The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins

                                  The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins

                            A lethal combination of humor and satire.

"What does it take for someone to get banned from social media? Today, it amounts simply to speaking the truth. British media personality Katie Hopkins joins Candace to discuss the dark road that cancel culture and politically correct speech lead to, and why America should heed warnings from disturbing trends in the U.K."

A warning to America from the British subject Katie Hopkins not to go down the same dark totalitarian road as they have..

Bring them back

Subject: FW: Bring them back

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With Trump as President, we might be able to get this passed let's send it  across the country!       Will I Get Three Replies?

I’m sending this to a variety of friends & family to see what kind of opinions this might bring forth.



When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million, willing Christians to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back America with God's help.

Become one of the One hundred million.  Then let's get 200 million. It can be done just by sending this email to your friends.

Do the math.  It only takes a single willing heart and a fed-up SOUL.

God Bless America and Shine your light on Her!

In 1952 President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer.”

In 1988 President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as the “National Day of Prayer.”

In June 2007, then Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA "Was no longer a Christian nation.”

In May 2009 President Obama dismissed our 21st annual National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of "not wanting to offend anyone."

Sept. 25, 2009, a Muslim Prayer Day was held on the West front of the U.S. Capitol Building, the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981.  There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day.  President Obama dismissed our National Day of Prayer and now it is okay for an event at our capitol for Islamists?

I for one was offended.  But wait, it did not stop!

February 17-19, 2015, a Muslim prayer was recited at the start of the second day of the White House summit on “Countering Violent Extremism,” but no other religious text was presented during the portion of the event that was open to the press.  Imam Sheikh Sa’ad Musse Roble, president of the World Peace Organization in Minneapolis, Minn., recited a “verse from the Quran” following remarks by Obama administration officials and Democrat members of Congress.

Former President Obama encouraged schools to teach the Quran for extra credit, while at the same time, we cannot even talk about the Bible, God, pray, or salute the American Flag.

The direction this country was headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian.

How refreshing and beautiful our First Lady Melania Trump was in Melbourne, Florida, on February 18, 2017.  Instead of the normal “pumping up” of the crowd, Melania chose to start the rally off with the Lord’s Prayer  It sounded more like the start of a football game after the National Anthem rather than what we would expect to hear after a prayer.

Make a “Joyful noise unto the LORD thy GOD!” 

Because of the “sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” of Madeline Murray O’Hair and ACLU efforts in 1962, "School Prayer was removed from the U.S. public education system by slowly changing the meaning of the First Amendment through a number of court cases Several court cases should be confronted and reversed.


Send this to ten people, or one hundred and ten, and send it to the person who sent it to you!  To let them know that indeed, it was sent out to many more.



Thank you in behalf of our country. 





Obama, Clinton 9th Circuit Judges Suspend Bill of Rights Until Coronavirus is Cured

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday ruled that Democratic California Gavin Newsom's ban on in-person church services during the Coronavirus pandemic can stand.

The lawsuit, filed by South Bay United Pentecostal Church in San Diego, prevents that church from reopening, according to the Los Angeles Times

The "constitutional standards that would normally govern our review of a Free Exercise claim should not be applied," wrote the two judges in the majority opinion.

Federal Judge Rules: Way Trump Uses Twitter Is Illegal

by George Upper

There’s been a lot of theorizing about the effect of social media on the 2016 presidential election, most of it — in the establishment media, anyway — focused on how Donald Trump’s campaign, with or without the help of the Russians, “stole” the election from Hillary Clinton by selectively planting “fake news” on Facebook.

But Trump’s social media advantage during the campaign was never on Facebook; it was always on Twitter, from his announcement through the election and inauguration.

And, while it wasn’t obvious at the time, that’s when swamp water began seeping into Trump’s online presence, with the ultimate result being that federal judge ruled Wednesday that President Donald Trump cannot block users from access to his Twitter account without violating the First Amendment to the Constitution after seven plaintiffs — we don’t have their names, but I’m guessing they don’t hail from right-of-center heartland America — sued over the practice.

The judge ruled that, because blocking accounts that disagree with him on Twitter prevents those users from expressing their disagreement with him on what was essentially a public forum amounted to government suppression of their right to free speech, according to The New York Times.

Now, given the circumstances, the judge could hardly have decided anything differently. It’s not the judge in the wrong here; it’s the circumstances surrounding the judge’s decision.

Essentially, Federal District Court Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ruled that, because Trump and Dan Scavino, the White House social media director, “exert governmental control over certain aspects of the @realDonaldTrump account,” the account is an official government account and blocking the seven plaintiffs from it because of their political views violated their First Amendment rights. 

Again, that’s true. But that’s not the problem.  The problem is that this should never have been an “official government account” in the first place. 

Donald Trump — with the help of media experts in his employ, one would imagine — built his following on Twitter long before he ever ran for office, and he continued to build it — and expertly so — during his campaign.  If the account had remained under his personal control, he could block or not block anyone he chose.

But that’s not what happened.

“The viewpoint-based exclusion of the individual plaintiffs from that designated public forum is proscribed by the First Amendment and cannot be justified by the president’s personal First Amendment interests,” the judge, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1999, wrote in her decision.  The White House is apparently considering an appeal, although the basis for such an action was not mentioned and remains unclear, given the present circumstances.  

“We respectfully disagree with the court’s decision and are considering our next steps,” said the Justice Department, which is representing the president in the case.

‘The right thing for the president and his social media director to do would be to log into the president’s account and unblock everyone who has been blocked on the basis of viewpoint,” said Jameel Jaffer, the plaintiffs’ attorney and the executive director of the Knight First Amendment Institute, which joined the case as a plaintiff itself.

The court, however, did not order the president to take such an action which would, on the face of it, appear to mean that any government employee or elected official with a social media account funded with taxpayer money would have to take the same action or face similar lawsuits.  Again, since White House staffers became involved, free speech is a legitimate issue in this case. But was it really necessary for that to happen? Isn’t the president’s Twitter account really that, a personal account?  

And the president should be able to communicate directly with the American people without the intervention of federal bureaucrats. Shouldn’t he?

The court, however, did not order the president to take such an action which would, on the face of it, appear to mean that any government employee or elected official with a social media account funded with taxpayer money would have to take the same action or face similar lawsuits.  Again, since White House staffers became involved, free speech is a legitimate issue in this case. But was it really necessary for that to happen? Isn’t the president’s Twitter account really that, a personal account? 

And the president should be able to communicate directly with the American people without the intervention of federal bureaucrats. Shouldn’t he?