Anti-second amendment

You want a list of left wing anti-gun politicians in Missouri then check this out.  These are the people that want to turn Missouri’s law enforcement over to the Federal Government. These are the political hacks that want to use ‘our’ state resources to assist the federal Government in destroying the 2nd amendment. 

  SAPA prevents Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg, Soros and the long list of other anti-gun politicians and left wing communists from using our state resources to impose unconstitutional Federal restraints on our 2nd amendment.

 The state of Missouri does not now, nor has it ever, needed the Federal Government’s assistance in passing and enforcing firearm law in our state. At this point Missouri is leading the charge to stop the over reach of Federal Government and destruction of the Bill of Rights. If these individuals cannot enforce our laws without Federl Over reach  then perhaps it’s time for them to find a new line of work.