A reach for fame


         Dr. Fauci’s fraudulent and genocidal campaign against hydroxychloroquine

                             let patients die - while rushing his vaccines in to saturate the market
                                    so that he can claim credit when death rates drop.

Very informative-about what is going on in this country and around the world

Subject: Fw: Very informative

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Subject: Very informative
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 19:08:50 +0000 (UTC)


Top News - Sponsored By Newser

Who’s Stealing America?

                       2020 Election Investigative Documentary: Who’s Stealing America?  



                            For those that feel this is too long to watch or perhaps believe it does not concern them, it is suggested
                           that you slide the cursor to the 1:23 mark on the video and watch the following four minutes. If at that point
                           you are not concerned enough to view this in it’s entirety you will join a long list of people that prefer
                           to remain ignorant rather than face the absolute fact that 2020 may very well be the end of our Republic
                           and the introduction of a communist state. This may well be the most important post I have ever made.

Very good overview of what is going on with President Trump

There Was Massive Fraud in This Election” – Inventor of QR Code Can Prove It

President Trump has the law and the US Constitution on his side.

Back on November 6th, only three days after the election, retired Intel Operative Tony Shaffer, said not to worry, the President has the Constitution on his side and will win the election.


Today we have astonishing support for Tony’s remarks. 

(From the Donald.win website)

IT Expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, the inventor of platform known as ‘QR Code‘ which is on about 12 billion devices around the globe, believes ballots can be scanned to determine validity.

"When I started looking at ballots… I realized that everybody was speaking geek…It’s a real simple fact to prove that there was massive fraud in this election."

"…We can take the physical ballot, the image scan of the ballot in the machine, the CVR file in the machine, and I can even take a shredded bag of ballots and do what we do.  I want everybody to understand these physical ballots from the election, when they go into the machine, it basically makes a duplicate copy.  That’s your property as an American citizen.  We own it for 22 months after the election.  And so when these courts started saying, well you can’t look at it, I realized it was all technical smoke and mirrors, to fool judges, to fool lawyers, to say oh we can’t really do it.  So let me tell you how easy it is…"
