by Publius
{This Sept 27th, 2021 Cyber NInja article is presented to demonstrate how the narrative has twisted since it was posted five
months ago. See Citizen Wells at:
The evidence of 2020 fraud as presented by Dr. Douglas Frank and others is still residing on and continuing to document the steal. The media has filed an FOIA demand for all correspondence on the Cyber Ninjas audit and
judge Hannah redefines the audit for the AZ senate as a 'public document' so that it will be subject to FOIA laws.
Judge Hannah then penalizes the Cyber Ninjas $50,000 per day for not providing all requested correspondence to the news paper filing the FOIA request: This is another attempt to convince the public that the Arizona audit found nothing illegal as they fail to mention known criminal actions.
Interestingly enough, the 2020 dominion criminal referrals reported to the AZ DA over 90 days ago still have seen no action. Arizona
Election Fraud: 2 Months After They Were Identified Illegally Deleting
2020 Election Records, Three Individuals Remain Unpunished, Unidentified
and Uncharged by AG Mark Brnovich So who are the real fraudsters? - ED ]
Recalling threats to Wayne
County, Michigan election officials in 2020 who later signed affidavits
saying they regretted
their key votes to certify, which handed the state to Biden, the CEO of
Cyber Ninjas said in an interview that his team was “threatened” before the
release of the report. In the same interview, with Gateway
Pundit, Ninjas CEO Doug Logan now says that a previous
release of the report which recommended de-certification of the AZ election
was a “hoax.”
In November 2020, in swing state Michigan,
an arrest was made after pictures of dead, naked women
were sent to one of the Republican
board members in charge of certifying results, threatening his
daughter, and other Republican members also reported threats. Michigan
plus one other state in contention,
Pennsylvania, would have handed the election to Trump.
Below: Detroit News headline, Nov. 23, 2020 (source)

Logan gave no further
Logan gave no further details in the interview of the threats.{Wasn't this enough? - Ed}
Cyber Ninjas Finds 50,000-plus Ballots with Serious Issues, Margin Was 11,000
Among the findings of a long-awaited report by Cyber Ninjas on the 2020 presidential election:
- Over 50,000 ballots suffer from serious issues, over 23,000 of
those being mail-in ballots from voters who had moved prior to the
election. Mail-in ballots in AZ must be received by mail. They cannot be picked up at the election department.
• “Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in
the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully
cleared.” {This supports what the Colorado forensic audit by Tina Peters discovered - ED]
• “Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.”
- “Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server.”
- The audit could not find an identity match on 86,391 people, in federal, state, USPS, or private databases. These are referred to as “ghost” voters.
[Cyber Ninjas AZ Audit Report, Vol. III Details] {The report states that more ballots were returned than recieved by voters and more duplicates than original voters. A clear indication of fraud. Note that the report is marked 'For Arizona Senate use Only'; it is not intended as a public document by the auditors. - ED]
Below: Voters on whom no identity match could be found, page 56 Cyber Ninjas report (click for larger image)

Election evidence, which is required by federal law to be preserved
for 22 months, was “intentionally” destroyed, which would constitute a
federal crime punishable by fines and up to a year in jail, under 52 USC 20701. The law covers “all records and papers,” which would include those in electronic format.
In election integrity cases in Alabama and in Arizona, judges have ruled electronic ballot images are “records.”
Numbers of Problem Ballots Do Not Support Stated Conclusion
The margin of victory in AZ was under 11,000 votes.
Thus the number of problem ballot is many times greater than what
would be required to change the outcome of the election.
Nevertheless, the report’s Executive Summary states:
“What has been found is both encouraging and revealing. On
the positive side there were no substantial differences between the hand
count of the ballots provided and the official election canvass results
for Maricopa County. This is an important finding because the paper
ballots are the best evidence of voter intent and there is no reliable
evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.”
Cyber Ninjas does not explain how this conclusion can be reconciled
with many tens of thousands of votes with serious issues , and
destruction of evidence, when the victory margin was under 11,000 votes.
From table in Cyber Ninjas report

Federal Law Requires Preservation of “Records”
Among the major findings of the report are the destruction of
evidence which may show clear criminal intent, including server files,
logs, and ballot images. Federal law requires that all “all
records and papers,” which would include in electronic format, be
preserved for 22 months in federal elections, in 52 USC 20701. Penalties are fines and imprisonment of up to one year. Although intent is not a factor in the law, the report nevertheless concludes:
• “Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in
the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully
• “Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.”
52 USC 20701 reads in substantial part:
“Every officer of election shall retain and preserve, for a
period of twenty-two months from the date of any general, special, or
primary election of which candidates for the office of President…all
records and papers which come into his possession…requisite to voting in
such election…Any officer of election or custodian who willfully fails
to comply with this section shall be fined not more than $1,000 or
imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
It would be up to the Arizona Senate to act on the assertion of what
would constitute the federal crime of destruction of election evidence,
as well to demand explanation of any conclusions not supported by the
ballot data.