Man raised from birth as a female is calling out the evil of ‘transing’ kids

So now we find out that THERE ARE differences between men and women that can not be overcome just as the CREATOR designed it. This is a vital lesson in ignoring the many hare brains through out the medical profession.

(LifeSiteNews) — Earlier this week, The Daily Wire published a gut-wrenching editorial penned by Sophie Ottaway titled “Doctors Performed A Sex Change Operation On Me At Two-Days-Old. I Found Out Decades Later.” It is yet another cautionary tale detailing the folly of gender ideology and the suffering borne by its victims.

When Sophie was 22, Ottaway discovered something stunning during a “routine trip to the doctor’s office” – that Ottaway was born male. Two days after birth, doctors had decided to remove “my split penis and testes” and “directed my parents to raise me as a female,” ordering them to keep this fact from Sophie “under the guise of psychological protection.” Ottaway is now 37 and decided to pen the editorial to lay out “the journey I undertook to make peace with myself and my body.” 

And that’s when a switch flipped in my brain – enough was enough. Not only had surgeons conducted unnecessary gender reassignment surgeries on my childhood body – I’d spent a whole lifetime without a vagina only to land in hospital with sepsis caused by a failed fake vagina that I never knew existed.

If those birth surgeries were legitimately conducted to help me, then why would I be facing a critical illness due to a vagina a baby boy should never have had? What value could a pseudo vagina ever have been to a two-day-old baby? Was I part of a medical experiment?

You are correct. This experiment was intended first to show an evolutinary background and further to show there is NO difference between the sexes as both are fully interchangeable. This is a MEDICAL practitioner lie from the beginning.

Related: Transgender activists are using this classic strategy to numb the public to their radical agenda 

If this isn’t child abuse of the highest order, I don’t know what could ever qualify. Where is it written that doctors are permitted to make life altering decisions that involve sex change rather than repair of birth defects? The answer is that these people believe they are smarter than everyone else and uniquely qualified to do so by their own dictates. These are the type of people that will make up the New World order in the last days.

This is an existential threat to the continuance of the two gender system, very necessary to cause the populace to believe there are multiple possibilities. However, inconvenient as it may be, Sophie;s experience demonstrates that there is order and purpose to mankind from creation onwards. A man cannot be turned into a woman nor a woman into a man as physical functionality is reduced and decay accelerated according to the second law of thermodynamics.

As it is written in Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”