Kansas Denies Self Government Supporting Autocratic Rule

by Allen Williams

Once again the Kansas legislature fails the people that it feigns to represent, denying its citizens the right to decide if the Kansas constitution includes the right to abortion demonstrating its continued worthlessness.  The people of Kansas must live under a judicial oligarchy created and nurtured by the stupidity and malfeasance of this body of motley fools.

Self government is not a constitutional right in Kansas because the legislature and its lawyer interest group select candidates for the Supreme Court independent of the people ensuring authoritative control continues. Thus the people are prevented from saying ‘No’ to the special interests that want unlimited funding for substandard schools and the continued slaughter of the unborn for the baby body parts trafficking industries.

The Kansas legislature spends its time working against the very people that elected them pandering exclusively to a myriad of special interest groups including the American Federation of Teachers,  Equality Kansas, KNEA, Kansas Association of School Boards, Johnson County Educators PAC, Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Advancing Women, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club and a host of others denying the fundamental right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness as guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. The people do not have the final say whether or not they wish to fund a government agenda as that power has been usurped by the courts through the ubiquitous ‘compelling interest’ of the state legalese..

The people are governed by a succession of thugs in a corrupt legislative process that earned a failing grade in a 2015 state integrity investigation.  According to the Metrovoice, the state’s pro-abortion governor Laura Kelly has deep ties to Kansas City Corruption supporting the “sleazy underground” political interests that funded her campaign. Kelly has joined the ranks of other unsavory governors complicit in abetting the State Bar in packing the Kansas judiciary with odious candidates.  The last thing these characters want is to relinquish control of the Kansas Supreme court to the people of Kansas.

There is a long history of Kansas being an abortion Mecca with the courts protecting Planned Parenthood’s right to pursue Title X funding genocide.  The state legislature failed the people of Kansas by providing no effective means of impeaching corrupt judges other than removal by the state Supreme Court on the recommendation of the commission on judicial qualifications.  This firmly places the state bar association in charge of who can be a judge so not only does the fox guard the chicken house but establishes the rules on how it should operate as well.

This same corrupt legislative body failed to support the one attorney general who discovered underage girls were being illegally taken for abortion and allowing the state’s ethics commission to remove this attorney general’s ability to practice law in the state. Thereby it chose to guarantee availability of abortion funds for favored individual’s election campaigns and to maintain the status quo. Because of the self serving actions of this worthless e body, people are coming from all over the country to abort their children especially from states whose stiffer regulations make abortion more difficult to obtain. 

As of 2919, the Kansas Supreme Court again exercised its supervisory authority over the public, ruling that the state constitution contains the right to abortion stretching its legal reasoning beyond the limits of credibility to deny the people’s right to self government.

Kansas has subsequently joined the community of repressive nations where secret courts rule such as China, Iran and North Korea whose despots impose insufferable rule over their citizenry.

Kansas Dept of Revenue Outsourcing is Self Immolating

by Allen Williams

In early July 2019 I received a notification from the Kansas Department of revenue that I had not paid my 2018 taxes amounting to $18.00!  Yes, you read that correctly as I owed no federal income taxes thanks to the Trump tax cut but the state of Kansas still manages to squeeze out revenue from its denizens despite zero liability on one’s federal return.

I had just 15 days to respond.  If I didn’t there was a list of options the agency could choose from including but not limited to:

·         File a tax warrant resulting in a lien on your assets

·         Levy your bank accounts

·         Garnish your wages

·         Seize your property including motor vehicles, boats and recreational vehicles

·         Suspend or revoke any liquor or dealer licenses you may hold

·         Refer your account to a private collection agency and a fee will be added to your account

Tax demand notification I received

So I phoned the agency to try and clear up the matter and as expected the system is fully automated.  I was immediately dumped into the queue with seven people ahead of me.  I continued holding until I was No 5 when suddenly a connection was made and I was on the line with someone from the revenue department who identified herself as Martha.

Before I could discuss the tax problem with Martha, I had to jump through a number of hoops to identify myself with name, address, telephone number, date of birth, SS number, etc.  It was unacceptable to give the agent my case number of 0101021941463 as I could be someone impersonating me trying to claim I paid the bill or to make arrangements to pay the delinquency.  Yes, these people really are that dense.

Tax bill due plus interest and penalties

Despite my having given this woman my check number, amount and the date that payment was made, Martha wanted a copy of the check with the department’s endorsement.  All that was really necessary was to do a system search for the check number and within minutes she would have been able to ascertain its disposition.  But that assumes these people are willing to assist taxpayers as well as the preexistence of adequate department infrastructure, e.g.: (1) the department is not understaffed  (2) Incompetence throughout the department is not a factor (3) a weaponized response via political referral  or previous encounter is not a factor.

I went to my bank with the same information I gave to Martha and in about ten minutes they discovered that KS revenue cashed my $18.00 check four days after I mailed my tax return on April 11th   but then failed to record it for whatever reason.  Obviously, the department of revenue has shorted its ability to monitor payments into the system and may not have had the means to verify my payment.  This is irresponsible. But given the dismal oversight in the department, the lack of vision and the stupid political decisions, I expect things to grow progressively worse in the future due to the state’s escalating debt. 

KS Dept of endorsement on my check dated 4/19/2019

I should note that the department t of revenue would easily have accepted a second check to settle my account but due to its outsourcing tax returns likely would have resulted in the same outcome.  The agency has little regard for the people it allegedly serves.

Kansas is a small state with a population of around 2,911,505 persons as of July 2918.  The state has a myriad of debt problems between funding public education and the Kansas Public Employees Retirement system (KPERS) and is desperate for money.

Kansas agency laid off dozens of employees last year. Now it wants them back   https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article230757674.html#storylink=cpy

KDOR announced in May 2018 that it would eliminate 56 positions as part of a contract with CGI to provide professional services to operate, maintain, enhance and support the Department of Revenue’s tax systems… He said the state will own certain “deliverables” produced by CGI and reiterated that taxpayers won’t experience any disruptions.” Really? so what do you call the disruption I received from the Kansas Dept of Revenue.. an enhancement?  -  https://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article230757674.html

Despite increased computer technology the Kansas Department of Revenue is a poorly managed state agency. Contracting out services with increased liability for school lawsuits and public employees’ retirement obligations is a fool’s errand and has worsened the agency’s ability to perform.

Kansas is at the center of endless lawsuits over school funding and keeping the state employees retirement fund up to date  (https://business.ku.edu/sites/business.ku.edu/files/docs/pdfs/centers/bcae/TR%2017-0901--Underfunding%20KPERS%20%28Hall%29.pdf) such that there is little money for anything else. School funding in Kansas consumes over 51% of the state’s budget and taxpayers are on the hook for some 8 billion in unfunded actuarial liability for public employees.

Kansas currently features a per capita debt higher than the US average.“Overall, the State had used debt sparingly in prior decades and was previously considered a low debt state. Now we are a moderate debt state with Moody’s Net Tax Supported Debt of $1,575 per capita. The US average is $1,473…”-  https://www.kdfa.org/sites/default/files/uploaded_files/2017%20Debt%20Study%20Rev%200.pdf The media buffoons think that when a state’s per capita debt is higher than the US average, it’s a moderate debt state.

A commission consisting of four lawyers and four non lawyers selects the state’s Supreme Court justices who inure the school’s right to sue the state legislature. It’s a ‘win-win’ for special interests like Alan Rupe and associates who have made a career out of suing the state legislature over school funding.

Look for future difficulties in this haphazard agency chiefly due to good old boy politics and the state’s failure to get the Kansas Supreme court out of dictating school funding.

Federal Judge Tells Dems to Hit the Breaks

by Shane Ormond

A federal judge has ruled that Dem lawmakers don’t have the authority to sue Trump for declaring a national emergency (and not so subtly told them to stop crying to the courts about every little thing Trump does).

In the last few months, the Dems have been successfully leveraging the power of the courts to impede Trump, further investigations into his finances, and avoid ever having to speak to their Republican counterparts.

However, they hit their first major stumbling block yesterday, as a Trump appointed judge ruled they could not sue the president over a plan to divert $6.1 billion from the military to build his border wall.

The Dems argued that the lawsuit should be allowed on the grounds that 1) they had exhausted every other option. And 2) the emergency order violated the Constitution Appropriations Clause, which grants Congress authority over the allocation of federal funds.

Judge Trevor McFadden disagreed, writing that “while the Constitution bestows upon members of the House many powers, it does not grant them standing to (drag) the executive branch into court claiming a dilution of Congress’s legislative authority.”

He went on to say that a “lawsuit is not a last resort for the House,” pointing to “several political arrows in its quiver to counter perceived threats to its sphere of power.”

McFadden puts his finger on the key problem with modern American ultra-partisan politics here. There is no actual “politics” anymore.  No discussion. No deals. No compromises. None of the wheeling and dealing essential to making a two-party system work.

Instead, we have a bunch of idiots smashing their heads off each other and trying to circumvent the process with loopholes and legislative back alleys.

And all that gets us is a bunch of bumped noggins and a lot of very angry, frustrated, and exhausted people.

Even this decision doesn’t get actually get anyone anywhere. The funds for the wall have already been blocked by an Obama-appointed judge in California in a completely separate lawsuit.

The Kansas Supreme Court an Enemy of the People

by Allen Williams

2022 Update

In 2019 the Kansas Supreme court ruled that personal autonomy guarantees the right to abortionThe Declaration's "natural, inalienable rights," the Court said, included "personal autonomy" and therefore abortion.   The court’s opinion that certain’ rights ‘predate the country’ means what?  It means that child sacrifice was practiced well before the nation was formed and that this exercise predates the constitution.  But interestingly enough the court made no reference to the Declaration’s unalienable ‘right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   The principle justification for this malfeasant decision seems to be that ‘life’ is not the desire of the court but rather the thinning of the North American population is of far greater importance than the antiquated notion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

This renegade court doesn’t even bother to construct a viable legal rationale to support the decision but resorts to political obeisance to the eugenics coalition.  It is the greatest stretch of reason that has masqueraded as a legal decision since Dred Scott claimed Negroes were a separate class of persons and couldn’t be citizens.  However, the court’s notion is now somewhat problematic as the federal right to abortion doesn’t exist any longer with the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and the recent discovery that fetal heartbeat may be detected as early as 15 weeks gestation.  It clearly defines ‘autonomy’ as’ ‘murder.

But the court has established itself as the final authority on Human Rights by defining new meanings to legal terms.  All that’s necessary is that the intended interpretation fit into the existing wording of the state’s Constitution. It doesn’t matter whether or not it’s a rational fit, after all, who can disallow it?  This decision has prompted state prolife groups to amend the Kansas Constitution to reflect the value them both amendment to prevent the court from overturning all the state’s pro-life laws.

How did we get to this point?  In 1958, the media and other interested activists sold the public on a Constitutional amendment, that of establishing a nominating committee for prospective judicial appointees.  The committee is made up of individuals appointed by the governor and the state Bar association who then provide a list of five people to be submitted to the governor.  The governor MUST select a nominee from the list for appointment but no Senate confirmation is required.  All court appointments were by this committee until the state legislature changed the process to approve lower court appointments in the Senate.  The state Bar association managed to retain control of who is selected f or the state’s highest court thereby ensuring the corruption will continue.

“In August 2010, four Kansas voters filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas to enjoin lawyers elected by the state Bar association from participating in the selection process.  In a decision filed on November 3, 2010, District Judge Monti Belot dismissed the lawsuit, finding that because the commission serves "only one function: to screen applicants to fill vacancies on the Kansas Supreme Court" for consideration of appointment by the governor, the commission has no duties, functions and powers that "affect all residents of Kansas daily" that would violate any constitutional prohibition. “Note that use of the time definitive 'daily' means that very few cases could ever be found unconstitutional.

How interesting! Obviously, perpetuating abortion through a tainted appointee selection process doesn’t qualify as affecting Kansas residents ! 

Abortion has been very profitable for a few people in the state as judges could always count on abortion money to help fund their election campaigns.  The state’s abortion lobby was very protective of their market share.  Most notably Planned Parenthood in Overland Park and George Tiller of Wichita did very well in that market at least until May 2009 when Tiller was shot dead in the local Lutheran Church.

Enter Paul Morrison, an attorney recruited by Planned Parenthood and Governor Kathleen Sebelius to run against Phill Kline the attorney general at that time, who was investigating PP’s abortion record keeping irregularities and possible pedophilia.   Morrison was part of a moderate’ coalition comprised of the state’s public education system, the abortion lobby and news media all focused to elect Morrison as Attorney General to protect Planned Parenthood.  The coup succeeded and Morrison was the new attorney general but the republicans appointed Kline to Morrison’s vacated position as Johnson County District attorney where he continued the case against PP. “Kline, as attorney general, had wondered how dozens of abortions could be done on girls as young as 11 or 12, with not a single count of sexual assault on a child being pursued in Kansas. He also wondered whether abortion providers were following state law, especially on late-term abortions. “

The Kansas Supreme Court long involved in the state’s corruption in fleece ing Kansas citizens on school funding dictates to the state legislature cited “professional misconduct clear and convincing evidence” of malfeasance, the Kansas Supreme Court  indefinitely suspended the law license of former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline. This was one of the most biased, political hit jobs I’ve ever seen.  “The court cited three aggravating factors to support the indefinite suspension: selfish motive, a pattern of misconduct and his refusal to acknowledge the wrongful nature of any of his misconduct. Those outweighed mitigating factors: absence of prior disciplinary record, previous good character and reputation, and cooperative attitude toward the proceedings.” Nothing in the court’s opinion, including the statement above, warrants an indefinite suspension, this corrupt court runs the entire state, protecting PP from further investigation of alleged wrong doing. 

After the Supreme Court’s suspension of Kline’s law license Morrison was caught having sex with a subordinate named Linda Carter, a staffer in the Johnson County district attorney’s office under both Morrison and his successor Phill Kline, in an empty office on the sixth floor of the courthouse .  Morrison allegedly used Carter to report on Kline’s investigation of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri.  Morrison actually joined Planned Parenthood in a court filing opposing Kline's investigation in a sealed Mandamus before the Kansas  Supreme Court.  But Morrison had to resign after the sex scandal was exposed and Stephen Six, son  of retired Supreme Court justice Fred Six, was sworn in by his father.

Kansas Government is a sordid hotbed of corruption and it is the folly of the state assembly that has allowed this band of robed oligarchs to enslave the citizens of this state with their pedagogical nonsense and corruption. 

Kansas is ruled by a junta of robed thugs whose gavel is for hire.  It’s an enemy of the people and precisely the kind of autocratic system you might expect from a cabal of lawyers who privately select the state’s highest judges earning their livelihood off the misfortunes of others.