Evolution's Better Arguments…but are they?

by Allen Williams

Evolutionists regularly invent new fantasy stories to account for the material existence of the universe. Often these stories are discontinuous threads looking at one segment of the universe while ignoring all others. Evolution's explanations seek to satisfy any immediate threats to the theory rather than to meet the overall system constraints which limit it.

The evolutionary mindset is entrenched, often fanatical in its denial of any possibility of Intelligent Design having created the universe despite the mental gymnastics that have to be performed to deny the obvious. The Anthropic principle states among other things that free bodies in space must conserve angular momentum, i.e. when a body breaks apart, the fragments spin in the same direction as the parent. Evolutionists disagree claiming:

"As for the angular momentum problem, that only deals with how the solar system formed. A lot has happened in the last few billion years. In the case of Earth, it was smashed by a proto-planet the size of Mars that gouged out enough material to make the moon. Something similar happened to Venus, except in Venus’s case it was a glancing blow near one of the poles that caused the planet to flip over, making it seem to turn the other way. It is actually still turning the same way, it is just the axis of rotation has flipped. Something similar happened to Uranus, which is now laying on its side (90 degree flip). And let me ask you, why would a creator decide to randomly flip some arbitrary planet over? What possible purpose could that serve?">

Be sure and remember angular momentum only deals with how the universe was formed the next time you inadvertently step in front of a bus. If the moon, with a mass one fourth that of the earth, were torn away in a planetary collision how are both objects relatively round given the vacuum of space? And only one heavenly body rotates and only one has an atmosphere after the collision?

How does something 'seem' to rotate in the opposite direction to the earth? It either does or doesn't. Amazingly, this ‘glancing blow’ collision that causes Venus to 'seem' to rotate in the opposite direction leaves no other indication of its existence, i.e no asteroid fragments or moon to orbit it. It simply disappears into the Sun’s gravity or careens off into deep space. And, this favored collision doesn’t involve conservation of angular momentum because the universe was already formed. How stupid is this!?

Perhaps an ordinary pocket watch holds the secret as to why a Creator might have flipped the rotation of a planet. Just as a watch’s gears turn in opposite directions to track time, so too might the universe be considered a giant clock propelled by gravity.

However, evolution's’ response as to why the earth and moon are round after the collision and earth’s atmosphere is intact is:

"That is because it melted Earth’s crust... I suppose you have never heard of gravity. It is something that causes objects to be attracted towards each other. It also causes objects that are large enough to form into spheres, or roughly spheres, since that shape minimizes the distance of any point from the center. Our atmosphere also has much less Nitrogen than the other planets. It seems like some huge catastrophe came along and stripped it all away... Of course water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen were trapped underground and escaped over time, but our atmosphere is still completely different than it should be compared to other planets, assuming there wasn’t some massive event that changed it."

Any gravitational force strong enough to ‘round off’ the jagged edges of a collision in the vacuum of free space would be strong enough to hold an atmosphere, yet only the earth has an atmosphere.

So the earth’s crust fused on impact with the ‘proto-sized’ planet right after the moon broke off but none of the life-giving atmosphere was torn away in the process. When one drops something, there is always more than one fragment, how fortuitous for evolution that either all the fragments ‘recombined’ to form the moon or only one piece broke off.

The evolutionist further notes that the atmosphere was all safely 'tucked' under the crust, a crust that fused all around the globe, not just at the point of impact. However, this scenario doesn’t resolve well with the evidence of large meteorites that have struck the earth in the past. They didn’t fuse the earth’s crust at the point of impact, they just created a big hole.

The 'fused crust' then allowed the trapped water and atmosphere to escape millions of years later when either the nitrogen selectively leaked away without any of the water or oxygen along with it. Or, the Nitrogen leaked away during some other future catastrophic event, which also didn’t result in the loss of water or oxygen which violates the known laws of diffusion.

And, of course, the tremendous hydrostatic pressure that would have developed under the earth’s fused crust in the entrapment of atmospheric gases and water not only didn’t split the earth apart but escaped slowly to form the air and sea. And, that collision neither changed earth’s orbit around the sun nor resulted in the heating or cooling of its molten core. And, don't miss the other equally improbable scenario, that molecules of gas 'leaked' out of the rocks over millions of years to slowly form an atmosphere after gravity had 're-rounded' the earth from the departure of the moon. Of course, the nitrogen escaped first because of its lower molecular weight as the earth wasn't fully round yet. {Excuse me while I laugh.}

Interestingly enough, evolutionists concede that green house gases were present in the atmosphere long before the appearance of man. How many years does it take to evolve from an amoeba to homo sapiens? Who was around to record the global warming?

"I should also point out that there are a great many chemical similarities between the Earth and the Moon."

But, the moon didn’t evolve an oxygen containing atmosphere millions of years later as earth did nor did other planets in this solar system. So, what other similarities matter?

Evolutionists regard logic as something true for only a finite portion of time rather than always, a necessary condition to allow the fitting of separate and otherwise incompatible event threads. So, in their world, the ‘null’ hypothesis has no real meaning, i.e. ‘A’ and ‘NOT ‘A’ , nor does the concept of falsification of any hypothesis: "

"Here’s a little experiment to try: Take three bowls of water. Add ice cubes to the first to make it nice and cold. Add some heat to the third to make it nice and warm. Let the second one remain at room temperature. Place your left hand in the first bowl and your right hand in the third, and leave them there for a bit. Say, a minute or so. Then put them both in the middle bowl. Voila! The middle bowl is both hot and cold! If hot is A, then the middle bowl is both A and NOT A!"

What kind of nonsense is this? Temperature is not measured by sensory perception; it’s measured through bodies in thermal equilibrium according to the Zeroth law of thermodynamics. Ask the Doctor to stick his finger in you rather than using his digital thermometer next time you’re sick. If ‘A’ is true, then ‘Not A’ is always false for the chosen case, not just for a finite period. This is the confusion that the 'no absolute' truth teaching brings to public education.

Next we have evolution's perversion of the 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics:

"Or are you misusing the Second Law? That’s usually more typical. Creationists love to ignore the fact that if their "decay of everything" version of the Second Law was true, you couldn’t even grow wheatgrass in a cup, because wheatgrass has, like, information in it. Maybe God has to prop up even wheatgrass development in this whole physics-derived field of Okami evil spirit-like cursed decay."

Energy must be in a form that can be utilized by the recipient; otherwise we could all live on sunlight rather than organic nourishment. While plants do utilize the sun as an energy source, the gases they exchange increases entropy to the surroundings.

There's nothing stated in either the second or third law that says decay prevents growth of living organisms. The only requirement for growth is that the energy input be greater than the energy exhausted to the sink. Entropy is merely an indication of the energy decay experienced by that system, living or not. And, the fact that the sun imparts entropy to its surroundings doesn’t alter the fact that the earth is still decaying.

The best argument came from a response to the second half of the second law of thermodynamics or Nerst’s postulation, governing evolutionary processes, {update 5/2/12 - i.e. 2(b).

"It is the second law of thermodynamics that Creationists do not understand. The third simply states that the other two laws only apply at temperatures above absolute zero. The second law says that total entropy can only go down in a closed system. But the Earth is not a closed system, every tiny drop in entropy here is compensated for many times over by the constant, massive increase in entropy in the sun. You know, it being a massive nuclear fireball and all."

As a matter of fact, '2b' states that "..a system will move in the direction that increases the entropy of the system or the universe." This means that the net change in entropy, ‘Sin – S'out must be greater than or equal to zero. The term 'total' entropy as used by the evolutionist is a deception, inferring that 'Sin – S'out can be less than zero. How is a cooling body a net decease in entropy? And, is not the Sun decaying through its fusion reactions in radiating energy to space?

{update 2/12/09} The evolutionist's 'closed system' term is a misnomer. If entropy could only decrease in closed or ordered systems then how does snow melt? The answer is that the state condition depends on the net change in dS, or Sin – S'out. The evolutionist ignores the enthalpy, 'H' of the surroundings. Evolution requires 'spontaneity' for its abiogenesis changes to take place which can only occur through the generation of new entropy by the system, closed or open. It cannot utilize existing entropy from the environment, i.e. S>0 as it can with enthalpy, 'H' or 'dS' itself must be greater than zero. However, it can acquire necessary reaction energy from its surroundings and be spontaneous if 'H-TS' is an absolute minimum. Spontaneous atmospheric reactions like the open air oxidation (of carbon monoxide, CO to carbon dioxide and acid rain , i.e. 2NO + O2 -> 2NO2 occur because the 'H-TS' change produces a positive entropy, 'dS' as required by the 2nd law. Otherwise, neither would be an environmental problem.

The earth’s rotation has been shown to have slowed, loss in kinetic energy, over the last 6000 years and the atmosphere continues to radiate heat to free space according to the second law relationship, i.e. dq/T. Otherwise, everything would burn up from the accumulated energy input by the sun. Next, the evolutionist states:

"Look around next time it is snowing. Snow is a much lower entropy state for water to be in compared to the water vapor that it started at. Yet snow forms. The same goes for crystals, ice, water, and many other ordered systems that form spontaneously in nature. The same principles that allow these system to reduce their entropy also allows life to reduce its entropy."

The crystalline state of any substance in either a closed or open system doesn’t suspend the second law {2(b)} because  the net change in ‘S’ is simply zero not less than zero. If the net change in were found to be less than zero for a living organism or system then Nerst’s postulate would be invalid. There is no empirical or physical evidence that supports such a claim since the inception of the law. How can one reduce his entropy without bringing about death? Hypothermia certainly zeros out your entropy.

Evolution theory breaks under the sheer weight of its own convoluted arguments.

What Thomas Jefferson learned from the Muslim book of jihad

by Ted Sampley, {U.S. Veteran Dispatch}

Democrat Keith Ellison is now officially the first Muslim United States congressman. True to his pledge, he placed his hand on the Quran, the Muslim book of jihad and pledged his allegiance to the United States during his ceremonial swearing-in.

Capitol Hill staff said Ellison's swearing-in photo opportunity drew more media than they had ever seen in the history of the U.S. House. Ellison represents the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota.

The Quran Ellison used was no ordinary book. It once belonged to Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States and one of America's founding fathers. Ellison borrowed it from the Rare Book Section of the Library of Congress. It was one of the 6,500 Jefferson books archived in the library.

Ellison, who was born in Detroit and converted to Islam while in college, said he chose to use Jefferson's Quran because it showed that "a visionary like Jefferson" believed that wisdom could be gleaned from many sources.

There is no doubt Ellison was right about Jefferson believing wisdom could be "gleaned" from the Muslim Quran. At the time Jefferson owned the book, he needed to know everything possible about Muslims because he was about to advocate war against the Islamic "Barbary" states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Tripoli.

Ellison's use of Jefferson's Quran as a prop illuminates a subject once well-known in the history of the United States, but, which today, is mostly forgotten - the Muslim pirate slavers who over many centuries enslaved millions of Africans and tens of thousands of Christian Europeans and Americans in the Islamic "Barbary" states.

Over the course of 10 centuries, Muslim pirates cruised the African and Mediterranean coastline, pillaging villages and seizing slaves.

The taking of slaves in pre-dawn raids on unsuspecting coastal villages had a high casualty rate. It was typical of Muslim raiders to kill off as many of the "non-Muslim" older men and women as possible so the preferred "booty" of only young women and children could be collected.

Young non-Muslim women were targeted because of their value as concubines in Islamic markets. Islamic law provides for the sexual interests of Muslim men by allowing them to take as many as four wives at one time and to have as many concubines as their fortunes allow.

Boys, as young as 9 or 10 years old, were often mutilated to create eunuchs who would bring higher prices in the slave markets of the Middle East. Muslim slave traders created "eunuch stations" along major African slave routes so the necessary surgery could be performed. It was estimated that only a small number of the boys subjected to the mutilation survived after the surgery.

When American colonists rebelled against British rule in 1776, American merchant ships lost Royal Navy protection. With no American Navy for protection, American ships were attacked and their Christian crews enslaved by Muslim pirates operating under the control of the "Dey of Algiers"--an Islamist warlord ruling Algeria.

Because American commerce in the Mediterranean was being destroyed by the pirates, the Continental Congress agreed in 1784 to negotiate treaties with the four Barbary States. Congress appointed a special commission consisting of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, to oversee the negotiations.

Lacking the ability to protect its merchant ships in the Mediterranean, the new America government tried to appease the Muslim slavers by agreeing to pay tribute and ransoms in order to retrieve seized American ships and buy the freedom of enslaved sailors.

Adams argued in favor of paying tribute as the cheapest way to get American commerce in the Mediterranean moving again. Jefferson was opposed. He believed there would be no end to the demands for tribute and wanted matters settled "through the medium of war." He proposed a league of trading nations to force an end to Muslim piracy.

In 1786, Jefferson, then the American ambassador to France, and Adams, then the American ambassador to Britain, met in London with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja, the "Dey of Algiers" ambassador to Britain.

The Americans wanted to negotiate a peace treaty based on Congress' vote to appease.

During the meeting Jefferson and Adams asked the Dey's ambassador why Muslims held so much hostility towards America, a nation with which they had no previous contacts.

In a later meeting with the American Congress, the two future presidents reported that Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja had answered that Islam "was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Quran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman (Muslim) who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

For the following 15 years, the American government paid the Muslims millions of dollars for the safe passage of American ships or the return of American hostages. The payments in ransom and tribute amounted to 20 percent of United States government annual revenues in 1800.

Not long after Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, he dispatched a group of frigates to defend American interests in the Mediterranean, and informed Congress.

Declaring that America was going to spend "millions for defense but not one cent for tribute," Jefferson pressed the issue by deploying American Marines and many of America's best warships to the Muslim Barbary Coast.

The USS Constitution, USS Constellation, USS Philadelphia, USS Chesapeake, USS Argus, USS Syren and USS Intrepid all saw action.

In 1805, American Marines marched across the desert from Egypt into Tripolitania, forcing the surrender of Tripoli and the freeing of all American slaves.

During the Jefferson administration, the Muslim Barbary States, crumbling as a result of intense American naval bombardment and on shore raids by Marines, finally officially agreed to abandon slavery and piracy.

Jefferson's victory over the Muslims lives on today in the Marine Hymn, with the line, "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles in the air, on land and sea."

It wasn't until 1815 that the problem was fully settled by the total defeat of all the Muslim slave trading pirates.

Jefferson had been right. The "medium of war" was the only way to put and end to the Muslim problem. Mr. Ellison was right about Jefferson. He was a "visionary" wise enough to read and learn about the enemy from their own Muslim book of jihad.

Kansas Characterized by Legislative and Judicial Failure

by Tim Golba

Five courageous Kansas legislators demonstrated their commitment to defending the unborn by submitting their resignations to the House Speaker Melvin Neufeld on the morning of Sine Die. They desperately tried to reason with the speaker, but at the vary least they drew the line in the sand with their unprecedented resignations.

I wish to commend these five legislators for standing together for the unborn. Up till now, I have been reluctantly willing to extend to the House Speaker the benefit of the doubt when he recently requested thirty to forty days to execute his plan (a time period that expires about mid to late June). Here are the concerns:

JUDICIAL FAILURE: A Wichita district attorney and a traffic judge blocked a standing attorney general’s charges against George Tiller with no legal basis to stand on.

JUDICIAL COVER-UP: The traffic judge who had received campaign contributions from Tiller’s attorney and the district attorney was charged with ethical violations for not removing himself from the case. These complaints were dismissed because the judge claimed that he did not look at his own campaign reports.

JUDICIAL FAILURE: Two judges have found probable cause to believe that crimes have been committed. The latest judge found the evidence of criminal activity was directly linked to Tiller. The allegations claim that Dr. Tiller performed abortions for temporary mental health concerns.

All the evidence to support that finding was filed with the original court case and has been available directly to the Attorney General since he was sworn into office. Considering the fact that Carla Stovall, who is pro-choice, stated in a 2000 AG opinion that temporary mental health concerns did not justify a late-term abortion on a viable fetus, do not the allegations indicate that Tiller violated the law? Does the complaint not list the actual diagnosis provided for the abortions? If so, why has Paul Morrison not filed charges? Why did Morrison dismiss the appeal that he promised not to interfere with?

JUDICIAL COVER-UP: Attorney General Paul Morrison fired the Democrat special prosecutor and then has stalled time and again to make a conclusive statement regarding the 30 charges. Let’s not forget the huge campaign debt that Morrison has to Tiller and Planned Parenthood.

LEGISLATIVE INACTION: After the Federal and State Affairs committee voted 12-8 to a approve a resolution designed to force Morrison to reinstate all 30 charge counts against Tiller, Speaker Melvin Neufeld forbade a vote on the floor (according to Tim Carpenter of the Capital-Journal 6-1-07).

LEGISLATIVE INACTION: Speaker Neufeld thus far refused to allow the Federal and State Affairs or the Appropriations Committees to have subpoena power to investigate these judicial failures. ‘A witch hunt is how Neufeld recently characterized the process of the legislative branch holding the judicial branch accountable for enforcing the law.

LEGISLATIVE LEADERSHIP PROMISES: Speaker Melvin Neufeld, the Kansas House Speaker and others in House Leadership are attempting to buy themselves some time by promising a coming announcement of new initiatives in the battle against abortion. The speaker indicated to me along with others that he needed another thirty to forty days to execute his plan. He made this compromise in mid-May and now his time has about run. IS THIS NOT A CONTRADICTION? Is Speaker Neufeld executing a plan as promised? Why would a reasonable person think that the debt that Paul Morrison owes to Tiller would allow him to send Tiller to prison? Why would Paul Morrison not just slap Tiller’s hand, fine him a few dollars and seal the damning evidence that no Attorney General before Phill Kline has ever been able to access? Has Neufeld ever had any intentions of holding Tiller accountable for his crimes?

Federal and State Affairs Committee Chair, Arlen Siegfried, admitted to an Olathe News reporter on May 23rd, that his committee discussed early in the session whether they should pursue an investigation of Tiller, but that House leadership decided to leave the matter in Morrison’s hands. IS THIS NOT OBVIOUS?

Paul Morrison is no more inclined to enforce the law than any of the other Tiller bought political cronies that have covered for him to date. It is time to place principle and the rule of law (in opposition to the Tiller killing machine) above politics and just simply do the right thing! There are a lot of unanswered questions. The mid to late June extension for Speaker Neufeld’s plan is fast approaching. As a result, every pro-life advocate, every pro-life citizen of this state now anxiously awaits the fruit that will come from the Speaker's investigative and legislative efforts during the next few weeks. As always, it is our responsibility to monitor the progress of our public officials as they represent our best interests.

{Tim Golba is past President of Kansans for Life and project co-ordinator for the Judicial Watch, an organization seeking to hold judges to a strict interpretation of the law and Constitution. - Ed}

The marines raise the flag on Mt. Suribachi…"and thy seed shall possess the gate of those which hate them"

by Blog Administrator

America has been blessed far above every other nation. How has this come to be? Is it the country’s great industrial strength, its marvelous ingenuity, its military or its financial strength, that has forged its success? To fully answer that question we must look to the bible. The bible?...what has that to do with America’s success?

The bible predicts a single great nation that will emerge in the latter days, one descending from a company of nations as recorded in the book of Genesis. The bible describes the ancient blessing passed on to the descendants of Jacob, the grandson of Abraham. Jacob had two wives, one was Leah and the other Rachel. He had six sons by Leah, two by Rachel and four more by each of two concubines.

Modern day Israel descends from the sons of Leah while Great Britain and its host of nations descends from Rachel. Joseph and Benjamin are the sons of Rachel. "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that couched beneath. And for the precious fruits brought forth by the Sun..." - Deut 33:13-14. Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh were to receive "great blessings of agricultural and mineral wealth and would be militarily strong." – Tomorrow’s World, Nov-Dec 2003

‘Oh, beautiful for spacious skies;
For amber waves of grain;
For purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain;
'America, America, God shed His grace on thee.’

"and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed"

‘And crowned thy good with brotherhood;
From sea to shining sea.’

The Northern Kingdom of Israel was scattered after the Babylonian captivity leaving only the southern kingdom of Judah. The northern tribes migrated across Europe, some eventually settling in the British Isles. Gildas, an early writer circa 475-550 AD, describes the British people as ‘Israelites’ in his work, the "Ruin of Britain. "..the Welsh refer to themselves as the Cymri or Cymru-after the Assyrian name for the people of Israel." – Tomorrow’s World, July-Aug 2006

The bible talks of God warning his people that they would be punished seven times over for their collective sins (Lev 26:18). "The citizens of the Northern Kingdom, with its capital at Samaria, were known as Israelites, and were taken into captivity after Samaria fell in 721 BC. "– Tomorrow’s World, Nov-Dec 2003. Seven times punishment would be 7 x 360 days/year or 2520 years.-721BC +2530 years =1799 AD

About 1800 the prophecy of Genesis began to be fulfilled."..and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.." - Gen 24:60.

Britain gained control of the sea gates of Gibraltar, Suez, Singapore and the Strait of Hormuz, strategic ports that it would control throughout the 19th century.

"His glory is like the glory of the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh."- Deut 33:17

The American Colonists would defeat the French in the ‘French and Indian war’, Britain in both the Revolutionary and the war of 1812 and Mexico in 1846. They would defeat Spain in the Spanish-American War (1898), the Kaiser in World War I (1918) and Germany, Japan and Italy in the Second World War (1945)

In 1805, President Jefferson sent the marines to clean up the Barbary Coast pirates, a band of Muslims who preyed on merchant ships charging tribute to leave foreign shipping alone. This provided the first line of the hymn:"To the shores of Tripoli"

In 1831, President Andrew Jackson sent a US frigate with some 300 Navy blue jackets and marines to Kaula Batu to punish the Sumatra pirates for seizing American Shipping.

The marines have a hymn to commemorate and record each military campaign under taken by the Corp. The first stanza of the hymn was written in 1847 after the capture of the castle of Chapultapec in the 1846 war with Mexico, known as the "Halls of Montezuma."

"From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli...

Each new campaign brought another stanza to the hymn.

"Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun.
In the snow of far-off northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always on the job The United States Marines"

The prophesy continues "Let people serve thee, and nations bow down to thee: be lord over thy brethren.." - Gen 27:29

Webster’s 3rd International Dictionary, defines lord as, 1(f ) "one who has achieved mastery or who exercises leadership or great power in some area." 

America is great because its people come from the younger of the two sons of Joseph (Manasseh Gen 48, v 17-19) blessed by Jacob in Genesis 27 v 28-29 and Deut 33 v 17.