By The Patriots

Edward Snowden Warned About Genome Editing With CRISPR-Cas9Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9Attorney Tom Rense has just released information that Pfizer and Moderna have developed a Messenger RNA capable of surviving the digestion process which permits vaccination materials to be in the food supply for both humans and cattle. What You Eat Affects Your Genes: RNA from Rice Can Survive Digestion and Alter Gene ExpressionMessenger RNA is also capable of being transmitted in the air. Beware of aerosol sprays! : Engineers create an inhalable form of messenger RNA For those of you who have never heard of human Gene editing watch this YouTube video to gain a basic understanding of what it can do. Also recognize these madmen are going to implement their so-called ‘evolutionary enhancement plan’ to destroy the notion of man being created in the image of God to one being created in the monster SATAN”S image. For those of you who have never heard of human Gene editing watch this YouTube video to gain a basic understanding of what it can do. Also recognize these madmen are going to implemnt their so-called ‘evolutionary enhancement plan’ to destroy the notion of man being created in the image of God to one being created in the monster SATAN”S image.Edward Snowden is the one who first revealed this technology along with information that these same organizations (Facebook,Twitter Et Al) were spying on Americans. Time to recognize that there will be no escape except through GOD. Time to repent and follow him while you still can. Are you beginning to understand the bible’s warning of “perilous times shall come in the last days” yet? |