'Lead Stories' a supposed fact checking site for Facebook & Twitter funded by the Communist Party

by Staff

The Epoch Times reports that the Fact checking site used by Facebook and Twitter is funded by the communist party through Tic Tok.  "One fact-checker, Lead Stories, is partly paid through its partnership with TikTok, a social media platform run by a Chinese company that owes its allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."

"Lead Stories was started in 2015 by Belgian website developer Maarten Schenk, CNN veteran Alan Duke, and two lawyers from Florida and Colorado."

The social media 'fact checker' specializes in debunking claims of false information on such topics as Dominion, Stolen election, machines, vaccines, etc. From USA Today:  "One fact-checker, Lead Stories, is partly paid through its partnership with TikTok, a social media platform run by a Chinese company that owes its allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)." However lead stories doesn't debunk anything with other than anecdotal opinions not real data that refutes Lindell's arguments.

So it was no big surprise that Alan Duke, a 20 year former CNN reporter who is Lead Stories CEO would take issue with the growing evidence that the US election was hacked by China.  "Dominion Voting Systems is suing Lindell for $1.3 billion, alleging that he made defamatory false statements: that Dominion's machines were used to steal votes. In a Zoom meeting with Lead Stories staff on February 18, 2021, Lindell said he welcomes Dominion's suit and is certain he'll prove Dominion participated in election fraud."  
However, what Duke and the other 'fact checkers' conveniently ignore is the IT forensic data from a court authorized audit of Dominion voting machines. The Lead Attorney Matt Deperno features downloadable Forensic Analysis files documenting Dominion Voting Machine anomalies. And that's not the only claim of Dominion anomalies altering an election.

In Massachusetts, Dr. Shiva, a scientist engineer, was running for the state Senate. He won Franklin county by about 54% because they hand count all ballots. I"There are 351 communities in Massachusetts. Of these, 255 communities use voting machines linked to Dominion (controversy-linked) Software.:"

However, Dr. Shiva lost every other county in the state by the identical ratio of 60/40, a physical impossibility. No lawyer in Massachusetts would take his case so he had to represent himself pro se. Based on the IT analysis he provided the judge refused plaintiff's request to dismiss the suit.   "On October 30, 2020, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, who represented himself in Federal court as his own counsel before Judge Mark L. Wolf, obtained a landmark victory for Free Speech on Twitter. Testimony unequivocally revealed that the Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin, NASED, and its Executive Director Amy Cohen forced Twitter to ban Dr.SHIVA for 21 days, in the midst of his U.S. Senate federal campaign for exposing the deletion of ballot images – a violation of Federal Law, which demands all records generated during a federal election be preserved for 22 months."  Shiva's lawsuit against the Massachusetts secretary of state continues.

Next Duke claims: "Lead Stories has debunked the claim that voting machines were connected to the internet (they weren't). We've also addressed false claims about the 2020 election and the specific countries mentioned by Flynn. For example, the U.S. Army did not seize vote-count servers in Germany; a purported foreign service officer in Rome did not work with Barack Obama, former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and others to rig the 2020 election; and votes from the 2020 election were not stored on servers in Spain."

Dominion is a third generation voting machine system originating in Venezuela that evolved from Diebold which pioneered the ability to steal elections. The Michigan forensic audit revealed a modem inside the Dominion voting machine which is for connection to the internet. Dominion's own manual has several graphic pictorials on how to connect the machine to the internet.

Lindell made no such claim in either of his Absolute documentaries about the army seizing anything nor any claims about a foreign service officer in Rome or anywhere else. Watch the 'Absolute' videos at LindellTV and prove me wrong.

Duke's next statement is equally false: "Lindell's next guest was Douglas Frank, a Ph.D. analytical chemist from Cincinnati, who implausibly claimed that lists of names from the 2010 census were used to create phantom voters in a pattern matching demographic patterns of the population while inflating Biden's tallies. Lead Stories sent him a request for the exact data and formulas he used but we received no reply."

Dr Frank has a combined Physics-Chemistry degree, He made no such claim about being an analytical chemist. He is a specialist in large data analysis and has 3 PHd's overall.  Dr. Frank did not claim any garnering of names from the 2010 census, but merely extracted the 2010 numbers (not names) to show how Dominion machines used  population data as a system reference to enable the votes to be switched without exceeding the total population in a given precinct. Dr. Frank discovered the' key' used by Dominion which involves a scalar multiplier to replicate an earlier historical voting pattern of actual voters.

It took a number of attempts before Frank succeeded in representing the precinct's voting population with a mathematical curve. This would establish the base state of the voting algorithm used by Dominion after which votes could be switched from Trump to Biden easily without risk of exceeding the total number of precinct voters. This was done state wide for each voting precinct. 

I was watching live when Lindell said he asked Alan Duke to contact them and there was no response. However it was announced that Duke was trying to call him later in the presentation likely to interrupt Lindell who wouldn't take the call until he completed the presentation.  As far as I am aware Duke never tried again that evening..

Duke isn't very bright but doggedly continues::" Based on registration and turnout numbers, he claims to be able to "predict" the number of ballots cast and show how fake votes were added. That is like saying you can "predict" someone's age using just their birth year. It's a simple calculation that will be mostly right (but not exactly). And it is not even a prediction since you can only know the turnout numbers after the vote counting is completed."

This is absolute nonsense. Frank was not using age to predict anything just showing how prediction could even be done within a specific age group using different ratios of course. As I recall in Franks' Ohio analysis, all 88 counties had the same Biden to Trump ratio which is a clear indication that it has been manipulated. So, if I've observed the same ratio turning up in 3 or 4 precincts, then I can test an observed ratio (say it's 60/40) for the rest of the state. If that ratio is repeated throughout the state then it's CLEAR evidence of fraud because it is impossible for any states voting precincts to exhibit that same ratio.  Duh!

It's clear from Duke's allegations that he has no understanding of applied mathematics. In the 'Lead Stories' article showing the Antrim Michigan curve reproduced from Lindell's Absolute series some glaring irregularities show up in the Dominion data. First, the total population of Antrim county was just 19,322 but the registered voters listed 24,118 or 125% more than the people who lived there which means you have phantom voters embedded in the database.
The second glaring irregularity is that the predicted ballot curve EXACTLY MATCHES the registered Antrim county voters another physical impossibility. The correlation factor was 0.993 using Dr. Frank's prediction model which can only be true if the machine is using an algorithm to cast votes.

So there you have it a half baked attempt by Duke and lead stories to debunk what is clearly machine manipulation of an election and considering Duke and Lead stories ties to communism it's no surprise that they would deny the election was fraught with fraud..

Cancer: the quest for cures

:arrow_forward: Episode 2 is “LIVE” (Watch Now!)

Anyone considering the Chinese Communist Flu vaccine is encouraged to watch this to the end.



Episode 2 goes “LIVE” @ 9pm Eastern.


Here’s the viewing link:





This second episode is called: Why You Get Cancer: Do You Have "Bad Genes"? Do Vaccines Cause Cancer? and you absolutely don’t want to miss it.


We’ll see you there!













Dave Schatz - Missouri Senate President is holding the 2nd Amendment Hostage unless His Gas Tax passes

By Staff

Joe Biden is on a rampage against gun owners -– hoping to use executive orders and legislation to crush our freedoms. Missouri needs the Second Amendment Preservation Act NOW! The bill (H.B. 85) passed the House over two months ago, but it’s languishing in the Senate. 

Dave Schatz-Missouri Senate President ( https://www.senate.mo.gov/mem26/ ) is solely responsible for  holding our 2nd Amendment Rights hostage, Senator Schatz refuses to bring the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) to the floor for vote unless he gets his ‘gasoline tax passed’.To learn more about SAPA, why it’s being held up in the Senate, and how you can help us put pressure on your State Senator, Watch our video report on who’s blocking the SAPA law here.

It’s more important to charge every citizen in the state more for a gallon of gas then it is to protect the integrity of our Bill of Rights. First and foremost it is to protect our second amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Watch the video below from the Missouri Firearms Coalition for more details and take action, it’s up to We The People, the citizens to protect our freedoms. The politicians will not act if we don’t.

WATCH THE VIDEO below, it’s enough to anger any and all citizens to see yet another power play by arrogant politicians that make worthless promises and then play us for fools.

HB 85 - Passed the house, passed the Senate committee and has now been setting on Schatz’s desk, for over twelve weeks, waiting for ‘senate floor action’. Senator Dave Schatz needs to understand which side of the counter his RINO ass is standing on. We the people are fed up with promises, we want action on the Second Amendment Preservation Act now.

Call you own State Senator and ask them what ‘they’ are doing to get Schatz moving. And if the answer is nothing then ask them why not?

Contact information for the Senate President

Dave Schatz   (573) 751 3678   

Email your State Senator here!

Call his office and tell, not ask, tell him to get off his RINO butt and bring the Second Amendment Preservation Act to the Senate Floor for Action.

As you just learned, passing SAPA legislation is the most effective way for gun owners here in Missouri to defang Joe Biden and his war on guns -- but it’s being held up by Senate President Dave Schatz!

Then take action, using the links above, to help us put pressure on the Iowa House to advance SAPA legislation yet this session!

That’s why I hope you’ll take immediate action.