An Open Letter to Olathe City Council

by Allen Williams

Dear Mayor Michael Copeland and Council members:

Bott Radio Network has recently brought to the public’s attention Olathe City Council’s intention to enact a non discrimination ordinance which translates to special protection for a minority group over and above what everyone else enjoys.  Council has passed this ordinance so far without punitive measures for others seeking to live their lives according to their faith and convictions. How long this will last is anyone’s guess because existing ordinances are easy to amend and unfortunately,you’ve opened the door for the LGBTQ agenda of forcing people to affirm their lifestyle.

I would caution this council to thoroughly educate themselves on the ramifications of further ‘enhancements’ to this ordinance drawing from the lessons of harassment of master cake baker Jack Phillips in many legal challenges including his unwillingness to celebrate transgender transformations which is nothing short of persecution. Then there is Baronelle Stuzman punished for failing to allow government to dictate her artistic endeavors in producing flower arrangements for a gay wedding and sweet shop owners Aaron and Melissa Klein fined $135,000 for failing to bake a cake affirming a gay wedding.  I would ask is ‘choice’  relegated to abortion only?

Often these ‘non discrimination’ ordinances are used as a springboard to punish people who live by a different system of values. The fact that someone declines to support a message that opposes their religious beliefs is not harmful discrimination any more than it is for someone to refuse to vote for the candidate of LGBTQ choice. After all, isn't that what the First Amendment was intended to do protect free religious exercise? 

I would  suggest that council tread lightly on this footpath of ‘equality’ as the LGBT agenda has demonstrated that much more than mere equality is desired.  Anise Parker, the former LGBTQ mayor of Houston, thought it necessary to subpoena the messages of local pastors to ensure that proper ‘thought content’ was being conveyed to parishioners. We are rapidly moving in the magnitude and direction of Orwell in defining ‘thought crimes’.

The LGBTQ message appears to be ‘their one size fits all’.  We hope Olathe government is capable of learning from the mistakes of others and will not traverse the same disastrous path that leads to affirmation of one class of citizen’s rights over and above everyone else’s.  Otherwise this mayor and city council will leave an untoward legacy that may never be overcome.

Rest assured, we’ll be watching.