Something very strange is going on and ‘health experts’ are baffled: Monkeypox was weaponized in the deep state’s Ukraine labs, another sign the depopulation agenda is in full swing

by Stefan Stanford republished from

The twitter hashtag #BillGatesBioTerrorist was trending for a good part of the day Saturday after people in America and around the world put 2 + 2 together and realized Gates recently warned of a ‘pox‘ outbreak being the next big deal to come at the world, right before Monkeypox broke out in the West.

And as numerous people pointed out in that twitter thread, we’re now witnessing a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic at play in 2022, with the life-hating globalists once again launching a contagion upon the world which the dumbed down masses will ‘demand‘ a ‘solution to‘, that ‘solution‘ already pre-planned well in advance, though it certainly won’t ‘solve the problem‘.

With the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists putting out a story back on February 21st of 2020 titled “A biotech firm made a smallpox-like virus on purpose. Nobody seems to care” within which they reported that the smallpox-causing variola virus had been eradicated from nature with the only known samples of it have been held in two high-security facilities in the United States and Russia, as it also warned, developments in synthetic biology, a field which includes the art and science of constructing viral genomes, have made it possible to create the smallpox virus in a lab.

Reporting also within that story that evidence indicated back in 2020 that researchers are inching incredibly close to that line, their story also warned “the re-introduction of the disease—through negligence or malice—would be a global health disaster” with Smallpox responsible for the deaths of 300 million+ in the 20th Century.

With Monkeypox another such ‘pox virus‘, and very strong evidence emerging that this latest ‘outbreak‘ that is spreading quickly into the Western world was ‘manufactured‘, we’ll be taking a long look at that possibility in the next section of this story below but first, let’s listen to what the ‘scientific experts‘ who’ve been studying Monkeypox have to say and as you’ll see, something very strange is going on.

From this story over at Time titled “Monkeypox Spreads in West, Baffling African Scientists.”:

Scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks of monkeypox in Africa say they are baffled by the disease’s recent spread in Europe and North America.

Cases of the smallpox-related disease have previously been seen only among people with links to central and West Africa. But in the past week, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, U.S., Sweden and Canada all reported infections, mostly in young men who hadn’t previously traveled to Africa. 

France, Germany, Belgium and Australia confirmed their first cases of monkeypox on Friday. 

“I’m stunned by this. Every day I wake up and there are more countries infected,” said Oyewale Tomori, a virologist who formerly headed the Nigerian Academy of Science and who sits on several World Health Organization advisory boards. 

“This is not the kind of spread we’ve seen in West Africa, so there may be something new happening in the West,” he said.

So as we’ll explore in the next section of this story below, with Bill Gates asking for money back in November of 2021 while warning of a future ‘pox terror attack‘ that he claimed could be much bigger than naturally occurring epidemics showing what twitter users claimed was some kind of ‘pre-knowledge‘, part of the reason why #BillGatesBioTerrorist was trending, we get huge new information from multiple sources that the US ‘deep state‘ has been working on just such a terrorist weapon in their once-secret Ukraine bioweapons laboratories. Is anyone surprised?

Imagine waking up one morning in the near future and turning on your favorite morning news shows to hear the big story of the day, it had recently been discovered that Russia had put a series of bioweapons labs in Cuba, Mexico and scattered about, hidden throughout Canada.

Learning in those shows that they were using those labs to create bioweapons banned by international law, right on our own borders, it wouldn’t be too difficult to see 10’s of millions of Americans demanding an immediate response of some kind from those who are supposed to be our ‘public servants in the United States government‘, such deadly and banned weapons so close to our own homes.

And while thankfully, that’s not the scenario that we are dealing with this very moment here in the US, it’s apparently exactly what the Russian people are now dealing with according to numerous sources.:

The US researched Ebola and smallpox viruses in Ukraine, says Irina Yarovaya, Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation of US Biological Laboratories in Ukraine.

“Today, we presented an analysis of which pathogens the US was particularly interested in in Ukraine,” she told reporters Friday. “Aside from the pathogens that are territorially bound to Ukraine, [the laboratories] researched viruses and pathogens that are endemically very far from Ukraine, such as Ebola and smallpox.” 

According to the legislator, the information obtained indicates “aggressive goal-setting that underpins the foundation of these programs, de facto implemented by US Department of Defense on Ukrainian soil.” 

“Unfortunately, it is necessary to particularly emphasize that the betrayal that the Ukrainian regime carried out against its own people has effectively left Ukrainian citizens defenseless in the face of these manipulations, experiments and clandestine research that the US is carrying out on Ukrainian territory,” Yarovaya underscored. 

She noted that Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin spoke as the main expert at Friday’s commission meeting. 

“I would like to underscore that the dialogue that we had with the SVR chief today, combined with the proof obtained by the commission, fully confirms the US-created network of biological intelligence worldwide and the implementation of active military-biological exploitation of the globe, and Ukraine in particular. This essentially poses a serious global threat,” Yarovaya warned.

According to the lawmaker, Russia’s main goal today is to guarantee the protection of its national interests and the security of the Russian people. 

“But at the same time, [it should] urge the global community to seriously get to the bottom of this secret and dangerous military biological activity, implemented by the US. So that comprehensive measures pertaining to common, equal and indivisible security could be developed. Given the distinction between peaceful and non-peaceful use of bacteriological research and the study of toxins, it must be completely transparent and controlled. And there simply must not be any bacteriological weapons in the world, this is Russia’s principal position,” Yarovaya stressed.

nd while like an abusive spouse, a child beater or a career criminal, we’d never expect ‘terrorist government‘ to just admit to their crimes upon humanity, as we’ll explore in the final section of our story below, all of this is right on par for the globalists and their ‘depopulation agenda‘.

With ANP proving years ago that ‘Western nations‘ were being heavily targeted for ‘elimination‘ as seen on the De@gle report forecast for a USA with less than 100 million living here by the year 2025, a huge drop of more than 227 million in population, we certainly won’t be ‘running to the hills’ over Monkeypox but we urge everyone to look at the ‘bigger picture‘. Particularly with the Biden cabal allegedly pre-ordering ‘a vax’ in mass numbers while he recently claimed ‘everybody should be concerned about Monkeypox‘ despite the fact that it’s largely known as ‘gay disease’ that is spreading through sex with this Daily Mail story reporting:

“The UK Health Security Agency has said a notable proportion of recent cases in Britain and Europe have been found in gay and bisexual men.”

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Breaking: New Ballot Data in Fulton Co. Georgia Reaffirms 2020 Dominion Fraud Issues

All eyes are on Georgia today as voters head to the polls to vote in primaries across the state to select who will appear on the general election ballot in November. While today’s election focuses on the state’s future, Georgia remains embroiled in controversy and discrepancies surrounding the 2020 general election, which saw a scant 11,779 votes out of nearly 5 million separating Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the final tally for the 2020 presidential election. With an irregular recount and a “nothing to see here” audit affirming Joe Biden as the winner in 2020’s critical race, Fulton County remains a focal point in the crucial swing state’s ongoing election debacle. One area in need of attention is the county’s machine count. 

Indeed, significant deficiencies persist in the recount of machine votes in Fulton County. With a detailed report in Gov. Brian Kemp’s possession for the past two weeks, the governor’s office has been verifying the data outlining the shocking findings presented by Kevin Moncla and Mr. Joseph Rossi. As his office continues to review the information, below is a summary of the Moncla and Rossi’s report sitting on Gov. Brian Kemp’s desk.

Recount Deadline and Discrepancies

It is essential to point out that the deadline for the machine recount was Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020, at midnight.

Following an Open Records Request for “email correspondence” between Fulton County Election Director Rick Barron and Ryan Macias of The Elections Group, the complainant received an email on Dec. 3, 2020, at 12:13 PM from Mr. Barron. The email, which included no subject, had an attachment named “Batches Loaded Report.xml” that contained two separate PDF files. Immediately upon viewing the files, it was determined that the Batches Loaded Report was ‘the Fulton County’s reported results for the Machine Recount.”

Notably, a Batches Loaded Report is generated from the Dominion Election Management Server. The report shows the batches loaded into the system, along with the status of each one. In other words, the report contains official election results at the batch level. For context, the Batches Loaded Report for the Nov. 3, 2020 count exactly matched the official results. The report notes, “The votes for the Presidential contest totaled only 511,543, which is 16,382 less than that which was officially certified.”  

A closer look by Moncla and Rossi at the internal timestamp on the raw data of the email and attached report revealed that the document itself (Batches Loaded Report) contains the timestamp of Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020, at 12:06:29. The data confirmed the email timestamp to be Dec. 3, 2020, at 12:13:02 PM, which indicates the email was sent approximately 6 minutes after the Batches Loaded Report was saved. Moncla and Rossi note, “These separately sourced timestamps are reasonably synchronized, thereby removing the possibility that there was incorrect time set on any of the servers or workstations involved.” 

Still, as previously stated, the deadline for the machine recount was midnight on Dec. 2, 2020, which was nearly 12 hours before the email sent by Rick Barron. Moreover, a tweet posted at 11:52 PM on Dec. 2, 2020—8 minutes before the official deadline—declared, “Fulton County has completed the recount of the Nov. 3 Presidential Election. Results will be released by the Secretary of State’s Office.” Moncla and Rossi point out:

ailed to Ryan “Simply put, the recount results that the Fulton County Elections Director em Macias a few minutes after noon on Thursday, Dec. 3, 2020 (the day after the recount deadline), showed only 511,543 votes. Significantly less than the official results of 527,925.”

Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections meeting minutes during which the Recount results were officially certified.

What Caused the Ballot Count Difference?

To figure out what caused the difference between the Batches Loaded Report and the certified election results, the complainant submitted an open records request to Fulton County, explicitly asking for the Recount Batches Loaded Report. In response, Fulton County returned the Batches Loaded Report seen in the screenshot below, highlighting the report’s relevant portion.

Screenshot of Batches Loaded Report presented by Fulton County

In looking at the two Batches Loaded Reports (the one from Rick Barron’s Dec. 3 email, which is referred to as BLR 1; and the one referenced immediately above, which is referred to as BLR 2), it is clear that BLR 2’s total includes 16,198 more votes than BLR 1. 

The Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections (BRE) held a meeting on Dec. 4, 2020, where Mr. Barron provided a briefing on the recount results. Barron contends the results were uploaded on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at which time they discovered they were “short.” On Thursday morning, the Secretary of State advised Fulton County to “reconcile” the results. That afternoon, they determined that a scanner had two sets of 62 batches that were named the same. Unsure of why this happened, the situation caused them to re-scan the 62 batches of ballots on different scanners. Assessing Barron’s summary of the recount, Moncla and Rossi stress: 

“There are several problems with what Mr. Barron’s claims necessitated the “reconciliation” and the actions he said were taken. 

First, Mr. Barron claims there was no way to know the recount results before they were uploaded to the Secretary of State. A point which [Mr. Wingate] was right to question as such a process defies logic. The same also defies fact as the Dominion Voting System manual defines several steps of verification before results can be submitted or “published.”

Second, Mr. Barron attributes the cause for the results being “short” as two sets of 62 batches which were scanned on the same machine and both numbered the same, thereby requiring one set to be re-scanned.”

Elaborating further on his explanation of why the results were “short,” Barron stated:

Once that occurs [two sets of batches scanned on the same machine], there are only 2 ways you can do it, either you have to append those batches at the end, or you can scan them on different scanners. So we used different scanners rather than appending them on the end.” 

Nonetheless, as pointed out by Moncla and Rossi, the Dominion manual provides instructions for the very situation described by Mr. Barron, as referenced below. 


According to Barron’s statement to the BRE, he chose to re-scan the outstanding batches instead of appending them to the end. However, tabulator records dispute that claim. Records show that multiple additional batches were added along with the 62 batches added during the reconciliation. In fact, these batches were “appended” to the end of not one but seven tabulators “in an obvious attempt to spread the 16,000+ votes amongst many machines.”

Moncla and Rossi report that on the evening of Dec. 3, 2020, Barron added seven batches (see below) to the results of several tabulators. As an example, the batches added to the end of Tabulator 793 are also highlighted below.


Fulton County Board was Unaware of Size of Recount Discrepancy

A conversation towards the end of the Dec. 4, 2020 BRE meeting with board member Mr. Mark Wingate reveals that the Fulton County Board “was completely unaware” of the size of the discrepancy that triggered the reconciliation:

(59:14) Mr. Wingate:

“We have counted 3 different times and you have gotten 3 different results. When you did the hand recount you were at 742 less than what we certified on 11/13 and now we are recertifying 852 less than what was originally certified on 11/13. It’s hard for people to understand buckets and why they become unreconcilable and they why you have to go back, like this time, to try and come up with some reconciliation because if you wouldn’t have done that you would have been what, some 3 or 4 thousand votes even less?”

(1:00:16) Mr. Barron:

“Yeah. Essentially.”

Mr. Barron disclosed during the meeting that they realized they were “short” after the recount was uploaded to the SoS, prompting the SoS to order Fulton County to conduct a “reconciliation.” Barron then offers several excuses for why the submitted results were deficient and more excuses about his actions to remedy the deficiencies. Yet, Moncla and Rossi explain that every excuse is refuted in detail by the facts and record at hand. They proclaim:

“Votes were not added for the reasons Barron explained, derived from the source Barron described, nor distributed the way Barron stated.

No matter the reason, 16,198 votes were in fact added to the recount between the time of Rick Barron’s email to Ryan Macias (not an employee or contractor of Fulton County) at noon on Dec. 3 and the time of the BRE meeting the following morning.”

Missing Ballot Images: What Wasn’t Included in the Recount

Moncla and Rossi uncovered through analysis by “WarTornTrump” that the official recount included 17,852 votes with missing ballot images. Recent filings in a pending lawsuit verify that Fulton County has confirmed it does not have the disappeared ballot images. There are also 3,125 duplicate ballot images included in the official recount results, as recorded by Seeforyourself. Together, these two additions total 20,977 ballots for which there are votes but no ballot images. Moncla and Rossi reiterate:

“There are 20,977 unsubstantiated votes, which were in fact counted and included in the official results for the recount.”

Remarkably, Moncla and Rossi report that “original election-night [Nov. 3] count included 10 Advance Voting tabulator results for which we have no record.” Specifically, this means “no poll open tapes, no daily status tapes, and poll closing tapes.” An Open Records Request to Fulton County seeking the ten tabulator tapes resulted in a reply stating, “No such records.” 

Likewise, in an attempt to clarify if the records were missing or didn’t exist, they sent two emails to Fulton County. Upon reply, they were told, “The records do not exist.” The ten tabulator results with no backup total 20,713 ballots. Undoubtedly, the realization Fulton County has no record for the tabulators and no record of the 20,713 ballot images from the allegedly scanned ballots is significant. 

Summarizing the unsettling circumstances in their detailed report sitting on Governor Kemp’s desk for the past two weeks, Moncla and Rossi explain:

“It would be far more than incredible to believe the 20,713 ballot scanning/ballot image deficiency of the original count, and the 20,977 ballot image deficiency of the recount, are not one in the same.”

Big Developer's Get Property Tax Subsidiies while Johnson County Homeowners pay For it

by Staff

Is America great or what? Look how well county government works for their corporate development friends through Industrial Revenue Bonds and Tax Increment Finance Districts paid for by the state's homeowners. ‌ ‌

Maybe you've asked or even thought about how Biden inflation will effect your neighborhood? Well how about yet another $1 million dollar giveaway scheme to be voted on by the Johnson County Commission this Thursday, May 26th, 9:30 a.m.  While gasoline, milk and food are experiencing double digit inflation, the Johnson County commissioners are subsidiing their development buddies using your tax dollars. After all, somebody has to finance their re-election so it might as well be you whether you want to or not. Paying more by providing a Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) district for the benefit of area developers is a way to help re-election!! 

There are plenty of ways to disguise project cost by dividing the burden between Tifs and Bonds to swing it, so the homeowner doesn't realize what it will really cost but remember you'll be paying for it over your lifetime.  Isn't that a small price to pay for projects like another Apartment Complex, or light rail down Metcalf or some other boondoggle ventures? Remember that's how we got traffic cameras in Overland Park that monitors your every nove.

The national inflation rate according to Inflation Calculator is conservatively stated at 8.3% but food and gasoline are averaging double digits. Can we really afford to fund another questionable county development project and inflation, too?

Come to this meeting and ask for your million dollar interest free loan.  Arrive by 9:15 at 111 South Cherry St., Olathe to sign in to speak at the public comment time, or sign up to make your comments via zoom by completing the registration form below.

Attend the meeting with skype and express your opinion at the meeting virtually by signing the Registration Form ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Haven't we all about had enough of politicians spending money we don't have? Listen to Charlotte O'Hara's radio message about this latest incursion into your wallet.

Pennsylvania Proves Our Elections Are Corrupt

by Emerald Robinson

The 2022 Pennsylvania Primary has exposed the utter delusion of Republicans who thought the stolen 2020 election could be safely ignored. Once Trump was off the ballot — they told us — all of these “election abnormalities” would disappear. Our normal election system would “return to normal.” I heard this countless times in 2020 and 2021 from educated people who turned out to be complete fools.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The 2020 election was simply the most obvious example of how brazenly fraudulent our election process had become — and since no meaningful reforms have been enacted, the same cheating is happening again. This time, the mail ballot vendor printed the wrong ID code on 22,000 ballots — if you can believe it.

The thing is: I can believe it. They’re not even trying to hide the corruption anymore.

Let’s repeat the worst four words in the English language for liberals: President Trump was right.

But let’s begin at the beginning of this farce — with the polling.

The Trafalgar Group has been the only polling firm (other than Rasmussen) to make accurate calls the last few years. Trafalgar released the following poll just before the primary.

To summarize: Kathy Barnette and Dr. Oz were in a dead heat, and the GOP establishment choice Dave McCormick was third. That’s how the race looked not just to Trafalgar but to every other pollster as well: McCormick was a distant third.

On the day of the primary, Kathy Barnette supposedly runs a distant third — though four polls showed her tied for the lead with Oz! —while Dave McCormick runs neck and neck with Dr. Oz. Here’s the problem with that scenario: I was unable to locate anyone living in Pennsylvania who was voting for Dave McCormick. All the talk in conservative media, and conservative radio, was Kathy Barnette surging against Dr. Oz.

Nobody had Dave McCormick pulling out a victory — probably because it never happened. Instead, the electronic voting machines in Pennsylvania did their thing for the uniparty in Washington. Like I said: they’re not even trying to hide it now. The GOP establishment didn’t want Kathy Barnette or Dr. Oz as the GOP candidate because those two would answer to President Trump and not to Mitch McConnell.

So they flipped the switch again.

And that’s how we ended up with the 2022 Pennsylvania Primary repeating the 2020 Presidential election.

Let’s review the basics of election theft. When you steal a primary, certain things have to happen in a certain order — and that’s one of the giveaways. For example, mail-in ballots have to be counted at the very end of the process because you don’t know how many ballots you will need to win until the very end. If your state counted those ballots first, for example, it would be much harder to cheat — and that’s why our two political parties insist that states don’t do it!

Look at Pennsylvania right now: Dave McCormick is suing to force undated mail-in ballots to be counted. Why do they have no dates? How could they have no dates? They’re obviously fraudulent ballots — and they’ve suddenly appeared out of nowhere because Dave McCormick needs them.

Notice too that the entire electoral process has to be slowed down in order to accomplish the cheating. Pennsylvania’s primary race was on May 17th. It’s May 23rd and they still can’t count a few thousand ballots because — well, you know — they’re cheating.

It’s so blatant that even the Pennsylvania GOP wants nothing to do with it.

As I said, there’s a particular order to a bogus election. For example, there’s always one candidate who demands that all ballots be counted — and that’s the candidate to watch because he seems to know that mail-in ballots will break heavily for him for some strange and never-explained reason.

For example: Dr. Oz was leading by a few thousand votes on Primary Day, but Dave McCormick’s people are oddly confident that undated mail-in ballots will overcome Oz’s lead.

That’s too clever by half.

Substitute the name “Joe Biden” for “Dave McCormick” and you’ve seen this movie before — in November 2020. You’re not dreaming. You know how it ends. You’re just watching another rigged election.

You’re just watching your nation turn into a banana republic.
