Rebus Sic Stantibus

by Blog Administrator 

The United Nations charter has been implemented as a treaty, superceding the nation's internal laws. The evil being done to the United States is without the consent of the Governed. The American constitutional form of government was written in perpetuity. Eliminating the highest law of the land without referendum is a criminal act.

Hillary Clinton has advocated signing the United Nations Small arms treaty, which would unilaterally disarm everyone within the country, no doubt the brass ring motivation for Department of Justice, Eric Holder's ill-fated 'Fast & Furious' gun walking scheme.

Don't expect U.S. Supreme Court decisions like Reid v. Covert, which found that that "..the Constitution supersedes international treaties ratified by the United States Senate" to protect against the intrusions of international law.

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is on record as stating " was their [the Court's] challenge to make the US constitution fit within the framework of international law." Neither has the 1874 Minor v. Happersett Supreme Court decision that "..citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.." prevented a foreign national from being US President.

If you fail to stand against these intrusions to your sovereignty, your independence, your right to keep and bear arms, then you, as individuals, as a state, and as a nation, are ruined!

RECOURSE? Yes, fortunately there is. There is a principle in international law by which treaties can be nullified. A SOLUTION to the problem of treaties is something called Rebus Sic Stantibus.

The Law Dictionary gives the definition as follows: Latin.. 'At this point of affairs; in these circumstances.] A tacit condition attached to all treaties to the effect that they will no longer be binding as soon as the state of facts and conditions upon which they were based changes to a substantial degree.'

Said to attach to all treaties, that said treaty should cease to be obligatory, so soon as the state of facts and conditions upon which they were founded has substantially changed. It is the highest reason in rank for voiding a treaty.

It is probable that your US representative is not sufficiently versed in International Law and will not know how to nullify these disastrous treaties which are the basis for removing private gun ownership, establishing 'free trade zones' by foreign nationals on US soil, etc.

There is always more to the international treaties proffered than what meets the eye or than the states and citizens are aware, not unlike for example, the current health care bill in which then Speaker Pelosi, said 'we'd need to pass it to find out what's in it.'

The people have been lied to about the "peace" program. They were not told that it meant giving away their armed forces and their own personal firearms. The true nature of the treaties was denied them. They were not told that the National Security and the security of the 50 states would be endangered as illegal immigrants continue to overwhelm the border. They were not told that they were being restructured for world government under a communist set of operating documents.

Now that the truth is known the situation has changed! This knowledge is grounds for nullification of these treaties. It is the Duty of the States to see that the Constitution is enforced as well as the Bill of Rights.

If the Second Amendment goes, ALL OF THE AMENDMENTS will go because it is the cornerstone Amendment.