Attorney Lin Wood says there is convincing evidence the election was stolen

by: Cassie B.

(Natural News) Did Trump win the election in a landslide? That’s what attorney Lin Wood believes, and he’s hoping the legal system will set things right.

Appearing on The Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax, Wood spoke about the lawsuit he filed as a Georgia resident alleging their secretary of state lacked the legal authority to allow mass mail-in balloting, which you can view below.

He filed a motion for an emergency review of the case to stop the illegal recount, which he says was based on an unlawful general election. In March of 2020, Georgia’s secretary of state made a deal with the Democratic party to change the process related to written absentee ballots submitted by mail, which is something that only the state legislature can do.

He wants to stop the certification to select the electors because it was based on an unlawful election. He believes the government should order a special session of the legislature to decide how the electors will be chosen.

Wood said there was rampant voter fraud in Georgia thanks to electronic voting machines and mail-in ballots and that the true outcome was far different, stating: “When the actual votes – lawful votes – are counted, Donald Trump won this state by an historic landslide, as he did throughout the nation.”

He said his lawsuit is focused on the unconstitutional process through which the procedures for absentee ballots were changed but does not go into the fraud of mail-in and Dominion ballots, which are separate issues. He said it was a massive fraud that had been planned for many years and the lawyers involved in the case have done a great job collecting solid and compelling evidence.
