Allegations of political bias, widespread misconduct prompt FBI agents to call for Wray to step down

By Kerry Picket - The Washington Times

FBI Director Christopher A Wray speaks to journalists at the Omaha FBI office on Wednesday Aug 10 2022 Wray addressed threats made to law enforcement after agents raided Trump39s Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach Fla Chris MachianOmaha World-Herald via AP  FILE

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray speaks to journalists at the Omaha FBI office on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022. Wray addressed threats made to law enforcement after agents raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Fla. (Chris Machian/Omaha World-Herald via AP) ... more >

Rank-and-file FBI agents say they cannot see how FBI Director Christopher A. Wray stays in his position after The Washington Times’ exclusive report about a senior bureau official stepping down under scrutiny for suspected political bias affecting investigations.

Kurt Siuzdak, a lawyer and former FBI agent who represents whistleblowers at the bureau, said agents tell him that Mr. Wray has lost control of the agency and should resign.

“I’m hearing from [FBI personnel] that they feel like the director has lost control of the bureau,” he said. “They’re saying, ‘How does this guy survive? He’s leaving. He’s got to leave.’”

FBI whistleblowers talking to Congress about corruption and retaliation say in disclosures that Mr. Wray was often notified of the problems within the bureau but never took action to resolve them.

That includes recent whistleblower disclosures to House Judiciary Committee Republicans about agents being forced or coerced into signing false affidavits and claims of sexual harassment and stalking. It also includes fabricated terrorism cases to elevate performance statistics, as reported this month by The Times.