As the left continues to push our country towards communism and the Utopian paradise

promised by the democratic socialist party we are witnessing the horrendous price being

paid by those that fell for the false promises and virtues of communism.


    This is a view into the lengths humans beings will subject themselves

and their children to in their struggle to escape the fruits of communism.

 Once rich and prosperous nations now destroyed through ignorance and

false promises from the Democratic Socialist and the Marxist left.


Extensive Report on the Fraud of which Dominion Voting Machines are capable

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?

An x22report on Dominion voting machine fraud observed and chronicled during the 2020 election. The reader is encouraged to download and circulate this MP4 film as authorized by the source showing significant cases of election fraud perpetrated on the citizenry during the 2020 election. The courts have so far refused to consider the hundreds of sworn affidavits documenting fraud as well as the Antrim county Michigan Dominion analysis demonstrating fraud.

Watch as Dominion voting machines ALLOW multiple scanning of the same votes without rejection. See China and Iran accessing our votes through Dominion internet connections. Observe the sudden inexplicable spikes in BIden's votes during the early hours of November 5th to take the lead. These scans demonstrated the same Trump/Biden split throughout the various states.

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

The Arizona Maricopa County election coverup continues.  These crooks are doing all they can to obstruct justice and tamper with evidence because they know they can get away with it.

The Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) on Wednesday loaded its 2020 Election ballots on a truck for delivery to the Arizona Senate.  After months of attempting to obtain access to the ballots, the Senate won a court case where the judge ordered the ballots to be produced to the Senate.  So immediately before being told when and where to deliver the ballots, the MCBOS loaded the ballots onto a truck even though the Senate had not yet asked for the ballots.  It is not believed that this move of the ballots was performed under the proper chain of custody.

The newspapers somehow got a hold of this story and claimed the Senate was not ready for the truckload after months of asking for the ballots.  They have consistently declared Joe Biden won the election and that there is no evidence of fraud.  AZCentral reported:   For two months, the Arizona Senate has been demanding that Maricopa County turn over the 2.1 million ballots cast in the November election.