Just-Discovered Letter Shows Margaret Sanger Was Part of Euthanasia Society

by Carole Novielli


In 1938, just a few years prior to the American Birth Control League (ABCL) changing its name to Planned Parenthood, which today is the largest abortion provider in the nation, a group of American Eugenics Society Members and members of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL) formed the National Society for the Legalization of Euthanasia.

One Source here

Heading this pro-euthanasia panel was a man by the name of Charles F. Potter who, in 1938 was also on the ABCL Committee for Planned Parenthood according to a February 1938, New York Times story.

Also on this board was Sidney Goldstein who sat on the American Birth Control League's National Council and later was on Planned Parenthood's Board of Directors.

Another member was Frank H. Hankins who was a managing editor for Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger's newsletter called the Birth Control Review. Hankins was also an American Eugenics Society member.
Another more famous name who was sat on the advisory board of this panel was Julian Huxley, who was a recipient of a Planned Parenthood award.
Mrs. F. Robertson Jones was also on this panel, she was an ABCL President, wrote for Sanger's Birth Control Review, and was an honorary board member of Planned Parenthood-World Population and a Board of Director of Planned Parenthood.

ABCL Citizen's Committee for Planned Parenthood member, Dr. Foster Kennedy, was also on the panel.

American Eugenics Society Member, Clarence Cook Little was the President of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), at the same time he was on this pro-euthanasia panel.

Clarence Little was the president of the University of Michigan, a founding member of The American Eugenics Society, and a board member of the American Birth Control League which would later be known as Planned Parenthood. (Watch Maafa21)

American Eugenics Society founder and friend to Margaret Sanger, Leon Whitney, also sat on this panel. Whitney advocated forced sterilization, was published in Sanger' Birth Control Review, and openly praised Adolf Hitler for his Nazi effort.


It is unclear why Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger was not listed on the above article because Sanger was clearly involved in the Euthanasia Society. Sanger was a member of the American Eugenics Society and many of their members were on this panel. Sanger admitted that she gave a speech to the Klu Klu Klan and in her autobiography, she bragged that she received a dozen invites from the Klan for further speeches. By 1952, Margaret Sanger was open about her belief in Euthanasia.

This 1952 letter from the Euthanasia Society of America clearly shows Margret Sanger on the American Advisory Board of the Euthanasia Society of America

In addition to Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood the panel also shows Henry P. Fairchild a past president of the American Eugenics Society, a VP of Planned Parenthood;
See here where Sanger is listed as Honorary Chairman of Planned Parenthood in their early years:
Also listed is Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was a recipient of the Albert Lasker Awards Given by Planned Parenthood in 1953.  Henry H. Goddard is also listed and he was published in Margaret Sanger's book, The Case for Birth Control.

Also on the list is Samuel H Holmes. According to the film, Maafa21, in a 1929 speech, American eugenicist Samuel Holmes had proposed that mandatory birth control should be used as a tool to eliminate what he called the menace to the white race that had been created by increases in black population. His solution was to have a quota system in which the right to have a child would be controlled by the government and determined by race. At the time, Holmes was on the National Council of the American Birth Control League which would later become known as Planned Parenthood.

Frank L, Babbott is listed as a Vice President of this Euthanasia Society. Babbott was a founding member of the American Eugenics Society.

Frank H. Hankins  is listed on the Board of Director his associations are listed above.

Clarence C . Little is also listed on the board of directors. Clarence Little was the president of the University of Michigan, a founding member of The American Eugenics Society, and a board member of the American Birth Control League which would later be known as Planned Parenthood. He was President of the International Fed of Birth Control League, Birth Control Federation President, on the Birth Control review editorial board, A Birth Control Federation of America VP, and on the 1938 Citizen Committee for Planned Parenthood. Among other known Sanger associations.

Charles Francis Potter was founder of the Humanist Society and in 1924 Margaret Sanger wrote an Introduction for Charles Francis Potter. Potter was active in the Rhode Island Maternal Health Association, which he served as medical director, as well as Planned Parenthood. He was a member of the American, Rhode Island, and Providence medical societies.

In 1967, Dr. Potter was awarded the Margaret Sanger Medal by Planned Parenthood for outstanding service to family planning, after he served 11 years as medical director of its clinic.

President of the Euthanasia Society was Mrs. F Robertson Jones who was also on Margaret Sanger's ABCL board.  We would later discover that RL Dickinson was President of the Euthanasia Society and Senior VP of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

In 2012 PETER GOODWIN, MD ended his life in accordance with Oregon's Measure 16 'Death with Dignity Act,' the landmark legislation that he helped craft and champion into law in 1997.  Aside from publicly advocating for Measure 16, he served as chairman of the Oregon Death with Dignity Committee. He was also a member of the Planned Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette board.

In 1964, Evelyn Ames co-founded the Planned Parenthood Association of Nashville. She served as the organization's southeastern representative for nine southern states, and on the executive committee of the national board of directors of Planned Parenthood-World Population. She was also a founder and member of the board of the Nashville chapter of Concern for Dying, an advocacy group for the right to die. Ames Davis died in 1993.

Esther Instebo delivered donations and filled fundraiser tables for Planned Parenthood and Washington politicians. Instebo pulled her friends into Democratic Party politics. Instebo worked with the euthanasia organization Compassion & Choices to qualify for help in dying under the state's Death with Dignity law. Knowing that she had that option greatly improved the quality of the last six months of her life because she knew she wouldn't have to put up with what she was afraid of.

According to researcher, Rita Dillar, when Compassion & Choices, formerly The Hemlock Society, convened its June 2012 conference, former Planned Parenthood insider Theresa Connor was a featured speaker. She was public policy director for Planned Parenthood in Washington state for 15 years and instituted the research and strategy behind the 2001 Erickson v. Bartell case that required employers/ insurance plans to cover prescription birth control under anti-discrimination laws.

It is interesting how Margaret Sanger, founded in Eugenics, the American Eugenics Society, and members of the Planned Parenthood all helped establish euthanasia and so-called mercy-killing ideologies in America. The purveyors of death have taken their fanaticism all the way from conception to end of life and no one is outside their bloody grips.

{British royal family physician Dr. Horder oversaw the entire Nazi medical program, and was president of the British Eugenics Society from 1935 - 1950s, and president of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society.  The U.S. branch was called the American Eugenics Society.  In 1938 a group of American Eugenics Society Members and members of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL) formed the National Society for the Legalization of Euthanasiahttp://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/02/just-discovered-letter-shows-margaret-sanger-was-part-of-euthanasia-society/.  In 1952 the American Eugenics Society merged with the Rockefeller Population Council.  This Eugenics/Population Council awarded a grant in 1968 to Daniel Callahan (with ex-Communist behavioral psychiatrist Willard Gaylin) to found the first bioethics Hastings Center in 1969Callahan worked also with the Population Council, and was on the board of directors of the American Eugenics Society from 1987 - 1993.  Leading bioethics fellows included Peter Singer, and Ezekiel Emanuel (Obama's administration)

A major funder of the new bioethics Hastings Center was Monsanto   [http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/topic/excellence_in_philanthropy/philanthropys_brave_new_world].  Another organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society was Planned Parenthood, headed by William Gates, father of Bill Gates. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation currently funds the use of midwives in Indonesia to improve access to family planning.  [http://www.impatientoptimists.org/Posts/2014/01/Midwives-Critical-Players-in-Delivering-Family-Planning-in-Indonesia],  as do WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, and the World Bank  [http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2007/9241545879_eng.pdf] -- and the Population Council  [http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/population-control-advocates-plan-to-expand-abortion-through-midwives].  The Population Council works hard to provide 'safe abortions' around the globe  [http://www.popcouncil.org/research/safe-abortion-and-postabortion-care].

The Gates Foundation has also long been involved in vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMOs, reproductive control, weather manipulation, global warming, etc.  Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, now has a direct interest in seeing Monsanto succeed in spreading GMOs around the world  [http://www.naturalnews.com/035105_Bill_Gates_Monsanto_eugenics.html].  More recently Monsanto is partnering with various synthetic biology pharma organizations   [http://www.marketwatch.com/story/cellectis-compact-talentm-the-next-generation-of-tal-effector-nucleases-2013-05-21 - DNI}

LifeNews Note: Carole Novielli is the author of the blog Saynsumthn, where this article originally appeared.

America's Secret History: 5 Important Facts You Were Never Taught In School

 by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

We are either going to have a future where women lead the way to make peace with the Earth, or we are not going to have a human future at all. ~ Dr. Vandana Shiva

History, as the saying goes, 'belongs to the victor.' Oftentimes, this unfortunately, results in biased and totally distorted history. In my own American archival research, I have discovered that the American history we continue to learn in both public and private schools and universities has been drastically manipulated.

Lies might be the more accurate word.

Today, we do not have any real accounting, or public discussion, or textbooks and very few other books about what really happened in our past, since the signing of our Declaration of Independence in 1776. These lies actually go back further than the founding of this country. What we have might accurately call his-story. Even with all the distortions and deceit, it is certainly not even "a collective narrative"; and despite 40 years of feminist scholarship, it still does not include much about women the other half of our population or people of color. There is an enormous amount of research on these marginalized and forgotten people.

The problem is that most of the research stays in obscure journals, and doesn't get into mainstream texts that are already biased. The corporate-controlled media is also part of this massive deception. They do not report the truth, but are part of a vast and corrupt cover-up. It is all about "Orwellian" news. This includes the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, even the PBS News Hour; the list goes on and on. Mainstream News is a wasteland here and all over the globe.

This article is a short accounting of some major historical issues/events that we never learned in school. However, they are vital to our understanding of the corruption, coverup, and depth of lies and deceit that continues to be perpetrated on all Americans, all with the collusion of public officials from one century to another. This remains an invisible but, nonetheless, criminal compact of enormous proportions. It affects all Americans and everyone else on the planet.

I urge everyone to read this, share it with everyone you know, and do your homework over the 4th of July Nationwide General Strike for which United We Strike and I are calling. The New World dis-Order plan of lies and deceit is over. We will no longer buy into their 'USA Inc.' This was a corporate-planned nightmare that has deliberately destroyed our country and Gaiaâ's ecosystem for the benefit of banksters and other elites all at the expense of the 99% rest of us.

Unknown American History

1: Incorporated Government Entities

We are no longer under our original 1789 Constitution for the united states of America. It was destroyed by stealth when the Act of 1871 was treasonously passed by a criminal Congress. This made Washington, D.C., a corporation beholden to England's bankers. The District of Columbia is a separate city-state, just as are Vatican City and the inner part of London. All three geographic areas are key centers of interlocking financial power for this planet.

After the Civil War, America was in deep financial trouble essentially, it was bankrupt. So, on February 21, 1871, the 41st Congress [with NO AUTHORITY to do this!] creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia [Washington, D.C.] for this area's 10-square miles.

This was a strategic move by foreign interests (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America. Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically the Rothschilds of London) to incur a debt to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States.

See: http://www.byronwine.com/files/1871.pdf

By this act, Washington, D.C., and then eventually all the other states became a corporation that was 'owned by foreign interests' and beholden to the banksters. It then began operating via Private International Law. America, then had a new and illegal constitution, called: "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". (Note all capital letters, and "OF" was substituted for the original for Our original Constitution was spelled this way: The Constitution for the united states of America).

The District of Columbia then became an INCORPORATED government - no longer a republic. This new 'CONSTITUTION' is a separate and illegal document that benefits the corporations not us!

Over the ensuing decades and again by stealth and with the complicity of Congress (could this have even been done without Congress?) this became the illegal corporate takeover of all the other states. This form of corporate law is based on Roman Civil Law and Admiralty or Maritime Law not Common Law.

None of this is taught to us in any school! The complexity and deceit are ENORMOUS.

For 142 years, this facade has been ILLEGALLY in place with the help of public officials, the media, and the three branches of 'US Inc.' government and their corrupt corporate agencies. To add to this criminality, in 1892, the Banker's Manifesto was adopted, stating:

"We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them..

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders."

Remember this was written in 1892. More than a decade later, and while in office (from 1907-1917) Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., revealed the Bankers' Manifesto to Congress and thus to the American people. See p. 2-3 at: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/tag/organic-act.of-1871

Then, in 1913, The fraudulent Federal Reserve Act was passed, again putting our finances into the hands of private banksters. All present and succeeding debts of the U.S. Treasury were assumed by the Federal Reserve (a municipal corporation). Remember, the Federal Reserve is a private banking consortium. It has been in business for 100 years, and this whole time has been stealing from us. Here is more information. See p. 6: http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/tag/organic-act-of-1871

By 1933, the Federal Reserve Notes (basically paper money with no intrinsic worth) were no longer backed by gold, just backed by the credit of the nation. What happens when the nation is bankrupt, as it is now?

Essentially, this means that Congress does not work for us. So-called public officials are working for US Inc.


2: Unlawful Constitutional Amendments

a) There are two original Amendments that must get widespread coverage. Firstly, the original 13th Amendment was deleted (sometime before the Civil War) without any public discussion. This is not in any of the current CONSTITUTION printings or online.

This is the original:

No title of Nobility can be granted by the United States [NOTE: not all capital letters] and no person holding any office under them can, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever from any King, Prince or Foreign State.

Any Citizen of the United States accepting, claiming, receiving, or retaining, any title of nobility or honour, or, without the consent of Congress, accepting and retaining any present, pension, office, or emolument, of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince or Foreign Power, such person ceases to be a citizen of the United States, and is incapable of holding any office under them or either of them.

Without any public discussion, this amendment was deleted. In its place is now the Abolishing of Slavery.

b) The 16th Amendment was only ratified by four states. This is the original text:


Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever sources derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Therefore, without proper ratification, this amendment is actually null and void. Yet, it is included in current printings of the now corporate and illegal CONSTITUTION.

See: https://www.givemeliberty.org/features/taxes/notratified.htm

We do not now, nor ever have had to pay federal taxes! More information is available through the courageous work of former IRS Agent, Joe Banister who became a whistle-blower.

Here is his 2-part interview:

Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKePl2gW_3M
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7Qv_j-Y0nE

To support this even further, former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller (who was asked to resign) has recently admitted on May 17, 2013, that paying taxes are voluntary.

See: Former IRS Commissioner Steven Miller says income tax is voluntary

In addition, film director, the late Aaron Russo has done an investigative documentary about the IRS cover-up that is essential for everyone to see. This is an eye-opener for those who are unfamiliar with this massive government deception. PLEASE SHARE THIS WIDELY!

View: America: Freedom To Fascism (Directors Cut) on YouTube

3: The U.S. is under Martial Law

We have been under Martial Law, since the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln instituted Martial Law during the Civil War. However, after he was assassinated, it was never rescinded. This is in part, why we have a centuries-long scenario of 'perpetua wars', one war after another to feed the out-of-control greed of the banksters, while millions of people lost their lives in wars deliberately created for corporate and elite profits on both sides.

Any current threats of instituting Martial Law are spurious, because it is already there.

4: Your Social Security Number (SSN)

This 9-digit number was created in 1936, supposedly to track your earnings and benefits. It does far more than that. It is another excise tax imposed on income, in addition to other taxes and according to the Internal Revenue Code, has nothing to do with insurance. The Code reads:

IRC (Internal Revenue Code) 3101. Rate of tax. (a) Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance [my bold italics]. In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121(a)) received by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121(b)

[See: www.usa-the-republic.com/revenue/true_history/Chap7.html]

As noted in this chapter just cited above, "social" means public and "security" is corporation stock. This means:

When you get a social security number, you are activating or creating the public stock (security) of the corporation known as the United States, stock created for you to use, which adds to their collateral. By getting a social security number you declare yourself to be public stock of the U.S. government. You ARE a social (public) security, with a security number, you do not GET social security insurance!

[See above-cited link.]

This Social Security number belongs to the US Inc. government and, your name, in ALL CAPS, is included. This makes you a U.S. Corporate [US Inc.] "citizen." This number means you declare yourself to be a public "stock" of the US Inc. government. We became collateral for US Inc. to acquire debt. Did we ever learn this in any classroom?

5. Your Birth Certificate Number

Remember, now we are under Admiralty Law, the law of the seas. The UCC (Universal Commercial Code, the bible of business all over the earth) coordinates and harmonizes all 50 states sales. This code is based on ancient Vatican Canon Law. Going back to the days of the Caesars in Rome (and Roman Canon Law), the Roman Empire established that all nations worked on a level playing field. These regulations STILL exist under the Roman Catholic Church and the UCC.

Birth registration or certificates started in 1921, under the federal Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act. This was another bill of goods sold to a duped and un-informed public who were then told it would reduce maternal and infant mortality, protect the health of mothers and infants, and for other purposes.

One of those "other purposes" provided for the establishment of a federal bureau designed to cooperate with state agencies in the overseeing of its operations and expenditures. What it really did was create a federal birth registry which exists today, creating ˜federal children." This government, under the doctrine of "Parens Patriae", [Latin: one's country's parent, i.e. government] now legislates for American children as if they are owned by the federal government. Through the public school enrollment process and continuing license requirements for most aspects of daily life, these children grow up to be adults indoctrinated into the process of asking for permission from the government to do all those things necessary to carry out daily activities that exist in what is called a ˜free country.'

[See: http://macquirelatory.com/Birth%20Certificate%20Truth.htm]

At birth, the parents do not get an original birth certificate. They get a copy, which is written, on Exchequecher bank note paper that is owned by the [British] Crown even for Americans. The corporation of the U.S. is registered at the Inner City of London and a Roman enclave of the Vatican.

See: network54.com/Forum/Why is my name printed in all capital letters on my bank card+driver's licence

Basically, your birth certificate is the way your parents register you with the government as a corporation. Further, since 1933, when the U.S. went bankrupt, our birth and marriage certificates pledge the people as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve' banks. [See: macquirelatory, just cited above.]

Our birth certificates are a security; and they are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. We are owned by the international bankers; and we work as perpetual debt slaves.

Watch: Your Birth Certificate is a Stock on the NYSE on YouTube.

See also, Ellen Brown and her website (essential reading): www.webofdebt.com

So, these numbers, our numbers, are traded regularly on the Stock Market.

Why do you think when you call to see if a company is hiring, you have to go through a division known as Human Resource? The people are resources to the government, their birth certificates are a security on the New York Stock Exchange, which is why if you look at all birth certificates in America, it will say at the bottom this is printed on security paper, do not accept if not on full color security paper. At the bottom, you will always have a series of numbers, red numbers printed on the birth certificate, in which those numbers are a security stock exchange number on the World Stock Exchange, in which the American people are worth money to the International Bank that bought the government in the 1930's. [See: macquirelatory, cited above]

This is Just the Tip of the Proverbial Iceberg

To take this idea a bit further, the depths of the deceit go down miles and miles into the ocean. The educational system (along with most other institutions and agencies) is so riddled with corruption, we never have known either our real collective stories or what is really happening today. Everything is an Orwellian fade of massive proportions, all deliberately created.

We are already a society that is dumbed-down and heavily poisoned through the water, food supply, dangerous vaccines, and air and soil rife with lethal aerosol Chem-trails and other immune-supressing hazards. We have been set up to be automatons. Robots are glorified in the movies.

This global societal paradigm is based on harm and fear. That is in the movies, on TV, and in war stories that are all glorified. So, children learn hate and fear at an early age. It is passed on from generation to generation

Trafficking in human beings for removal of organs and forced commercial surrogacy

by The National Rapporteur

National Rapporteur on trafficking in Human Beings and forced commercial surrogacy. In the report, the Rapporteur focuses on current developments in the field of organ donation and the forced removal of organs and  for the first time argues that forced commercial surrogacy could fall within the scope of human trafficking. The report can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page.

Organ removal

There are no indications of a high incidence of trafficking in human beings for the removal of organs (sometimes referred to as ‘organ harvesting’) within the Netherlands. Neither do Dutch citizens appear to be involved in this crime abroad often. Nevertheless, the Rapporteur calls for watchfulness: "Considering the continuous severe shortage of organ donors, growing globalisation and interconnectedness as a result of the Internet, we have to be on the alert. Manifestations of trafficking in human beings we are witnessing in other countries, will sooner or later affect us too. For that we have to be prepared. The Rapporteur has called on the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to take the lead in recording the scale and nature of organ trafficking and organ tourism

The Netherlands are experiencing a shortage of organ donors. Live organ donations are rare, and must be voluntary and non-commercial. Because of the severe shortage of organs, patients seem to be willing to pay for them. There are calls from various quarters for financial incentives for organ donation. A number of points need to be considered in this context. Financial incentives could alleviate the shortage of organs and, hence the chance of human trafficking for the purpose of the removal of organs. However, financial incentives for organ donation would also make organ donation a commercial activity and create a market for organs, which would, in itself, carry the risk of human trafficking for the purpose of the removal of organs. That risk could be avoided by offering donors an exemption from health insurance premiums rather than a direct monetary reward

Trafficking in organs and human trafficking for the purpose of the removal of organs are not constrained by national borders. It is important for states to try to reach new joint solutions and

where possible, coordinate policies and strategies with respect to organ donation, trafficking in organs and human trafficking for the purpose of the removal of organs. 

Forced commercial surrogacy 

In addition to the trade in these ‘classical organs’, a market is also growing for other parts of the body. One such market is the demand for surrogate mothers. Commercial surrogacy is increasingly common, partly as a result of developments like the Internet, the globalisation of society and advances in procreation techniques. For the first time Dutch National Rapporteur Corinne Dettmeijer studied the relationship between forced commercial surrogacy and trafficking in human beings. Forced surrogacy is not explicitly included in the Dutch Criminal Code as a form of trafficking. It can be argued that, under certain circumstances, surrogacy could constitute exploitation in the sense of forced services. An important indication of exploitation would be if other persons than the woman carrying the child, such as an intermediary or a spouse, earn money out of the surrogacy and if the financial risks and health risks are borne entirely or largely by the surrogate mother.

 The Netherlands have strict laws about surrogacy. Commercial surrogacy (receiving payment for carrying someone else's child) is not allowed. National policy is aimed at preventing the spread of commercial surrogacy, and accordingly, behaviour that promotes supply and demand in relation to surrogacy has been made a criminal offense. Surrogacy itself is not a criminal offence. In some other countries, such as the United States, India and Ukraine, commercial surrogacy is allowed.

 Intermediary companies operate in the international ˜baby market"™, bringing together donors, parents, surrogate mothers and fertility clinics and making the legal arrangements. The internet, globalisation and advances in procreation techniques bring services abroad within reach of Dutch couples who wish to become parents through surrogacy. But there is a risk there: the rights of surrogate mothers are not respected in all countries. When it comes to commercial surrogacy, the question is to what extent the surrogate mothers are acting voluntarily. As with trafficking in organs, social determinants such as poverty, debt, a vulnerable social position and illiteracy can force a woman to become a surrogate mother. “No one wants to contribute to the phenomenon that women are being exploited to have children. The Dutch government should inform prospective parents about this risk," says the Dutch National Rapporteur.

More information:

Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of the removal of organs and forced commercial surrogacy (2012) Report | 04-12-2012 | pdf-document, 0.25 MB

Read more: http://patrioteponym.webnode.com/news/trafficking-in-human-beings-for-the-purpose-of-the-removal-of-organs-and-forced-commercial-surrogacy/

Criminal Conspiracy and Agenda 21

By Roger Fredinburg (News with Views)

Lets put the monsters behind bars

The Anti-Human environmental movement is inundated with un-American Ideals and they are a far more dangerous threat to our safety and well being than any of the other radical terror groups on earth.

The plotting and planning, the hidden agendas and the penetration into our government and media at every level, is easily the most successful infiltration of communitarian and communist agents inside the US media and our government ever.

Their ultimate goal? Total annihilation of the US and Global population to 15% of current levels, and I can prove that from their own training documents. Even Adolph Hitler wasn't that committed.

They do it through programs like Agenda 21, a UN sanctioned global initiative designed to place infil-TRAITORS [spelling intentional] inside key US Government agencies at every level, local to national, for the sole purpose of stealing the most valuable asset any American has, our individual freedom and liberty.

The champions of this Globalist criminal conspiracy use those same infil-TRAITORS to bind together as a collateral political force to coerce and intimidate any detractors, and to physically and financially support candidates to elective offices to do their bidding. These criminal conspirators are helping to ruin America and destroy the nation by separating the people from their source of power; the US Constitution, one stupid rule at a time.

The dumbed down brainwashed masses in America today, mostly have a low work ethic and see no fault in robbing their fellow Americans through senseless regulations, taxes and moronic policies. These leaches on society are happy to comply with these anti-human, anti-American infil-TRAITORS for a hand full of food stamps, a rent voucher and a medical marijuana card. 

The solution is obvious to me. It is to gather the last few remaining patriots together in a do or die effort to pool financial resources and to demand criminal charges. We must find a way to fund civil lawsuits against these rotten people and use media to push for criminal charges. These folks are empowered by their useless government or media positions to quietly bring about the collapse of this nation. Like a Trojan horse, they are the enemies within and they are succeeding.

The most important thing to remember in my view is this fact; EVERY one of these folks in the bureaucracy, appointed, elected or hired took an oath of office that requires them to "defend" the US Constitution. Can they really claim that they are doing that?  We can easily prove that they meet in secret to plot and conspire about how best to rob us of our money, life force, inalienable rights and our future. And a criminal conspiracy to over-throw the United States of America by fiat, as best as I can tell, under the rules of the Patriot act is an act of terrorism.

One of the primary material losses we have suffered as individuals, and as a group, is that of the American dream. There is no way to put a dollar value on that. We can prove that it's been damaged beyond repair by these treacherous un-American people who pushed extreme land use planning laws, and forced anti-traditional family values regulations, robbing families of their sovereignty. These over-paid charlatans have even put animal rights over human rights and indebted the next 100 generations of un-born Americans. That is involuntary servitude where I live. This nonsense has developed into the most egregious Human Rights assault in American history. We need a new civil rights movement now, and I am asking you to be part of it.

Criminal conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act. Conspiracy crimes that are federal can include conspiracy to engage in criminal activity such as conspiracy to violate federal laws. [and I think Oaths of Office] Conspiracy charges in state court are very similar, but there are many more crimes that will give rise to state conspiracy charges. While intent is key in any federal conspiracy case, only "general intent" to violate the law is necessary; proof of the defendants' specific intent to violate the law is not needed, only an agreement to engage in an illegal act. The end may be legal, but the planned means are illegal. For example, two persons making a plan to "take" another person's property (illegal) to donate to another undeserving person (legal) would be guilty of conspiracy.

U.S.C. Title 18, Chapter 19 prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States, conspiracies to impede or injure an officer, and conspiracies to commit violent crimes. However, conspiracy is prohibited in several other federal statutes. It is important to note that an actual crime is not necessary to prosecute a conspiracy case - only the stated intent to break the law.  [So, I contend that a conspiracy to break your oath as a group might qualify] This means that even if the ultimate crime was not committed, the conspirators can be prosecuted under federal law. 

However, most states have laws that prevent conspiracy charges to be pressed if no actions were taken to actually carry out the conspiracy. This prevents people from effectively being prosecuted for having thoughts of breaking the law. While this caveat does prevent some conspiracy cases from going to court, it does not reduce the severity of a criminal conspiracy claim. In many cases, conspiracy to commit a crime such as murder is regarded as a crime as severe as murder itself.