Disturbing Footage — Forced Vaccinations In LA of Mentally Disabled Adults…

Posted by Kane

So they're going after the mentally disabled/housebound ppl who CAN'T fight back/aren't allowed to say no? Gee,
this reminds me of...The way Nazi's started with the mentally disabled. How long before we hear of these people dying? This is wrong on SO many levels! #BidensAmerica

Cops Force-Vaccinate Special Needs Girls In Statewide ‘Operation Homebound’ Program

This disturbing footage is part of Los Angeles’ Operation Homebound, which the LA County Sheriff’s Department says is a “program designed to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.”

“We are administering the Johnson & Johnson (1 shot only) vaccine utilizing our deputy sheriff personnel who are certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians,” the website states. “LASD is working with local community based organizations like ‘Integrated Community Collaborative’ and ‘Disability Voices United’ to connect with LA County residents most in need, go to their residences, and provide them this life-saving opportunity.”


"lend an arm."


Chinese Officials Trying to Dodge COVID-19 Vaccinations

The regime has been promoting its homegrown vaccines at home and abroad, shipping free doses to 69 countries and celebrating a record of 100 million administered across China by the end of March.

 As the Chinese regime races to inoculate tens of millions through coercive policies and a propaganda blitz, some local officials are quietly dodging the shots themselves.



Forced Compliance

  Video starts at 2:07

 What world power is driving this obsession to force an untested vaccine on every living being on earth?

It would seem that who or what  is controlling that power is a greater threat than the disease they claim

to be saving the world from.

A frightening look nu Dr. Charlie Ward at how the manufactured Covid crisis is being used to drive fascism leading to the loss of civil liberties and human rights. Saying 'No' to the vaccine can have brutal consequences. - ED.



Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Calls for Halt to Vaccinations, Predicts “Wipe Out” of Populations | Coronavirus News

This one is long but at least it isn’t filled with a bunch of hype, strongly suggest turning on the Closed Captions, as he is a little hard to understand at times.


 Former Gates Foundation Vaccine Scientist Calls for Halt to Vaccinations, Predicts “Wipe Out” of Populations | Coronavirus News