A woman's right

Abortion doctor explains a woman’s right to choose what she does ‘with her own body’.


       And this ladies and gentlemen reveals the character of today's liberals,

   it's not murder, it's just a woman's right to rip her unborn child into pieces

   small enough that it won't clog the toilet when she flushes.

      This is the platform that the democratic politicians promote to get elected. We are supposed to vote for them....


“Because they care about the ‘little’ people’’.


Acid Rain - Monitoring SO2 in a Flue Gas Desulfurization Unit

by Applied Analytics

From the 1970s through the 1990s, acid rain was the main environmental concern. Lakes1, vegetation2 and animals3 were affected.

The New York Times reported in 1979:“The rapid rate at which rainfall is growing more acidic in more areas has led many scientists and governmental officials to conclude that acid rain is developing into one of the most serious worldwide environmental problems of the coming decades.”4

What is acid rain?
Acid rain simply refers to rain or other precipitants that have uncommonly high acidity. This is a result of SO2 in the air that dissolves in water creating sulfuric acid. The source of this SO2 is largely power plants that burn fossil fuels.
The EPA, under the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments, created the Acid Rain Program (ARP). The aim was to reduce the amount of NO2 and SO2 emissions, while allowing for the industry to employ cost-effective technology to achieve this goal. As the following graph shows, the program was a remarkable success.

Figure 1. SO2 Emissions from CSAPR and ARP Sources, 1980–2016 (ARP- The Acid Rain Program; CSAPR -Cross-State Air Pollution Rule)5

The EPA reports concluded that experience with the Clean Air Act since 1970 has shown that protecting public health and building the economy can go hand in hand.6 Furthermore, “The emissions reductions have led to dramatic improvements in the quality of the air that we breathe. Between 1990 and 2017, national concentrations of air pollutants improved... 88 percent for sulfur dioxide”7

Figure 2. Note. Data for SO2 concentration from SO2 Air Quality, 1980-2017 (Annual 99th percentile of Daily Max 1-hour Average) National Trend based on 42 sites. 90% decrease in national average8

The Technology
Flue gas desulfurization units are used to remove SO2 from flue gas; the process is also called scrubbing. The most common type is limestone scrubbing, in which the flue gas is stripped by dissolution into water. The stripped gas reacts with the limestone (CaCO3) resulting in solid residue, in this case calcium sulfite (CaSO3). The scrubbing efficiency is usually higher than 90%. To achieve this level of efficiency, the concentration of SO2 must be monitored both before and after the process.
The Analysis
The OMA-300 measures a full, high-resolution spectrum. This allows for both applications to be monitored continuously by the same analyzer, from 4000 ppm to 10 ppm full scale. Hence, it provides an indication of the process’ effectiveness by measuring the SO2 before and after the flue gas desulfurization unit.

Figure 3: Absorbance spectra of SO2 40 ppm and 4000 ppm, demonstrating that one analyzer can be used for both applications simultaneously. The absorbances at different wavelengths are correlated to the SO2 concentration.

The Future
While controlling industrial SO2 emission in North America and Western Europe has been largely successful, acid rain is still a problem in rapidly growing economies such as China and India. Even the famous Taj Mahal in Agra is facing corrosion of its marble9. Hopefully, in the very near future, these burgeoning regions will implement the same technology and regulations that worked so well in more established countries.
1. WILLIAM K. STEVENSJAN , ‘Study of Acid Rain Uncovers a Threat To Far Wider Area’, New York times, 16, 1990.
2. WILLIAM K. STEVENSAPRIL, ‘The Forest That Stopped Growing: Trail Is Traced to Acid Rain’ New York Times, 16, 1996 .
3. LES LINEMARCH ‘Acid Rain Leading to Moose Deaths’ , New York Times, 12, 1996.
4. (BAYARD WEBSTERNOV. “Acid Rain: An Increasing Threat” New York Times 6,11, 1979).
9. Henry Fountain and John Schwartz ‘Have We Passed the Acid Test?’ New York Times May 2, 2018

Get Ready-- they're coming for your money

I really wish this article wasn’t so dead on but I’m afraid it is. It seems that the propaganda wing of the ‘educators’ today left out the part about Marxism. It always ends up with a 100% Tax and “"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" ”


Throughout history, whenever the wealth gap gets large enough, it gets corrected.

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January 22, 2019
Dorado, Puerto Rico

Every so often throughout history, the peasants grab their pitchforks and come for the elite. It happens when the wealth gap grows too extreme… when people feel like they are getting left behind, with no opportunity to advance.

Central banks around the world have printed trillions of dollars over last decade, and pushed interest rates to zero, and sometimes below. And all of that stimulus went directly into the pockets of the wealthy.

Since 2009, the world’s billionaires more than DOUBLED their combined wealth. All the billionaires in the world had $3.4 trillion in 2009. By 2017, they amassed $8.9 trillion.

Mark Zuckerberg multiplied his wealth almost 20 times over, from $3 billion in 2009, to over $58 billion in 2019.

$8.9 trillion is a massive, almost incomprehensible amount of wealth.

But it really shouldn’t be that surprising if you think about it… these people are wealthy for a reason. Typically, they are pretty good at making money. And with the snowball effect, if you give them more time, they will probably make even more.

For the last ten years, we’ve seen a huge asset price inflation in everything from the stock market, to bonds and real estate, and even fine art and wine.

But if you’re a wage earner without assets, you’ve been left out. Wages and median household wealth have stagnated.

And this is a global issue…

The combined wealth of the poorest half of the world--3.8 billion people--fell by 11% just last year, according to Oxfam, a group working to alleviate poverty.

The New York Times claims the richest 8 people on the planet have more wealth than the poorest 3.8 billion.

And Forbes says the 3 richest Americans have as much wealth as the poorest half of the country’s population.

People feel trapped, like they have no path to prosperity. They see money thrown around by the government, and the rich. They see stocks and real estate boom… but where is theirs?

It’s this lack of MOBILITY that really gets the masses worked up.

3.4 billion people got poorer last year. How many more stayed exactly where they were, or barely budged? The vast majority of the global population is the same or worse off than they were 12 months ago.

Meanwhile a tiny group got embarrassingly rich.

I’m not trying to sound like some radical, left-wing, social justice warrior. I just know that throughout history, whenever the wealth gap gets large enough, it corrects.

Sometimes that happens through legislation and sometimes it happens through violence. People demand that their politicians forcefully redistribute the wealth. And the politicians, always hungry for more power, are happy to step up to the plate.

We’re starting to see this in America today.

Last week we talked about New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s speech in which he said: “Brothers and sisters, there’s plenty of money in the world. There’s plenty of money in this city. It’s just in the wrong hands.”

What he meant was that the people who earned the money shouldn’t get to keep it.

Then there’s the new star of Congress, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. She supports hiking income taxes up to 70%, providing free medical care, free college, a chicken in every pot and a unicorn in every garage.

And, of course, she blames capitalism for everything wrong with the United States… and says “it will not always exist in the world.”

Ray Dalio, manager of Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund, is hobnobbing with the global elite at a Swiss ski resort in Davos. He says that among the attendees, the ideas of this 29-year-old freshman Congresswoman are actually taking root.

Nobel Laureate economist Paul Krugman thinks AOC’s 70% is too low.

Somewhere between 73% and 80% is the optimal tax rate he says. Under his plan, the government will graciously let you keep up to 27% of what you earn.

Unfortunately, the public likes what it hears.

According to Gallup, 51% of 18-29 year olds view socialism favorably.

Only 45% view capitalism positively. That’s down from 68% in the same age group just a few years ago.

And membership in the Democratic Socialists of America has swelled 7x just in the last two years.

Their candidates are certainly crowding the 2020 primary.

There’s Elizabeth “you didn’t build that” Warren. Bernie Sanders and his tens of trillions of dollars worth of promises for free-stuff.

Former Obama cabinet secretary Julian Castro is one Presidential contender who wants “free” two-year college. Like Bernie, he has also endorses Medicare for all, a government run socialized healthcare scheme.

Other likely contenders, Senator Corey Booker and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, want a federal guaranteed jobs program to hand out cushy government job with benefits to anyone who wants one.

And now Kamala Harris is officially in the race.

Harris is a Senator from California who will undoubtedly appeal to the socialist uprising. Already she endorsed AOC’s call for a 70% tax rate, and won’t rule out BANNING private car ownership to address climate change.

Her campaign slogan is “For the people.” And the campaign colors are red and yellow… just missing the hammer and sickle.


All of these candidates want to take your money and redistribute it to the people who keep them in power. It is SO obvious what is going to happen next.

There will be more government spending that they can’t afford. More bureaucracy, more central planning…

As de Blasio said, he thinks people have a socialistic impulse which makes them want the government “to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be.”

And unfortunately the statistics are supporting this view.

These are the new socialist candidates for the presidency who all promise to take your money and do with it what they see fit.

But here’s the thing, none of this stuff works. Central planning doesn't work. Bureaucracy doesn't work.

It drags everyone down, and lifts up only the politically connected. We’ve seen it a million times before, across the world, throughout history.

Unfortunately, it seems like the trend of American socialism is picking up steam.

These Presidential candidates (along with a large chunk of American voters) are determined to turn America into yet another failed experiment in socialism.

To your freedom,


Simon Black,
Founder, SovereignMan.com








Kansas Denies Self Government in Supporting Autocratic Rule

Once again the Kansas legislature fails the people that it feigns to represent, denying its citizens the right to decide if the Kansas constitution includes the right to abortion demonstrating its continued worthlessness.  The people of Kansas must live under a judicial oligarchy created and nurtured by the stupidity and malfeasance of this body of motley fools.

Self government is not a constitutional right in Kansas because the legislature and its lawyer interest group select candidates for the Supreme Court independent of the people ensuring authoritative control continues. Thus the people are prevented from saying ‘No’ to the special interests that want unlimited funding for substandard schools and the continued slaughter of the unborn for the baby body parts trafficking industries.

The Kansas legislature spends its time working against the very people that elected them pandering exclusively to a myriad of special interest groups including the American Federation of Teachers,  Equality Kansas, KNEA, Kansas Association of School Boards, Johnson County Educators PAC, Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Advancing Women, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club and a host of others denying the fundamental right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness as guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. The people do not have the final say whether or not they wish to fund a government agenda as that power has been usurped by the courts through the ubiquitous ‘compelling interest’ of the state legalese..

The people are governed by a succession of thugs in a corrupt legislative process that earned a failing grade in a 2015 state integrity investigation.  According to the Metrovoice, the state’s pro-abortion governor Laura Kelly has deep ties to Kansas City Corruption supporting the “sleazy underground” political interests that funded her campaign. Kelly has joined the ranks of other unsavory governors complicit in abetting the State Bar in packing the Kansas judiciary with odious candidates.  The last thing these characters want is to relinquish control of the Kansas Supreme court to the people of Kansas.

There is a long history of Kansas being an abortion Mecca with the courts protecting Planned Parenthood’s right to pursue Title X funding genocide.  The state legislature failed the people of Kansas by providing no effective means of impeaching corrupt judges other than removal by the state Supreme Court on the recommendation of the commission on judicial qualifications.  This firmly places the state bar association in charge of who can be a judge so not only does the fox guard the chicken house but establishes the rules on how it should operate as well.

This same corrupt legislative body failed to support the one attorney general who discovered underage girls were being illegally taken for abortion and allowing the state’s ethics commission to remove this attorney general’s ability to practice law in the state. Thereby it chose to guarantee availability of abortion funds for favored individual’s election campaigns and to maintain the status quo. Because of the self serving actions of this worthless e body, people are coming from all over the country to abort their children especially from states whose stiffer regulations make abortion more difficult to obtain. 

As of 2919, the Kansas Supreme Court again exercised its supervisory authority over the public, ruling that the state constitution contains the right to abortion stretching its legal reasoning beyond the limits of credibility to deny the people’s right to self government.

Kansas has subsequently joined the community of repressive nations where secret courts rule such as China, Iran and North Korea whose despots impose insufferable rule over their citizenry.