but Honey corrected him
noting that they were INVALID according to AZ law. Then AZ election’s
director Scott Jarrett admits that the Printer Settings were CHANGED ON
ELECTION DAY. If this isn’t voter disenfranchisement what could ever qualify? Lake’s attorney’s succeeded in proving intention to defraud.
AZ 19" Ballot that shouldn't exist..