by Via Mercola
UPDATE May 18, 2022
Biden Amendments now published on the Federal Register to be voted on May 22, 2022 will supersede the US Constitution.. [Shown on Bannon's War Room]. These amendments will transfer ALL healthcare decisions for Americans will be transferred to WHO and Tedros. Contact your US Senators NOW!
Story at-a-glance
- The globalist cabal is planning
to monopolize health systems worldwide through the creation of an
international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization
the sole decision maker on pandemic matters
- The WHO may also be planning to
seize power over health systems more broadly. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
has stated that his “central priority” as director-general of the WHO
is to push the world toward universal health coverage
- In the name of keeping everyone
“safe” from infection, the globalist cabal has justified unprecedented
attacks on democracy, civil liberties and personal freedoms, including
the right to choose your own medical treatment. Now, the WHO is gearing
up to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and to extend it into the
health care systems of every nation. The idea is to implement universal
health care organized by the WHO as part of the Great Reset
- If this treaty goes through, the
WHO would have the power to call for mandatory vaccinations and health
passports, and its decision would supersede national and state laws.
Considering the WHO changed its definition of “pandemic” to “a worldwide
epidemic of a disease,” removing the requirement of high morbidity,
just about anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion,
including obesity
- The SMART Health Cards system is
used by more than a dozen countries, 25 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and
Washington, D.C.; the Australian Parliament is pushing a “Trusted
Digital Identity Bill”; U.S. Congress is pushing the “Improving Digital
Identity Act,” and the WHO has signed a deal with a Deutsche Telekom
subsidiary to build the first global digital vaccine passport. All of
these have one thing in common: the end goal, which is to expand them
into a souped-up, global social credit system
The globalist cabal is planning to monopolize health systems
worldwide, and that plan is already underway. In June 2021, Dr. Julie
Gerberding wrote a Time article1
laying out the framework for an international pandemic-surveillance
network, which would include threat prediction and preemption as well.
Gerberding served as director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2002 until 2009.2
After leaving the CDC, she became the executive vice president of
vaccines and then switched, years later, to strategic communications at
Merck. This is particularly egregious as she was head of government’s
regulatory agency for vaccines and immediately took a job with one of
the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world. Unethical in spades, but
perfectly legal.
Gerberding’s next spin through the revolving door was being named CEO
of the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), March 1,
Yesterday, I discussed the massive conflicts of interest at the FNIH, as
its board is loaded with Big Pharma executives and even a
representative of BlackRock, one of the top three largest investment
firms in the world.
While Gerberding did not name the World Health Organization in her
article, we now know that’s the organization designated as the top-down
ruler of all things related to pandemics. However, some of the
statements that have been made suggest that, in time, the WHO may also
seize power over health systems more broadly.
The Globalists’ Next Move
In a February 18, 2022, article, Dr. Peter Breggin, author of “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,”4
warned that the next move in the globalists’ war on humanity is to
seize control over the health care systems of the entire world:5
“We have discovered the next move of the global
predators — already in progress — in their escalating assaults against
individual and political freedom. The next big assault on human freedom
involves a legalized takeover of national healthcare systems by the
World Health Organization (WHO).
This stealth attack — with its initial plans already
backed by many nations — will begin full implementation in 2024 if it is
not quickly recognized and fought! … The Chinese Communist influence
over WHO has been solid for more than a decade, and the party was able
to install Tedros without any competition.
He became the first and only Director-General who is
not a physician and instead is a communist politician. Now the
Director-General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus — known simply as
Tedros — has unveiled plans to take charge of all global health.
While addressing the WHO Executive Committee on
January 24, 2022, Director-General Tedros spelled out his global health
plan, including his final priority for his enormous scheme: ‘The fifth
priority is to urgently strengthen WHO as the leading and directing
authority on global health, at the center of the global health
Tedros’s closing words to his report to the executive
committee are chilling in their grandiosity and echo Marxist
exhortations to cheering mobs by a Stalin, Mao, or Xi Jinping: ‘We are
one world, we have one health, we are one WHO.’ Tedros seeks to become
super-Fauci for the world, and, like Fauci, he will do it on behalf of
the global predators.”
The Rise of Health Fascism
As explained by Breggin, the global health care takeover really began
with Gates’ Decade of Vaccines, announced in 2010 at the World Economic
Forum’s (WEF’s) annual meeting in Davos. At that time, Gates installed
Fauci on his vaccine advisory board, thereby guaranteeing his plans
would receive support from the NIAID. Breggin continues:6
“A theme for the Decade of Vaccines was
‘Public-Private Partnerships Drive Progress in Vaccine Development,
Delivery’ — essentially the precursor to the Great Reset establishing a
world governance of public and private health united in the spirit of
By 2012, Gates achieved official UN approval for his
scheme, establishing a broad network of global predators aimed at
exploiting and dominating humanity through public health.
Communist China would play a prominent role through
its control over the UN and WHO and through its close relationships with
global predators like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Mike Bloomberg, Big
Tech executives, and many other billionaires and world leaders.
A decade and more later, during COVID-19, WHO has
proven its usefulness to the predators in orchestrating science,
medicine, and public health in the suppression of human freedom and the
generation of wealth and power for the globalists.”
Under the guise of a global pandemic, the WHO, the WEF and all of its
installed leaders in government and private business, were able to roll
out a plan that has been decades in the making. The pandemic was a
perfect cover. In the name of keeping everyone “safe” from infection,
the globalists have justified unprecedented attacks on democracy, civil
liberties and personal freedoms, including the right to choose your own
medical treatment.
Now, the WHO is gearing up to make its pandemic leadership permanent,
and to extend it into the health care systems of every nation. “The
idea is ‘the principle of health for all’ — universal health care
organized by WHO as part of the Great Reset,” Breggin explains.
The International Pandemic Treaty

May 24, 2021, the European Council announced it supported the
establishment of an international Pandemic Treaty, under which the WHO
would have the power to replace the constitutions of individual nations
with its own constitution under the banner of “pandemic prevention,
preparedness and response.”7
March 3, 2022, the Council authorized the opening of negotiations for
an international agreement. The infographic below, sourced from the
European Council’s website,8 summarizes the process.
The WHO’s World Health Assembly has also established an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) for this purpose.9
March 1, 2022, the INB held its first meeting to draft and negotiate an
international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and
response under the authority of the WHO.10
If this treaty goes through, the WHO would have the power to, for
example, call for mandatory vaccinations and health passports, and its
decision would supersede national and state laws.
But considering the WHO changed its definition of “pandemic” to “a worldwide epidemic of a disease,”11 without the original specificity of severe illness that causes high morbidity,12,13 just about anything could be made to fit the pandemic criterion, including obesity, which was designated as a disease in 201314
and occurs globally. Tedros has also gone on record stating that his
“central priority” as director-general of the WHO is to push the world
toward universal health coverage.15
“The world has already seen how any pandemic
emergency, real or concocted, now or in the future, could then justify
WHO taking over the entirety of government operations of sovereign
nations, robbing all individuals of their freedoms, and fully crushing
the democratic republics of the world,” Breggin warns.16
“The spirit of Communism can be felt throughout the
document. We are told that the ‘purpose’ of the new strategy will be
‘guided by a spirit of solidarity, anchored in the principles of
fairness, inclusion, and transparency.’ Notice, as in all pronouncements
by global predators; there is no mention of individual rights,
political liberty, or national sovereignty.
The great engine of human progress, human freedom,
will be replaced by the great destroyer of humanity, collectivism, under
the rule of the elite. Tucked into the report were the real goals …
Here are three main purposes or goals of the proposed treaty:
1. response to any future pandemics,
in particular by ensuring universal and equitable access to medical
solutions, such as vaccines, medicines, and diagnostics
2. a stronger international health framework with the WHO as the coordinating authority on global health matters
3. the ‘One Health’ approach, connecting the health of humans, animals, and our planet
The report adds, ‘More specifically, such an
instrument can enhance international cooperation in a number of priority
areas, such as surveillance, alerts, and response, but also in general
trust in the international health system.’ Clearly, they were building
support for Tedros’s January 24, 2022 announcement that WHO would take
over the international health care system.”
WHO Moves Ahead With Global Vaccine Passport Program
While countries around the world are now scrubbing their COVID
measures, and many have announced they won’t be pursuing vaccine
passports after all, the vaccine passport program is still alive and
well — under the direction of the WHO. As reported by Off-Guardian,
March 1, 2022:17
“This week, while the eyes of the world are fixed on
Ukraine and the next wave of propaganda, the World Health Organization
is launching an initiative to create a ‘trust network’ on vaccination
and international travel.
According to a report in Politico published last week, ‘WHO making moves on international vaccine ‘passport.’
The article quotes Brian Anderson, co-founder of the
Vaccination Credential Initiative, which describes itself as ‘a
voluntary coalition of public and private organizations committed to
empowering individuals with access to verifiable clinical information
including a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records
in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.’
They are, to take the PR agency sheen off this
phrase, a corporate/government joint project researching and promoting
digital medical identification papers. In short, vaccine passports.”
Members of the VCI, which was founded in January 2021, include
Google, Amazon, insurance companies, hospitals, biosecurity firms and
most of the major universities in the U.S. Its steering committee
consists of representatives from Apple, Microsoft, the Mayo Clinic and
the MITRE Corporation, a government-funded research organization.
As noted by Off-Guardian, the International Pandemic Treaty will
undoubtedly include provisions on international vaccine certification.
And why wouldn’t it, seeing how a WHO-backed global health passport is
already underway? While Off-Guardian predicted VCI’s SMART Health Cards
system might be chosen, the WHO has now signed a deal with a Deutsche
Telekom subsidiary called T-Systems to build the first global digital
vaccine passport.18 As reported by the Western Standard:19
“The WHO fully intends to provide support to its 194
member states to facilitate the implementation of the digital
verification technology for countries’ national and regional
verification of vaccine status.
‘COVID-19 affects everyone. Countries will therefore
only emerge from the pandemic together. Vaccination certificates that
are tamper-proof and digitally verifiable build trust. WHO is therefore
supporting member states in building national and regional trust
networks and verification technology.
The WHO’s gateway service also serves as a bridge
between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future
vaccination campaigns and home-based records,’ said Garrett Mehl, unit
head of the WHO’s Department of Digital Health and Innovation, on
Deutsche Telekom’s website.”
SMART Health Cards and Digital Identity Are Tools of Tyranny
Already, the SMART Health Cards system is used by more than a dozen countries,20 25 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and D.C.21 The Australian Parliament is also paving the way to tyranny with its “Trusted Digital Identity Bill 2021,”22 and the U.S. Congress has its “Improving Digital Identity Act of 2021.”23
All of these have one thing in common: the end goal, which is to
expand them into a souped-up, global social credit system — one in which
everything you do and say is monitored, recorded and assessed for
threat value, and if you misbehave or engage in wrong-think, they have
101 ways to punish you and force you into compliance, from restricting
your ability to travel to seizing your bank accounts.
Don’t think for one second that government won’t have access to or
use your data against you for political purposes. As explained by
“SMART Health Cards are run by VCI, which was created
by the MITRE Corporation, which is funded by the United States
government. If you give SMART access to your medical records, you’d
better believe the U.S. government and its agencies will get their hands
on them.
They might not have their own database, but they
would have access to MITRE’s database when and if they needed or wanted
it. And so would Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. That’s how
private-public partnerships work. Symbiosis.
Corporate giants serve as fronts for government
programs and, in return, they get a big cut of the profits, bailouts if
they’re needed, and regulatory ‘reforms’ that cripple their smaller
competitors …
This allows the federal government ‘truthfully’ claim
to not be implementing a federal passport system, or keeping a
vaccination database, all the while they are sub-contracting tech giants
to do it for them. This system of backdoor government surveillance via
corporate veneer is already spreading across the U.S., and it looks like
it will play some part in any future ‘pandemic treaty’ too.”
Surgeon General Demands Hit List From Big Tech
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy also appears to be building a
narrative to justify an international health authority. March 3, 2022,
Murthy formally requested that all major tech platforms submit data on
the scale of COVID-19 misinformation. This includes social networks,
search engines, crowdsource platforms, e-commerce platforms and instant
messaging systems. Thankfully, his request is not legally enforceable.
As reported by The New York Times:25
“A request for information from the surgeon general’s
office demanded that tech platforms send data and analysis on the
prevalence of COVID-19 misinformation on their sites, starting with
common examples of vaccine misinformation documented by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.26
The notice asks the companies to submit ‘exactly how
many users saw or may have been exposed to instances of Covid-19
misinformation,’ as well as aggregate data on demographics that may have
been disproportionately exposed to or affected by the misinformation.
The surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, also demanded
information from the platforms about the major sources of Covid-19
misinformation, including those that engaged in the sale of unproven
Covid-19 products, services and treatments … The request for information
is part of President Biden’s COVID National Preparedness Plan27,28 …
In addition to demanding misinformation data from the
tech platforms, the surgeon general called on health care providers and
the public to submit information about how COVID-19 misinformation has
negatively influenced patients and communities.”
As noted by Dr. Meryl Nass,29
“This is truly frightening. Misinformation (to be controlled via tech
companies) is being treated as a crime, though never defined.” Nass also
highlights a new bill,30
introduced by two Democrat senators March 2, 2022, that would give tech
companies “cover to censor and turn over private data to government.”
“In other words, Congress may ‘legalize’ censorship and criminalize
First Amendment rights to freedom of speech,” Nass says.
CDC Has Created Loads of Misinformation
The irony here is that the most of the CDC’s answers to “COVID myths”31
are themselves misinformation. For example, the CDC claims it’s a myth
that natural immunity is better than the immunity you get from the COVID
Yet you’d be hard-pressed to find scientific backing for that
statement. They basically just made that up. It’s a long-standing
scientific fact that natural immunity is more robust and longer lasting
than vaccine-induced immunity.
Before the pandemic, a ‘vaccine’ was ‘a
product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to
a specific disease.’ In 2021, the CDC changed that definition to ‘a
preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against
diseases,’ effectively removing the need for a vaccine to produce
immunity — the key thing a vaccine is supposed to do.
The CDC also claims it’s a myth that mRNA shots are not vaccines.
They say mRNA injections are vaccines because they trigger an immune
response. What they don’t admit is that they changed the definition of
“vaccine” in the middle of the pandemic.32
Before the pandemic, a “vaccine” was “a product that stimulates a
person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” In
the latter half of 2021, as the mRNA shots were nearing distribution,
the CDC changed that definition to “a preparation that is used to
stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” effectively
removing the need for a vaccine to produce immunity — the key thing a
vaccine is supposed to do.
Incidentally, the CDC’s answer to this “myth” basically refutes its
answer to the “myth” that vaccine immunity is better than natural
immunity, since the COVID shots don’t provide immunity at all. They only
stimulate an immune response, which by the way, can be either
beneficial or detrimental, depending on how your immune system is
The CDC also still insists that the COVID jabs cannot change or
interact with your DNA in any way, yet published research shows
otherwise. Swedish research actually shows the Pfizer shot’s mRNA
incorporates into human DNA in as little as six hours.33
Murthy’s unconstitutional request for data from tech companies on
users who share information that violates the CDC narrative seems to be
an effort to continue building justification for an international health
authority with power to dictate truth around the world.
If there’s only one narrative, across every country, disseminated
from a single entity, then the truth will be whatever they say it is.
Eventually, research won’t even be published unless it conforms to the
chosen narrative.
The WHO Is Totally Corrupt
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There are many reasons to reject the WHO as the sole arbiter of health facts. It’s corrupt to the core, and has been for years.34
In the aftermath of the swine flu pandemic of 2009, the vaccine for
which left many thousands injured, the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly (PACE) concluded that “the handling of the pandemic by the WHO,
EU health agencies and national governments led to a ‘waste of large
sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health
risks faced by the European public.'”35
Specifically, PACE concluded there was “overwhelming evidence that
the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO,” and that
the drug industry had influenced the organization’s decision-making.
A joint investigation by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau
of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) also uncovered serious conflicts of
interest between the WHO — which promoted the global vaccination agenda —
and the drug companies that created those vaccines.36
The WHO has also been accused of massive money mismanagement,
spending more on travel expenses each year — some $200 million in 2017 —
than it does on some of the biggest public health problems, including
AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.37
By now, most people also know that the WHO has been bought and paid
for by Bill Gates. He contributes more to the WHO’s $4.84 billion
biennial budget than every member-state government. The U.S. has
historically been the top funder, but the combined contributions from
the Gates Foundation and GAVI made Gates the unofficial top sponsor of
the WHO as of 2018.
In the documentary “TrustWHO”38
(above), Lilian Franck reveals this and other clandestine influences
that control the WHO, to the peril of public health. For example, we’ve
seen that the WHO has strong allegiance to China, and shares China’s
ruthless suppression of counternarratives.
The WHO’s investigation into COVID-19’s origin was a fake from start
to finish, and even before the COVID pandemic, the WHO had been in
discussions with Facebook to “ensure people can access authoritative
information on vaccines and reduce the spread of inaccuracies.” Given
the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily conflicted and
controlled by industry, its usefulness as a guardian of public health
needs to be seriously reevaluated.
The Plan for a Never-Ending Pandemic
While the White House has issued a plan to transition out of the pandemic,39,40 it seems more like a plan for a never-ending pandemic. As reported by STAT News:41
“The report plots a course to what its authors call
the ‘next normal’ — living with the SARS-CoV-2 virus as a continuing
threat that needs to be managed. Doing so will require improvements on a
number of fronts, from better surveillance for COVID and other
pathogens to keeping tabs on how taxed hospitals are; and from efforts
to address the air quality in buildings to continued investment in
antiviral drugs and better vaccines.
The authors also call for offering people sick with
respiratory symptoms easy access to testing and, if they are positive
for COVID or influenza, a quick prescription for the relevant antiviral
drug …
The report suggests the U.S. response to Covid-19
should transition from one directed solely at this single disease to one
where prevention, mitigation, and treatment efforts are focused on
COVID as one of a number of respiratory viruses, including influenza.”
Part of the plan is to create a new post: deputy Assistant to the
president for biosecurity within the National Security Council.42
The deputy assistant for biosecurity would be responsible for
“monitoring, addressing, and coordinating responses to and
communications about any biosecurity and pandemic threats.”
Importantly, this post would also be responsible for coordinating
“efforts to counter foreign and domestic sources of anti-science
misinformation on vaccines and drugs.” The COVID Roadmap also details
strategies to improve documentation, monitoring and accountability for
communication goals.
This includes monitoring “health iniquities” to “increase public
accountability and support values that promote social well-being and
health equity in infectious diseases.” It sounds to me like a plan to
promote propaganda that shames people who don’t want to sacrifice their
own health for “the greater good.”
It also includes the establishment of “standards for streamlined
clearance of health messages without political interference.” Will the
WHO be responsible for such standards? Probably.
The roadmap also specifies that tech platforms and legacy media are
to be urged to “design mechanisms to detect, deflect and deny the
posting of harmful and false advice that hurts public health.” In other
words, across the board censorship. If the WHO is given complete
authority over health, censorship will be a given and science as we know
it will basically cease to exist.