by Blog Administrator
In 1606, Jamestown was founded by individuals who sought the freedom to establish and build their religious faith.
The Pilgrims had come to the New World for two reasons, (1) to establish a place where they could worship and live according to the scriptures and (2) they had undertaken their journey "for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith." They were in the words of Harvard historian, Samuel Eliot Morison, "a simple people inspired by an ardent faith in God, a dauntless courage in danger, a boundless resourcefulness in the face of difficulties, an impregnable fortitude in adversity.." , "The Church that helped Found America"– D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.
The separatists sought to covenant a social compact for government in the New World. The Pilgrims 1606 Church covenant became the first civil charter, for self-government in 1620, known as the Mayflower Compact. It begins: "In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. Having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia." Public School texts purposely omit the Mayflower Compact’s opening invocation to God, since the state education system only approves ‘revisionist’ American history for K-12 education.
Contrary to Public education’s revisionist artisans on America’s first inhabitants, the Pilgrims were not ‘world travelers’ and the colonies were not ‘multicultural’ or ‘diverse’ settlements fostering social and economic equality. They gave thanks to God, rather than to the Indians, for their successful journey to the New World at their first thanksgiving. These religious settlers all shared a common Christian faith.
In 1643, early settlements created the New England Confederation of 1632 which declared their purpose: "We all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity with peace."
Prior to the Pilgrim landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the concept of the rule of law as a reigning entity was unknown. Power had been historically vested in a single religious or secular entity in Europe, i.e. the Pope and the Kings of Britain and France. It was the Pilgrims who developed the notion of the law as ruler; the state existed merely to carry out the mandates defined by that law. And, law would be shaped based on biblical principles rather than by a monarchy. "Historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps, even more than the Constitution, is our founding document." - "How the Bible made America", - Newsweek Dec. 27, 1982
The seeds of the social compact of local control and self-government introduced by these religious immigrants would take root and grow. The 1641 Puritan document, the "Massachussetts body of Liberties" contained the notion of "equal protection under the law...due process protection for life, liberty and property, no cruel and unusual punishment and no taxation without representation." These same ideas would appear some 150 years later in the Declaration of Independence.
The Public education system is the reason for the ignorance that abounds in America’s schools on its religious founding. It was educator John Dewey who promulgated the idea that all truth is relative, and a function of the society in which you find it. Such statements are an expression of the social engineering themes indoctrinated into children by their public school mentors, an ideology taught by the masters of social change like Dewey, whose relativistic truth philosophy is nothing short of ‘religion’ in the public schools.
Democratic National Committee
spokesman, Howard Dean has noted that the notion of traditional marriage is
outmoded and outdated, not unlike the puritan ideals of those who founded
America. The social change artisans are busy proffering their Marxist-Socialist worldviews on
America’s children, that private property ownership is theft from the state and
religion is antithetical to the notions of freedom and happiness.