"Whether he did it accidentally, on purpose, or (most likely) something in between, when Hunter Biden left a laptop loaded with incriminating evidence about himself and his family at a computer repair shop in Delaware, he was trying to tell us something.
That something was that his father, aka the “big guy,” who had only days before announced he was running for president, was big trouble." This turned on some lights
Welcome to ‘Hotel California’ The American Spectator
The progressive Left’s version of
Utopian Paradise
Welcome to ‘Hotel California’ | The American Spectator

When I was a kid growing up in New York, California beckoned as an idyllic place of beaches, wine, wildflowers, and beautiful people. It was the land of “good vibrations,” “surfer girls,” and little “deuce coupes.”
I distinctly recall watching the Rose Parade from a cold couch in the winter of 1978, wondering where on Earth they had gotten all those flowers. Years later, after driving cross country in my 1992 Suzuki Samurai, I sat atop a sand dune in Malibu and thought I had reached paradise.
I took in the natural wonders of California like air: Yosemite, Joshua Tree, Redwood Park, Death Valley, Half Dome, Monterey, Napa, China Beach.
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the
There are parts of the Pacific Coast Highway that routinely move me to tears, particularly at sunset, when the evening tide bathes the beach heads in a brilliant palette of pink and vermillion. This is a place of astonishing beauty, but I’ve come to realize that it is also “a terrible beauty,” to quote W. B. Yeats.
Up ahead in the distance,
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my
sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night.
After more than 20 years here, the landscape has changed. Rarely does a day pass when I do not encounter the genderless homeless and their dogs encamped at a traffic signal or in the littered brush at the edge of a parking lot. Errant shopping carts routinely make their way from local markets to freeway underpasses, where they function as the support columns for an endless tract of tent homes. Sleeping bags, plastic bags, poly tarps, and cardboard are the cooperative building materials of the street.
With a burgeoning homeless population of some 50,000, Los Angeles now boasts one of the largest unsheltered communities in the United States. It is a rough group of heroin addicts, prostitutes, the mentally ill, and folks who are simply down and out in Tinseltown.
There she stood in the
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
“This could be heaven or this could be Hell”
According to the Los Angeles Times, the city’s homeless population has surged 75 percent in six years, and it’s evident everywhere. This notoriously hip, rich, and progressive place has an ugly underbelly of filth and disease. Residents walk their dogs with pet boots in downtown L.A., not because it’s trendy but to protect them from Hepatitis A, which has blanketed Skid Row. The unsightly settlements have become as much a part of the California scene as wet suits and board racks.
“Welcome to the Hotel
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face.”
One UN housing official who visited homeless sites in both L.A. and San Francisco was so shocked by the conditions, she suggested that California was in violation of international human rights law. It’s an astonishing assertion for a state that is home to places like Atherton, where the median price for a house is upwards of $10 million and reserved exclusively for the likes of tech tycoons like Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.
Her mind is
Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes Benz
She got a
lot of pretty, pretty boys that she calls friends
It’s no secret that the “City by the Bay” is also littered with trash, needles, and feces. Other parts of the Golden State are plagued by gangs, drug trafficking, illegal immigration, child prostitution, and people smuggling. Violent crime in California has increased over the past two years, and in some cities, like Sacramento, murder, robbery and rape are rising at twice the national average.
How they dance in the
courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember,
some dance to forget
So, where are the resources? Where is the money? Where are the priorities? And, most important of all, where is the outrage?
They livin’ it up at the
Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your
Make no mistake, this is a one-party state. The Democrats have presided over the California Legislature for 40 years. The State Controller has been a Democrat for over 44 years. There has not been a Republican senator elected from the state in over 25 years. There has not been a Republican attorney general or a Republican state treasurer in over two decades.
So I called up the
“Please bring me my wine”
He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here since
Clearly, the charade of inclusiveness has proven to be a brilliant disguise for political power. Caring more about those who “live in the shadows” than those who “live in the streets” has won elections. Politicking by identity has kept homogenous groups within their respective sanctums for maximum exploitation as the rush to the moral high ground has left countless Californians in the gutter.
Mirrors on the
The pink
champagne on ice
And she said, “We are all just
prisoners here, of our own device”
Ironically, the Free Speech Movement was born in this state more 50 years ago. But in 2019, it has been choked off and muzzled. There is no healthy debate here — no passionate discourse, no differing opinions, and no democratic process. California is in the throes of the greatest economic, political, and public monopoly in the history of this country. And it’s failing miserably.
And in the master’s
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast
As a conservative living in Los Angeles for the past 20 years, my vote has had little impact — and yet election after election I have religiously cast it, in the hopes that one day the partisan stranglehold will be broken. The dupe of victimization runs deep, however. The outrage mobs, the oppression orthodoxy, and the redistribution of sound judgment have kept all of us in shackles.
From a gallon of gas to a gallon of water, the cost of living is scandalous. We find ourselves in a grossly overpriced one-star hotel from which residents are checking out and leaving en masse — to Arizona, Nevada, and Texas to escape high taxes, unsafe neighborhoods, failing schools, a wall of debt, a pension crisis, and a political ruling class that has neither the guts nor the will to effect change.
Last thing I remember, I
Running for the door
had to find the passage back to the place I was before
The bright lights of family, civility, and entrepreneurship are flickering. Opposing voices are consistently cast into the wilderness, and even the Rose Parade doesn’t look or sound the same.
“Relax,” said the night
“We are programmed to receive.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!”
Ballot after ballot, proposition after proposition, the names and the dollar amounts change, but the policies stay the same — as the splendor of the cityscapes, the vibrance of the coast, and the allure of the once-beautiful rustic towns and communities slip into a steady chorus of deterioration, degradation, and decay.
“Welcome to the Hotel
We are
all just prisoners here of our own device.”
The greatest tragedy, of course, is that it doesn’t have to be this way here — or anywhere else in America.
*Songwriters: Don Felder / Don Henley / Glenn Frey. Hotel California lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group.
The study, uninfluenced by pharmaceutical money, analyzed data on 8 million women aged 25-29 living in the U.S. from 2007 and 2014. According to the analysis, conception rates would have fallen by 2 million if 100 percent of the females in the study would have received the HPV vaccine. The study warns that the HPV vaccine has a negative influence on fertility and more research is “warranted.”
Despite mounting evidence of harm, Merck seeks to fast-track Gardasil on new age group
Despite these grave concerns, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently fast tracking the process by which the Gardasil-9 is approved for use in women and men ages 27 to 45. Merck’s application for approval has been granted priority review, and is scheduled for an approval date of October 6, 2018. So, much important information about Gardasil’s risks will be suppressed as the FDA moves quickly on behalf of Merck’s business interests.When Gardasil was initially licensed, many post-marketing reports poured in, claiming that vaccine recipients endured primary ovarian failure after vaccination. The cases of Gardasil vaccine damage that have been identified and reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) are in excess of 58,000. Many cases have resulted in emergency room visits, seizures, and the diagnosis of autoimmune conditions. Additionally, approximately 11,000 cases have been filed, documenting “serious” disability and sudden death. Women should no longer be subjected to Merck’s deadly experimentations. Gardasil is an experimentation because the risks are concealed and the vaccine is fast-tracked for approval. (Related: Merck accused of fast tracking Gardasil for financial gain; judge orders the drug company to prove the effectiveness of this vaccine.)
One of the greatest dangers of vaccination, which is not studied by the drug companies or the FDA, are the prevalence of stealth viruses within the vaccines. While they do not impact the animal tissue in the vaccine or infect the animals used in the vaccine studies, these viruses can be dormant and revert to infectious form in humans. Watch “The criminalization of science whistleblowers: An interview with Judy Mikovitz, PhD.
Aluminum adjuvant: one of the most alarming issues of vaccine science
One of the biggest problems with the Gardasil vaccine is the use of aluminum as an adjuvant. The adjuvant is used to force the immune cells to respond to the antigen in the vaccine. Without the adjuvant, the immune response to the vaccine pathogen would be weak. The problem is that the aluminum is taken up into the immune-responsive cells and is carried throughout the body. This may cause the immune system to attack itself, as the aluminum persists as a threat in the body. This metal causes problems in the brain of humans. Studies show that brain tissue from autistic children contains high amounts of aluminum.Aluminum is exponentially more dangerous through injection, than through ingestion. To suppress information on the harmful effects of vaccines, the drug companies base their vaccine safety on ingested aluminum amounts, not the impact of injected aluminum. There’s a big difference. Equally disturbing, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck spike their placebos with aluminum adjuvants to make the vaccine appear less dangerous. This shortcut helps the drug companies cut observation periods so they can conceal the risks of aluminum adjuvants in their HPV vaccines.
The devastating, traumatic failures of Gardasil are being suppressed and young women are suffering at the deceptive science of these devilish institutions. Despite the growing body of evidence of harm from Gardasil, Merck is seeking fast-track approval to unleash their vaccine on another vulnerable age group of the population. The FDA, ignoring the evidence of Gardasil’s harm to women’s ovaries and fertility, cannot be trusted to evaluate the drug company’s “science.” A moratorium should be issued on all HPV vaccines until there is sufficient evidence to prove the vaccine is no longer causing ovarian failure, autoimmune conditions, infertility, seizures, and death.
Read FDA.news for more headlines about the FDA’s dangerous junk science.
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