Hello Suckers..JoCo County Commissars have a vaccine Deal for you !..

by Allen Williams

Never short of policies, advice or what is obviously considered mind control, the county commissioners have outdone themselves with their summer issue of JOCO 2021, full of Covid vaccine recommendations. Two pages full of testimonies by people (mostly over 60) as to why they decided to take the vaccine.

The article features several individuals 46 and younger, including one physician who states he got vaccinated because ' they work'  and "having received vaccinations since he was a child".  Really? What kind of nonsense is this? It's using FEAR to sell an idea. The KU physician in the JoCo article ends his diatribe intimating a social credit is incurred by his vaccination,"It is also regarded as an act of charity to those around me and my community."  Oh really? This is evidence of just how deeply communism has penetrated the country and made maximum usage of its useful idiots.

Notice that so far the county commissars have not violated the liberal axiom, '..my body.. my choice.' However with the loony Laura Kelly as governor, no bets as to how long that policy will last.

But why is this being done? Because American citizens are simply 'too stupid' to make the kind of decisions officials want and so other means must be employed.

JoCo magazine is full of propaganda on what YOU as a citizen should be doing in order to be 'a good citizen.' And that infers dropping dead or having severe reactions to the vaccines depending on whether you get the Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna or another vaccine type? Citizens under communism are not regarded as assets..

Let's take a look at some of the 'vaccine negatives' which the JoCo article fails to mention. From the Health Ranger, Mike Adams:

What good is a pandemic if you can't exploit it? And as Rahm Emanuel has often stated, " A crisis is a terrible thing to waste." The appearance of Covid looks like population control: Sen. Ron Johnson Hearing: Mother with Disabled Daughter Breaks Down Crying While Sharing How COVID Vaccine Shattered Her Daughter's Life (VIDEO)


Remember current 'vaccines' are NOT true vaccines but ONLY an experimental drug response to Covid. They are NOT FDA approved. It is nothing but corruption on full display, a hallmark of communism.

Look to treatments that have shown to be effective against Covid as in Ivermectin, from Fox News: 'Physician slams YouTube's 'extremely misguided' decision to pull Senate Testimony about COVID treatment and hydroxychloroquinine (with Zinc)

Learn to develop a healthy skepticism and distrust of Bureaucratic recommendations.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Historic Legislation to Eliminate the ATF!




From: Missouri Firearms Coalition

Subject: Marjorie Taylor Greene Files Historic Legislation to Eliminate the ATF!


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There may have been a time when gun owners thought that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) served a legitimate role in the federal government, helping to arrest violent criminals and dangerous gang members.

But those days are long gone!

These days, we all know that the ATF is nothing more than the personal attack dog for Democratic Presidents like Barack Obama and now Joe Biden, spending their days attacking the Second Amendment and harassing law-abiding gun owners.

 The ATF can’t be reformed, and they can’t be fixed. They need to be shut down and forever disbanded.

That’s why the American Firearms Association -– our national affiliate -- is proud to announce that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has just introduced our legislation to ELIMINATE THE ATF!

Everyone remembers how Obama and Eric Holder allowed the ATF to give THOUSANDS of fully automatic firearms to the Mexican Drug Cartels through their infamous Operation Fast and Furious -- a terrible idea that led to the deaths of hundreds of people!

One of those deaths was Brian Terry, a former Marine and decorated U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent, who was murdered with a gun that was put into the hands of violent criminals by the ATF!

But as dangerous as the ATF is to the Second Amendment and gun owners right now, things will get FAR WORSE if David Chipman is confirmed as the next Director of the ATF.

Chipman, who is receiving a vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee today, wants to use the ATF to ATTACK gun owners and go door-to-door trying to confiscate our AR-15’s!

When passed into law, H.R. 3960 will:

>>> Require the ATF to publish a list of every firearm they have confiscated and sell them to the American people through a public auction!

>>> Disperse the money from the sale of these firearms to the families of border patrol agents killed in the line of duty as a result of Operation Fast and Furious!

>>> Immediately repeal all ATF regulations and permanently rescind their hiring authority, shifting their regulatory functions back to the FBI!


Eliminating the ATF is the ONLY WAY to fix them. They hate the Second Amendment, they despise law-abiding gun owners, they clearly think they are above the law, and their actions have resulted in the death of HUNDREDS of people via Fast and Furious. ED Note: Also let's not forget the murder of David Koresh and over 80 men, women and children at WACO.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed the bill for the American Firearms Association and the Missouri Firearms Coalition. Now it’s time that Missouri’s Congressional members stand with her and cosponsor this vital legislation!  

Send your Congressman this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL today, insisting that he support this bill and send a message that the ATF’s time is OVER!

Our freedom is under attack in a way that American’s haven’t experienced in hundreds of years. The tyrants of our Founding Father’s era were called ‘Red Coats,’ and they worked for a king thousands of miles away.

These days, they are called ‘ATF Agents’ and they work for a tyrant in our own government, sitting in our own White House!

Groups like the American Firearms Association and the Missouri Firearms Coalition are leading the charge to confront this evil with legislation like this.

And I hope that you will join us in this fight.

After you’ve contacted your Congressman, please send us the most generous donation that you can to keep us fighting for you!

The enemies of freedom have a limitless budget, given to them from Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, and many others. To be blunt, we need your immediate help to push for this legislation.

Our children and grandchildren are either going to inherit an America where ‘We the People’ are in charge of our government, or an America where the government rules over us by force and fear.

If we lose our precious Second Amendment freedoms -- our very right to defend ourselves -- then we’re just a step away from outright tyranny!

 Help us fight back with a major donation below!







This is our country! Fight for it! Now is the time!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has just introduced the Missouri Firearms Coalitions’ Eliminate the ATF Act, which would close the doors of the ATF forever!

It’s time that Missouri’s congressional delegation take a stand for freedom, too. So send your Congressman this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL today, insisting that he add his name as a cosponsor to this legislation.

Then donate! The Missouri Firearms Coalition is LEADING this fight, but we can’t do it without your help. Everything we love about America is on the line!

Stand with us NOW!



Missouri Firearms Coalition · 2208 Missouri Blvd St 102, Box #302, Jefferson City, MO 65109, United States
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