ID's Anthropic Principle

by Allen Williams

What exactly is the Anthropic Principle you might ask? The Anthropic or Goldilocks principle if you prefer, is a theory that claims Intelligence is behind the structure and order of the Cosmos. It infers a precise set of conditions that must develop in a specific order for life to exist.

Brandon Carter, an astrophysicist from Cambridge University presented a paper in which he describes certain strange and inexplicable behavior in the world of particle physics and astronomy. They seemed to indicate that the whole universe had been constructed and maintained for the purpose of bringing into existence, intelligent life. This means, "..that all of the seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics have one strange thing in common, these are precisely the values you need if you want to have a universe capable of producing life." Sir Isaac Newton put it this way, "The most beautiful system of the Sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being."

The Anthropic Principle defines a solar architecture and set of conditions that must be exact in sequence and function for life to exist in any solar system. If a galaxy has too many stars then the elements of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen etc., can not form from the proton rich radiation. If there are not enough stars, then only hydrogen and helium will form.

The ideal galaxy configuration for life sustaining conditions occurs in spiral galaxies. Spiral galaxies with a certain kind of bulge offer the most stable planetary orbit about a star. However, no more than 2% of the stars in the universe have orbiting planets.

Spiral Galaxy

The orbits of the planets in our own solar system are nearly round and planar, i.e. two dimensional, including the moon, and optimally positioned to support the eco-life of earth. The moon is exactly in the right position to stabilize the earth's rotation and to facilitate oxygenation of the seas via the rise and fall of the tides. Planets in nearby solar systems have elliptical orbits, making the sustenance of life more difficult.

Most spiral galaxies observed are ellipsoid so just 6% of the galaxies in the universe are the right kind of spiral. If the ‘bulge’ in the arch of the spiral is too large, the life-supporting planet receives too much deadly proton radiation from nearby stars. Insufficient arch in the spiral causes disruptive gravitational forces and elliptical orbits around a sun. And, not enough cosmic dust for the formation of new planets occurs under such conditions. A 100,000 light years defines an optimal bulge.

Gas, dust and newly formed stars occur in the spiral arm as well as the heavy elements.

Life conditions are most favorable when the planet is located along this spiral 'arm' as is the earth. This area contains sufficient gas, dust and a 'just right' number of stars to ensure the formation of key elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron etc. to sustain life. Fluorine, an essential element in the formation of certain proteins is only formed in the binary part of a White Dwarf.

Iron, Sulfur, Copper and Silver are formed from dying stars. Heavy elements are generated when stars go Super Nova. The dead Stars then bequeath their ashes to the formation of new stars and planets.

Dead Stars ---> ashes---> New stars and planets

There are some 202 physical conditions that must be ‘just right’ to sustain life. If this precise set of conditions defining and regulating planetary orbit were absent or was to occur out of sequence, life as we know it could not exist or would be vastly different. For example, If there was a 1% difference in the sun’s mass, the only possible life on earth would be bacteria. If the earth was one half percent closer to the sun all water would evaporate. The dew point would be elevated and a huge desert would be created. If the earth was one half-percent farther away from the sun, all its water would be frozen.

If the nuclear strong force between atoms were greater by just two percent, protons could not have formed, resulting in a universe without atoms. But, if the nuclear strong force were weaker by five percent, ours would be a universe without stars.

The probability that all-202 conditions would align to create life from random processes

Based on Darwin’s natural selection is one chance in 10217 power.To understand this a bit better, imagine that you have 10 pennies in your pocket sequentially numbered. The probability that you could reach into your pocket and pull out all ten pennies in exact numerical sequence is one chance in a billion. Probabilities of1080 are generally considered impossible.

Ann Coulter, author of 5 best sellers including, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" has noted, "Evolution isn’t just a theory with a gap in the evidence, the whole theory is a gap." Here are some of the many ‘gaps’ in the theory:

  • The star Cyrus was described as a Red Dwarf in the writings of Ptolemy and others but today it is a White Dwarf. The transition from Red to White Dwarf took just 1700 years. Evolution claims this transition requires 100,000 years.
  • Nickel is a scarce element on earth. However micro meteors are rich in nickel. If the earth is millions of years old, then the geological column should contain nickel from meteor impact. The nickel in the geological column would wash down to the ocean over time from the actions of rain. However, no micro meteors were found in the geological column or nickel in core drills of the ocean's floor.
  • The ocean is getting saltier by the year. If the earth is millions of years old, then why hasn’t the maximum salt-water solubility been reached?
  • There should be more Helium than Hydrogen in the atmosphere for an old earth because of radioactive decay.

Radioactive dating problems: Potassium-Argon radiometric dating tests on known 168 year old rocks dated at 160 million to 3 billion years.

Egress: Uranium and rubidium salts are water-soluble and can be leached from rocks by water.

Ingress: Rock may contain daughter elements such as Lead 206, 207, 208 when it coalesces.

Intelligent Design is "Creationism in a cheap tuxedo," said Nicholas Matzke, project information specialist for the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, Calif., which advocates for the teaching of evolution." - 12/19/2004

So ‘real scientists’ aren’t skeptical of Darwin's theory? How about this from "The Silence of Christmas and the Scream of the Tsunami: Soul Speak in a Suicidal Culture." Rev. Ravi Zachiarias notes that"..a rude awakening has come to us as an earthquake of gigantic proportions rocked continents the day after Christmas {2005 tsutsani-Ed.}, and tens of thousands of people were swept into the sea..It is a self-defeating question for the scientific naturalist to ask why this happened because very few animals were lost in the tragedy. They intuitively sensed the danger that approached and fled long before the water could reach the shores."

"What happens to scientific naturalism's theory of evolution here, when creatures on the lower evolutionary scale were smarter than those higher up the scale?...As a matter of fact, I even heard one person say that this is nature's way of balancing the numbers in a crowded world. Naturalism breaks under the weight of its own argument."

Evolution is merely a religion, its proponents worship the evolutionary god of time, chance and matter. Clarrence Darrow (1925 Scopes trial) stated "The idea that we should only teach one theory of Origins is the height of bigotry." The public should be aware that evolution is the only state sanctioned, court protected scientific theory in the history of the United States, forcibly taught in the nation’s public education system, sponsored and approved by the federal courts. See Epperson v. Arkansas, 1968.

Evolution is a profound testimony to the hypocrisy of postmodern science.

La Raza.. the Mexican Reconquista

by Blog Administrator

"La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions. Hordes of Mexican expatriates, many here illegally, were protesting the very U.S. immigration laws they were violating with impunity. They found it offensive and a violation of their rights that the U.S. dared to have immigration laws to begin with."

Illegal aliens continue to swarm into the United States on a reconquista mission to reclaim the Southwest as their own.  The US Congress is oblivious to the plight of the average American living in the hostile border region between the Southwestern United States and Mexico.

"MEChA and the La Raza movement teach that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington State make up an area known as "Aztlan" — a fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs before Europeans arrived in North America. As such, it belongs to the followers of MEChA. These are all areas America should surrender to "La Raza" once enough immigrants, legal or illegal, enter to claim a majority, as in Los Angeles. The current borders of the United States will simply be extinguished....The final plan for the La Raza movement includes the ethnic cleansing of Americans of European, African, and Asian descent out of "Aztlan." Click here to read the full story.

Photo: Protestors hoist Mexican Flag over U.S. Flag

They're too busy luxuriating in a plethora of fine hotels and dining with their special interest friends.

The illegals go unnoticed by the bloated ticks that populate the halls of Congress, people who perennially earn their living from the public money trough. Illegals are welcomed by this austere body as just another group who has seen the light on how to make good use of public money, like their Congressional mentors.

Soulless and exploitative politicians, who 'hallow' the halls of Congress, advancing the reconquista agenda of the illegals for their own gain, portraying themselves as caring and compassionate individuals worthy of re-election, while their pejorative policies wreak havoc on the nation.

The immigrants are placing a staggering load on America's health care system. Houston area hospitals have lost 125 million dollars providing treatment for illegals.

The Mayflower Compact... the first Civil Charter for self-government in the New World begins, "In the name of God, Amen."..

by Blog Administrator

In 1606, Jamestown was founded by individuals who sought the freedom to establish and build their religious faith.

In 1620, a small group of church separatists, known as pilgrims, sought to flee religious persecution in England. The Pilgrims had incurred the displeasure of both civil and church authorities because of their withdrawal from the Church of England, which was seen as full of corruption. And, for their use of the Geneva bible, which made it possible for the individual to read and understand the Word of God without the need for the King or Church’s interpretation. "As they read the scriptures, they saw things that were not right within the church and in the land. Thus the movement that eventually brought these people to our shores and founded this nation began when people had the Word of God and began to study the Holy Scriptures. Ours is a nation born of the Bible", "The Church that helped Found America"– D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

The Pilgrims had come to the New World for two reasons, (1) to establish a place where they could worship and live according to the scriptures and (2) they had undertaken their journey "for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith." They were in the words of Harvard historian, Samuel Eliot Morison, "a simple people inspired by an ardent faith in God, a dauntless courage in danger, a boundless resourcefulness in the face of difficulties, an impregnable fortitude in adversity.." , "The Church that helped Found America"– D. James Kennedy, Ph.D.

The separatists sought to covenant a social compact for government in the New World. The Pilgrims 1606 Church covenant became the first civil charter, for self-government in 1620, known as the Mayflower Compact. It begins: "In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. Having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia." Public School texts purposely omit the Mayflower Compact’s opening invocation to God, since the state education system only approves ‘revisionist’ American history for K-12 education.

Contrary to Public education’s revisionist artisans on America’s first inhabitants, the Pilgrims were not ‘world travelers’ and the colonies were not ‘multicultural’ or ‘diverse’ settlements fostering social and economic equality. They gave thanks to God, rather than to the Indians, for their successful journey to the New World at their first thanksgiving. These religious settlers all shared a common Christian faith.

In 1643, early settlements created the New England Confederation of 1632 which declared their purpose: "We all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity with peace."

Prior to the Pilgrim landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the concept of the rule of law as a reigning entity was unknown. Power had been historically vested in a single religious or secular entity in Europe, i.e. the Pope and the Kings of Britain and France. It was the Pilgrims who developed the notion of the law as ruler; the state existed merely to carry out the mandates defined by that law. And, law would be shaped based on biblical principles rather than by a monarchy. "Historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps, even more than the Constitution, is our founding document." - "How the Bible made America", - Newsweek Dec. 27, 1982

The seeds of the social compact of local control and self-government introduced by these religious immigrants would take root and grow. The 1641 Puritan document, the "Massachussetts body of Liberties" contained the notion of "equal protection under the law...due process protection for life, liberty and property, no cruel and unusual punishment and no taxation without representation." These same ideas would appear some 150 years later in the Declaration of Independence.

The Public education system is the reason for the ignorance that abounds in America’s schools on its religious founding. It was educator John Dewey who promulgated the idea that all truth is relative, and a function of the society in which you find it. Such statements are an expression of the social engineering themes indoctrinated into children by their public school mentors, an ideology taught by the masters of social change like Dewey, whose relativistic truth philosophy is nothing short of ‘religion’ in the public schools.

Democratic National Committee spokesman, Howard Dean has noted that the notion of traditional marriage is outmoded and outdated, not unlike the puritan ideals of those who founded America. The social change artisans are busy proffering their Marxist-Socialist worldviews on America’s children, that private property ownership is theft from the state and religion is antithetical to the notions of freedom and happiness.

What Further Need is there for the Kansas Legislature?

by Blog Administrator

It seems that the people of Kansas are paying for something they’re not getting these days, and that’s representation, even though there’s more than enough taxation. So the question that needs to be posed is, what are we paying the state legislature to do, besides obey illegal court orders? Couldn’t the Kansas Supreme Court do the same job of the legislature better and more efficiently?

Why should the public pay 125 state representatives and 40 senators to rubber stamp the KSC’s illegal mandates? Since the Kansas Supreme Court already has the power to appoint other judges under the state constitution, why not let the court run the whole show, including the governor’s office? Kansas would become less of a laughing stock because its new autocracy would be like most of the rest of the world. This is a plan that the news media should whole heartedly embrace, given their oft repeated cries for laws allowing the governor to appoint state school board members, instead of electing them, as is done now. I suggest that most Kansans would scarcely recognize a different pair of hands in their back pocket and the state would have another 7 million dollars in salary savings, to pump into the white elephant of public education, one that already consumes 67 cents of every tax dollar collected.

John Vratil, 7th district Leawood moderate republican and leader of the Senate, has stated that failing to take action on an illegal Kansas Supreme Court mandate to increase taxes for K-12 education is counter productive, "Whether or not one agrees with the Court mandate to increase funding for education, the mandate exists. If two independent branches of government decide to fight rather than move independently toward a solution, the citizens of Kansas will lose. Currently, the majority of the Legislature does not have the will to raise new sources of revenue, whether through increased taxes or expanded gaming. Many prefer to "dig in" and blame the Court for the current crises."

Why how unfair to blame the court’s usurpation of power The senate leadership believes it selfish when Kansans keep more of the money they worked for, rather than allowing the royal monarchy of the court, to spend it for us.

Missouri was also told how ‘gaming’ would provide the necessary money for their schools but gambling never enriches anyone except the gamblers and the few politicians that sell out the public trust to get it legalized. Some of the ‘will’ not to raise taxes in the legislature is being driven by the necessity of these same individuals, having to return to their own districts and face constituents for re-election, the only thing that matters to most of them. I’m surprised that no one in the state legislature has had the gumption yet to appoint a committee to do their job for them, that way, only the committee gets dumped when things go wrong.

The citizens of Kansas lose whenever the constitution is put aside, the separation of powers ignored, and the courts allowed to act outside of Article VI limits in the US Constitution. Kansans also lose when ever politicians, elected to institute meaningful change, cower, look the other way, or like Matt Blunt of Missouri, ‘flip flop’ from the position they used to get elected. The one inviolate commandment to the social left and their moderate allies is to maintain control over and distribution of the public’s money.

In the meantime, our system of self government is violated in order for the sectarians of autocratic control, to forcibly implement public education’s ‘teaching for change’ social engineering agenda.

The mullahs, who currently grace the Kansas Supreme Court, have called for an extra billion dollars for public education. There are pressing needs everywhere we are told, with an Olathe principal on ‘administrative’ leave (that means paid), while he answers charges for the sexual assault of a 10 year old kid. Then, there are legal fees for a Kansas teacher fired for ‘sexual’ activity with one of their students. And, then there’s the costs associated with an investigation of yet another teacher, secretly meeting an adolescent at some nondescript activity outside school. The public needs to understand that ‘sex education’ is very important to the overall learning process and after all, lawyers do cost money.

Isn’t this just what is expected from teaching children about how to have safe sex, while calling it ‘education’? But I ask, why should the teaching professionals alone, be fired? Shouldn’t your state representative and senator get the ’boot’ right along with the teachers for funding this morass of nonsense and failing to properly assert their legislative role under the Kansas constitution? And, I advocate this in a purely bi-partisan manner.

The republican moderates and liberals have a ‘bi-partisan’ plan for spending your money differently than you would choose, for the furtherance of their lack luster political careers, courtesy of taxpayer ‘bought and paid for’ public education votes.