coming soon?

 Like it or not, this is were we are....if the left doesn’t give you permission to defend yourself and others, permission to defend your community from people that want to loot and burn you cities and homes then you are......a racist!!!!! 
  Defund the police and then demonize anyone that doesn’t have a badge that takes a stand against tyranny.

"The Utah Citizens' Alarm is a self-styled militia that formed in response to protests for racial justice this spring. The group’s leaders claim they are trying to protect their community, but experts warn they are part of a worrying trend of Americans taking the law into their own hands."

Why not? The public has waited for government to take action for over two years and nothing was done. So now it's up to others. - ED

An ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. The Homily That Should Be Preached in Every Church in America. PLEASE share!! PRAY

Religious or not, this is impressive. Know any Catholics? I don’t think he is a Biden Fan.
An ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH. The Homily That Should Be Preached in Every Church in America. PLEASE share!! PRAY

The Homily That Should Be Preached From Every Pulpit in America

This homily given by Fr. Edward Meeks of Christ the King Parish in Towson, MD should be preached from every pulpit in the United States. Our nation is at a tipping-point and Catholics can make a difference if they vote with a well formed conscience.


Please share with other Catholics!


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