by Mike Adams

(Natural News) About a year ago, I gave a live presentation in Branson, Missouri, that is only now being made fully public. The presentation, shown below via, reveals that the real master plan which led to COVID is actually an extermination plan for humanity.
Population reduction has been the goal all along. But where the globalists have shown their true evil genius is in their choice of creating a biological weapon with high transmission rather than high fatality rates. The virus was never very deadly to people under the age of 50, but it was always highly contagious to people of all ages. And that contagiousness, it turns out, was enough to advance their nefarious plan against humanity.The rapid spread of the virus allowed the globalist-controlled media to claim “cases” were skyrocketing, thereby justifying weaponized lockdowns and a global rolling out of medical fascism disguised as “public health” policies. Based entirely on the speed of the spread of the virus, cities, states and nations of the world were able to achieve three key goals that represent the necessary precursors to global human extermination:
- Crushing the existing human economies of the world, including food production, ultimately leading to mass famine, homelessness and total dependence on government.
- Rolling out new, Orwellian medical fascism laws and edicts that set the precedent for mass arrests and forced relocation into “quarantine camps” for those who resist. These camps, of course, are actually death camps and processing facilities for eliminating human beings.
- Forcing compliance with global vaccine mandates which will of course be used to achieve global infertility and accelerated deaths from diseases and subsequent infections. Whereas a pathogen could not achieve a 90% death rate on its own, the engineered pathogen (the Wuhan coronavirus) was able to be used to drive people into mass vaccine compliance, during which they can be directly injected with toxic substances, vaccine compliance tracking nanotech (quantum dots) and biology-altering mRNA sequences that literally hijack the body’s cells and reprogram them to produce whatever protein sequences are engineered into the mRNA vaccines.
Thus, globalists have simultaneously built a global pandemic prison camp combined with a mandatory vaccine obedience system through which they can repeatedly spread more infectious disease and promote accelerated deaths or infertility.
The end goal, as globalists like Bill Gates openly support, is the elimination of billions of human beings living today. Ideally, globalists seek to reduce the world population to about 500 million people, which is roughly a 94% reduction in the current human population.
The world you once knew is never coming back, because the globalists who run the world have other plans
Each day, more and more people are coming to realize that there will be no restoration of the world we all once knew. Globalists have no intention of restoring human freedom, economic prosperity and global mobility. Now, human societies are being deliberately crushed — even in the face of contradictory scientific evidence that shows lockdowns don’t work — in order to cause mass destitution and collapse.
by DN Irving
The article by transhumanist Zoltan Istvan is nothing
more than a grand scheme for population control. To see this, read it first “as is” --
pure transhumanism (which is bad enough). Then go back and read it again,
against the backdrop of the essential Gnostic principles inherent in it (briefly
summarized below). I apologize for
the repetition, but this article is a classic example of Gnostic Transhumanism
that is hard to pass up.
The Gnostic bottom line is that all “matter” is evil. The piece of the divine in most human beings is imprisoned in an evil material body and material soul, and must be freed so that it can move back up through the spheres of the cosmos and finally fuse back into the Ultimate god/goddess from which it originally emanated to help heal this divine breach (not unlike the transhumanists’ goal of transferring our brains into computers in 2045 in order to ultimately fuse into The Singularity). Every new birth is simply a further terrible dispersing and breaching of the Ultimate god/goddess. Thus any and all manner of “birth control” or “population control” is required to stop this terrible continuous breaching of the Ultimate.
As recently explained, the cosmology of the Gnostics is far different than most. Although there are many different kinds of Gnostic myths that vary from century and geographical location, there are many common elements that they all share (see world expert in Gnosticism Hans Jonas’ encyclopedia article in Irving, "GNOSTICISM, the Heretical Gnostic Writings, and 'Judas'" (April 9, 2006), at:, Below is an example of some common elements that might help one understand the connections among transhumanism, Gnosticism and population control:
Most Gnostic myths are
attempts at explaining how the world came to be, and based on the
imagination. Most are pantheistic (only ONE “thing” or
Ultimate god/goddess in reality);
some are dualistic (only TWO “things” in reality). They are polytheistic (many minor gods/goddesses
of the Spheres). In pantheism,
the interior of the spiritual Ultimate is composed of an infinite number of “opposites” or “contraries” that are connected (because this is a
pantheism), and are thus the
same. As Heraclitus said, “The
path up and the path down are the same”. Because these are “opposites” there is
constant “strife” or “dialectic”
among them all, resulting in an
“explosion” or a breach of the Ultimate wherein some of the “opposites”
flow out (emanate), and congeal beneath the Ultimate.
Thus the First Sphere
is formed. (Eventually, this
terrible breach of the Ultimate must be stopped and repaired -- and that is
where the population control element comes in). The same is repeated multiple times
because the interior constitution of each Sphere is also composed of “opposites”
in strife, resulting in a group of Spheres. There is a god/goddess of each
Sphere. The first group of Spheres
to emanate are the divine spiritual Aeons (good guys, Messengers of
Light); the lowest Aeon goddess Sophia “sins” (often involving sex) and
procreates a son named the Demiurge, often equated with the God of the Old Testament (thus
Gnosticism is anti-Semitic and anti-Christian). Both are kicked out of this group of
Spheres into the Chaos.
The monstrous Demiurge, ignorant of the
divine Aeons and Ultimate above him, thinks he is god, and emanates the second
physical group of Spheres called the Archons (the bad guys; each one is a psychic power). Again, the First group of Spheres and the Second group
of Spheres are thus “opposites” within Gnosticism itself, and all connected
because this is a pantheism. The Demiurge and the Archons then emanate evil
“matter” and the rest of the physical material cosmos, planets, stars, etc.,
including human beings. There
are no true “individuals” in the
cosmos because they are really just “pieces” of the pantheistic Ultimate
from which they have emanated. The Ultimate is the only true “individual”. Because each item that has emanated from
the divine Ultimate (and then from the divine gods/goddesses of the Spheres), most have a “piece” of the Ultimate
divinity in them.
In a human being that piece of the Ultimate
is called, e.g., the “Self”, “Pneuma”, “Spark”, “Light” or “Spirit”, etc. -- and it
is held captive as a prisoner in the
evil material body and evil material soul. In order to keep their “creations” or
emanations intact and continuing to multiply, the Archons emanated physical human sex. Human beings are oblivious to the
little piece of the Ultimate deity within them (at least, within the elite human
beings), and every new human child born
represents an even further and continuous breach of the Ultimate. The Aeons of the upper divine realm of
spheres have a solution.
To trick the
Demiurge and his Archons and free the piece of divine entrapped in evil material
bodies and souls, the Aeons defy them
using two different methods. Some Aeons defy the Archons by destroying and abusing anything
having to do with the material body, especially sex or the product of
sex, e.g., (in today’s terms) by promoting abortion, embryo research, "free
sex", homosexuality, self-mutilation, etc. Other Aeons defy them by
simply not using sex, by abstaining from
it, by being ascetics -- as Hans Jonas puts it, they “go on a metaphysical
strike” against it -- and both
Aeon-types include population control measures for that purpose. That is, they want to stop any further breaching of the
Ultimate any way they can. Thus
the Aeons, the Messengers of Light,
trick the Archons by "revealing" to (elite) human beings their true divine
"essence" and other secret knowledge (gnosis) while humans are meditating, dreaming, in any kind of
altered mental states (even drugs).
This gnosis also consists in informing humans that the laws of science and nature they are using
are false, and provide them with their True Science in its place. Gnosis also consists in “informing”
humans that the Laws of Moses are
false (Gnostics are anti-Semitic); and gnosis also has an “ethical” dimension (or “knowledge of the way out of this
material world”), i.e., instructions on how one should live one’s life in order
to get on the PATH back to their origins
-- i.e., the Ultimate.
Eventually the idea is that all this breaching of the Ultimate must stop,
all the divine “pieces” in the cosmos
(including that in man) must move back up through the many Spheres and finally
FUSE BACK INTO (or merge or transfer back into -- not unlike The Singularity) --
the Ultimate from whence they emanated. This is called The Ingathering of the Light or
“salvation” -- when the Ultimate is made whole and healthy once again.
Of course, this goal is “a-cosmic”,
necessarily involving and willing the destruction of the cosmos itself. These types of Gnostic myths have been
passed down and around since at least 5000 B.C. Some things never change.
NOW, try going back to Istvan’s article above and this time read it from the Gnostic perspective.
[See also: Psychology Today; The Transhumanist Philosopher, at: Also, Zi Ventures - Istvan Media, at:
by Joshua Gill
A U.K. court upheld an earlier ruling Tuesday ordering a toddler to be taken off life support despite his parents’ desire to continue treating him.
London’s Court of Appeal denied the parents’ request to
transfer their son, 21-month-old Alfie Evans, to the Vatican’s Bambino
Gesu Pediatric Hospital. The appeals court upheld a lower court’s ruling
that sided with doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool,
who say that continued treatment is “futile,” according to Crux Now.
suffers from an unknown neurological degenerative condition that has
reduced him to what the hospital has called a “semi-vegetable state,”
but his parents argue that he is still responsive and say they will
continue to fight for him to be treated.
“At this
moment, Alfie’s not ready so we’re not ready to let go,” Tom Evans, the
boy’s father, told the BBC. Tom said that he would challenge the ruling
before the U.K.’s Supreme Court.
The case bears similarities to the 2017 legal battle over treatment for Charlie Gard, who died
at 11 months old after U.K. courts continually deliberated and denied
him the option to receive treatment. Then as now, the hospital officials
overseeing the treatment of the child have argued that attempting to
treat him would be against the child’s best interest — a conclusion that
Alfie’s parents contest.
“Our aim is always to try and reach
an agreement with parents about the most appropriate care plan for their
child. Unfortunately there are sometimes rare situations such as this
where agreement cannot be reached and the treating team believe that
continued active treatment is not in a child’s best interests,” Alder
Hey Children’s Hospital said in a statement, according to Crux.
Anthony Hayden of the U.K.’s High Court agreed in his Feb. 20 ruling
with the hospital’s assessment that continuing to treat the Alfie was
“unkind, unfair, and inhumane.” Hayden praised the efforts of Alfie’s
parents but ultimately denied them the chance to medically fight for
their son’s life. He said that Tom’s urging to “fight on with Alfie’s
army” was commendable but that the parents’ had no clear plan for their
son’s betterment. Tom, incensed by the ruling, denounced it and vowed
that he would continue the fight.
“My son has been sentenced to
the death penalty. The system has worked against us. I’m not crying
because I know how wrong they are, I know how strong my boy is doing. He
is strong, he is comfortable. This isn’t the end. This is just the
start. I’m going to take this NHS down. I’m not giving up, my son isn’t
giving up. No-one, I repeat, no-one in this country, is taking my boy
away from me. They are not violating his rights and they are violating
my rights,” Tom said after Hayden’s ruling, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
The three judges of the appeals court, however, echoed Hayden’s reasoning Tuesday and said that the hospital had given due consideration to the parents’ wishes.
They ruled
hospital staff’s decision to remove Alfie from life support and deny his
transfer to another hospital was justified since Alfie is, according to
their assessment, comatose and unaware of his surroundings.
parents argue that Alfie is still aware and can still respond to them,
but hospital staff say that what the parents interpret as responses are
actually seizures, according to the Daily Mail.
Stephen Knafler QC, who represents Alfie’s parents against the state,
argued that, regardless of the hospital’s assessment, the courts’
rulings overstep their boundaries and interfere with “parental choice,”
according to Crux.
Please like and share this story on Facebook if you think this court’s ruling is sickening.
by John D'Aloia
know what I think of the UN. Do not think that I have gone over the
edge, but I want to give an atta-boy to the World Health Organization
for supporting the use of DDT to control the malaria epidemic that
claims the lives of millions each year. In September, Arata Kochi,
director of the WHO Global Malaria Program, stated that "We must take a
position based on the science and the data. One of the best tools we
have against malaria is indoor residual house spraying. Of the dozen
insecticides WHO has approved as safe for house spraying, the most
effective is DDT." Another WHO official said "Indoor residual spraying
is useful to quickly reduce the number of [malaria] infections ... and
DDT presents no health risk when used properly."
eco-fascists still call for the complete ban of DDT, period. For those
who inhabit these groups, human life is a cancer on the earth; malaria
helps to reduce the number of humans. Banning DDT keeps the process
working and saves the lives of countless mosquitoes. The Congress of
Racial Equality has been working for years to get the use of DDT
reinstated as a means of reducing human suffering and its economic
impacts. Paul Driessen, a Senior Fellow at CORE, was quoted in an
article in the December "Environmental & Climate News" on the
impacts of malaria: "In addition to the needless deaths (100,000 people
die of malaria each year in Uganda), countless millions are too sick to
go to work or school. Other millions must stay home to care for sick
family members. Is it any wonder that Sub-Sahara Africa is, and remains,
one of the poorest regions on Earth?"
The U.S. government,
which initiated the world-wide ban on the use of DDT in spite of the
scientific evidence that it was not the end-of-the-world disaster
claimed by Rachel Carlson, is changing its policy. Steven Milloy, in a
Fox News article, reported that the U.S. Agency for International
Development has endorsed and will fund the use of DDT for indoor
spraying in Africa. The European Union is not so enlightened. Milloy
also reported that the EU has threatened Uganda with a complete ban on
its agricultural exports if it goes ahead with indoor DDT spraying.
Milloy ended his article with "Let’s forget the myths about DDT - it’s
time to stop malaria now."
"The tragedy of the commons" is a
term used to identify a situation that happens all too often when
property or goods are owned by everyone for the use by everyone. With no
one responsible for the management of the asset to ensure a continuing
supply, those using it have no incentive to take care of it or to
concern themselves if it will be there tomorrow. Let George do it. The
result is that the asset disappears. An example often given is a common
pasture land open to all. It is not long before overgrazing destroys the
pasture - no one was responsible for managing the number of head on the
land to ensure that the asset, the grass, would be there tomorrow.
Everyone wanted to ensure that they were able to graze as many head of
the free grass as they could.
The antidote for the "tragedy of
the commons" is private ownership. A microcosm of the "tragedy of the
commons" is littering, seen in roads and parking lots across the country
- how often have you seen a pile of cigarette butts on the ground about
where the front door of a parked car would have been. It is probably a
safe bet that the person who dumped them would not have dumped them in
his own driveway. In our town, we spend a significant amount of money
each year operating a street sweeper to clear the gutters of litter. I
often wonder if the operation of the sweeper, affectionately known as
"the slug" to some, could be reduced if people would take care of their
own trash and not succumb to validating the "tragedy of the commons"
thesis. In this case, "Let George do it" is exactly what happens -
George is the slug’s operator.
There is another place in town
where George and his machine cannot get, a connecting road between two
built-up areas. It appears to be a magnet for trash discarded out car
windows. If not for concerned citizens, the trash would accumulate for
eternity and spoil what is in fact a pleasant walk along the pathway
parallel to the road. Citizens often tell me that the city should do
this or that "for the common good." Not littering represents something
individuals can do "for the common good" - all it takes is exercising a
responsibility for one’s own actions.
See you Trackside.
Republished from the old Eponym site in honor of former editor John D'Aloia