Don't hold your breadth until this report actually comes out. There are many special interests on both sides of the aisle that do not wish to thoroughly reveal the rampant corruption involved through out the state. However, we will do what we can to expose it all where ever the data leads. - ED

The Arizona audit results are set to be released next Friday, September 24th at 1:00.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann told The Gateway Pundit that the audit report will be presented on the Arizona Senate floor.
The truth is coming next week.
Yesterday, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors quietly held a
special meeting to discuss the deadline to turn over the subpoenaed
The gateway pundit reported that Maricopa County was given 30 days to comply with Senate subpoenas or lose millions in state shared revenues. This was 21 days ago.
The audit results are expected to be earth-shattering.Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers told TGP that criminal wrongdoing will be referred to the Attorney General.