The short, sharable videos, debunk some of the biggest phony climate scares meant to spook kids and adults, alike

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (October 31, 2019) – For environmental activists, every day is Halloween as they try to scare children about supposed catastrophes that will soon befall the earth due to climate change. They also try to frighten politicians in the United States and around the world into taking radical, economy-killing action to “stop” global warming.
But like most spooky stories told around Halloween, those climate scares turn out to be tall tales. From the supposed polar bear population crisis, to children never experiencing snow, to coastal cities being uninhabitable, one scare after another has proven false.
The Heartland Institute has released 10 videos for Halloween that debunk some of the most-popular climate scares pushed by radical environmentalists over the decades.
See the playlist at this link for the 10 videos that were released one per day for the last 10 days leading up to Halloween.#10: Al Gore Says the Polar Ice Cap Will Disappear by 2013
#9: Children Won’t Know What Snow Is
#8: Polar Bears Are in Danger
#7: Syrians Are Fleeing Due to Climate Change
#6: Pulling Out of the Paris Accord Dooms Humanity
#5: We Have 12 Years to Save the World
#4: Hurricanes Are Increasing in Severity
#3: Climate Change Leads to Mass Starvation
#2: An Underwater New York City
#1: We’re Entering a New Ice Age
The scares for the videos were picked by staffers at Heartland, as well as our friends at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Energy & Environment Legal Foundation.
The Heartland Institute
is a 35-year-old national nonprofit organization headquartered in
Arlington Heights, Illinois. Its mission is to discover, develop, and
promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems. For more
information, visit our website or call 312/377-4000.