Pinal County discovered a 600 vote discrepancy during @Abraham Hamadeh’s recount. @katiehobbs intercepted this information & hid it from Abe & me while we were filling our lawsuits. And now we find out their Elections Director was given a $25,000 bonus! Unbelievably corrupt.

by Allen Williams

The AZ Election Who Botched the Penal County Count Received $25,000 Bonus Before Skipping Town

AZ corruption continues. Break the cartel or lose the country, it’s that simple.

Who is Virginia Ross? She had one job. She was supposed to make sure the Pinal County general election count was done properly in Arizona. Last week, we learned there was a substantial discrepancy that wasn’t reported until AFTER the results were certified. Now, we know WHY they didn’t get reported. It wasn’t just for the sake of stealing another election. It was so someone could “earn” a big bonus. According to Kari Lake:… Pinal County discovered a 600 vote discrepancy during @AbrahamHamadeh’s recount. @katiehobbs intercepted this information & hid it from Abe & me while we were filling our lawsuits. And now we find out their Elections Director was given a $25,000 bonus! Unbelievably corrupt.

Wake up people ! The country is literally up for grabs with electronic voting. Virginia Ross is a good example of stooging for election fraud as the Pinal County elections director has earning $25,000 to boot. How else do you get paid for screwing up an election?